Bosch Spark Plugs: Nickel versus Precious Metal

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Which spark plug is better, nickel or precious metal?
Both are equally good, because each one is made for a specific application: Nickel spark plugs are excellent for use in engines with port fuel injection, and precious metal spark plugs do an outstanding job in turbocharged engines with direct injection. Precious metal on the electrodes makes spark plugs even more resistant to wear. This is necessary because very high pressures, temperatures and ignition voltages prevail in GDI engines.
The video shows how each ignition spark tears out a tiny amount of electrode material and creates small craters.
The time lapse shows a direct comparison of how a nickel and a precious metal spark plug wear over time in the different engines.
Because regardless of whether it's a precious metal or nickel spark plug - at some point, every spark plug has to be replaced in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's specifications.

Рекомендации по теме

That music alone should sell more spark plugs 🤣


The precious metal fine tip spark plugs also tend to light up the fuel better with less fouling on two stroke motorbikes.


100% accurate. Easy to understand. And simple. Full points awarded


Precious metal spark plugs are men's best friends.


Laser ignition, with a Saphire window at the position of the central electrode, and a fiber laser feed through the ceramic insulator.


Why is the sinulation of the nickel sparkplug in an engine with port fuel injection, while the precious metal sparkplug is in an engine with direct fuel injection?


I understand that port injection and direct injection engines require different types of spark plugs, since port injection cars are generally easier going on the spark plugs. but I do not really see how the Bosh spark plugs improve the functionality of the spark itself. it doesn't do much to increase the efficiency while the prices can sometimes be double or triple that of a nickel plug.

if you want us to spend the extra money to buy your stuff, make it worth it to buy it. go ahead and over engineer it to make it ultra durable and ultra efficient, if it will save money in the long run it is fine by me.

PS: I have heard people working on carbon tipped spark plugs (me) that can basically last indefinetly. Bisch Basch Bosch, you got competition on the horizon, and they actually listen to the people and try to win them over with good quality to price ratio products.


Just saying, my Nissan Micra with HR16DE engine, a port injected (not direct fuel injection) flex fuel NA unit uses Bosh Platinum electrode plugs and their durability is much higher.
My old Clio and my dad's car requires new plugs with half mileage, about 40 000km or so, while Nissan's manual specifies about 100 000km.
Mine's about 12 years old and 60 000km, almost exclusive ethanol use and it still has factory plugs.


My car has a V8 and factory plugs. Changed them at 145, 000 miles. Put same factory plugs back in. No need for expensive plugs.


i thought it'll be about gold plated sparkplug.. 😅


Just about everything on cars improved in the past 30 years, on Japanese cars.


What's a spark plug? My engine doesn't have any spark plugs despite having eight cylinders. Now glow plugs, that's where it's at!


Fun fact, leave those plugs in an aluminum head for too long and you may not be able to get them out.


They must have had a team of rocket scientists and brain surgeons working on that. Clearly obvious. They could’ve make a spark plug that lasted longer years ago, just like they could’ve make tyres last longer, engines wear less and cars that don’t disintegrate when they have the slightest bump.
But they aren’t in the business of making stuff that lasts, they’re in the business of selling stuff that lasts as long as they want it too.


Is there such a thing as a spark fire counter (on a modern cars), that counts the number of fires to determine spark wear instead of mileage and display "engine check" and on-dashboard message when counter is up about sparks replacement? Would that be more precise than mileage counting?

Even better, is there a sensor (i.e., spark voltage) to detect worn sparks? Or both, sensor and counter (that combination might detect/indicate some other problem(s) with the engine)...


And the storal of the morie is: Expensive cars need expensive parts.


There are many multiport injection engines that require iridium plugs


For my Fiat Tipo 1.5 t4 Hybrid 130 cv?


280k on a set of NGK Iridium plugs in a Camry with only a 6 thousandths increase in original gap.


False. My vehicle came with nickel copper plugs from the factory. I am told that it is because they dissipate heat faster than iridium plugs. It runs great with the factory plugs and they are less expensive.
