Best Tips to Defeat Gigantamax Pokemon in Pokemon GO

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After noticing that many people are having issues taking down the new gigantamax Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Today, I’m here to share some of my best tips to help take down these extremely powerful Pokemon. If you find this helpful for yourself, please help to share to your friends in your community.

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TikTok: @iambrandontan91

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not sure why some of you are getting angry at Brandon for. he's not the one that developed the system - he's just here trying to make the best out of a bad situation.


It looks like most people in my community don’t care about G max. No one was out playing this weekend.


i had a group of 19-24 people and were able to take them down when we all coordinated our teams. i was able to get the hundo 1651 charizard and a shiny blastoise!! definitely possible and had a blast


Hi Brandon! I want to thank you that you have come to us in Switzerland (Solothurn). I had a lot of fun and I finally could met you. Thank you for everything 🤩


It was a blast meeting you! Even if we wouldnt have defeated anything, it was a great day. Thank you so much for visiting Switzerland. I wish you safe travels!


Our group organized 2 healers/2 attackers in each group and 20 of us took down a venasaur on the second try. I can’t believe we even did it


Meeting Brandon, was defenetly the best thing in life so What a Handsome Guy, just enjoing plaing Pokemon Go with others❤❤


thanks for joining us on the journey to defeat the gigantamax - mons😂 it was a blast🎉 wish you save travels and good luck, cheers Peach


Karlsruhe was super organized and even at the very end, when there were only a few people left, we managed the Gigantamaxraid of Charizard with 17 people. All this with good tactics in which the weak people strengthen the Dynawall and the fighting spirit for the strong players. Furthermore, we always had two full lobbies with 40 people, i.e. 120 counters. This made the Dynaraids a breeze😊


Took our group a minimum of 22 accounts, i got a 15/14/15 gmax chairzard so im happy with the 7 battles i was able to do


you can dodge the attack by moving sideways when it alerts you they are going to attack. this is a must for survival.


it was fun raiding with you brandon 🙏🏽


Cheering your teammates is very Important.


W Pokemon GO gram prawie od samego początku i muszę stwierdzić, że ten ficher z pokemonami Dynamax i Gigantamax to jedna wielka pomyłka NIANTIC.
1). Pokemony te do niczego nie są potrzebne. Nie można ich wykorzystać w PVP, ani w rajdach. Nie wchodzą do pokedeksu jako nowe pokemony.
2). Ażeby pokonać Gigantamaxa trzeba zebrać ze 30 osób. Na filmiku YT widziałem, że 27 osób nie pokonało Charizarda. :-) Te czasy już dawno minęły, że na rajd np. Tyrka przychodziło 50 osób. Teraz zebranie 5-10 osób, to szczyt możliwości chyba, że ktoś nazywa się Brandon :-) poza tym wygrany rajd nie gwarantuje złapania takiego pokemona. A jeśli ktoś już złapie, to CP jest niskie i przeważnie dziadowskie IV.
3). Ażeby wejść do lobby, to trzeba zużyć 800 MP energii, czyli można zrobić 1 rajd, albo trzeba dokupować MP za pokecoinsy lub płatne boxy.
4). Ażeby te Dynamax pokemony w rajdzie na Gigantamaxa miały jakąś wartość, to trzeba zużywać cenny stardast i XL candy na powerapowanie, wzmacnianie ataków, tarcz, życia. Nie można także wykorzystać pokemonów złapanych dużo wcześniej. To tak jakby do gry Pokemon GO dołożyli zupełnie nową grę Dynamax.
5). Ten nowy ficher powoduje, że telefon często się zawiesza i zaraz po wejściu do pokestopa MP (zapomniałem jak to ustrojstwo się nazywa) trzeba restartować grę, a to skutecznie odstrasza do wchodzenia w to "Dynamaxowe ustrojstwo".
Dla mnie ten ficher to wyciskanie kasy z graczy. Z tych powodów odpuściłem sobie Dynamax i tym bardziej Gigantamax. Ciekaw jestem waszego zdania w tym temacie.


Dont forget to dodge when the lines show up


Not worth it. Game inside of a game is predatory on my pockets.


Does the Gmax move do more damage than Dmax?


I went to a meet up on the weekend and we beat a Venusaur and mine was a 98%


Still find it absurd that you need like 30 people for each gigantamax boss


He's always positive in any situation, no matter how big it is. In this case, it's VERY BIG but I have a very small community...
