X-Core® No Zones Running

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X-Core - Flashing Sprinkler Icon, No Zones Running

If the controller display shows a station running, flashing sprinkler icon, or arrow pointing towards running, it sounds like the controller is doing its part. Maybe the water has been shut off to the zone valves. Go to the zone valve and turn the solenoid (where the wires are connected) 1/2 turn counter clockwise. If the valves have water, the sprinklers will come on even without the controller. See illustration below for activating the valve solenoid manually:

If the sprinklers turn on manually by twisting the solenoid, then the next step is to check for the proper voltage.

To confirm the proper voltage is getting to the valves using a voltmeter, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Turn dial to MANUAL-ONE STATION position. Station run time will flash in the display. Use the arrow button to move to the desired station. You may use the plus (+) or minus (-)button to select the amount of time for a station to water. Turn the dial clockwise to the RUN position to run the station.

Step 2

Use a volt meter to confirm there is 25-28 volts VAC at the screw terminals marked "C" and the corresponding station screw terminal ("C" and "2" for example).

Step 3

Next, go to the valve in question and check the same two wires connected to the valve for the same voltage.

Step 4

If there is no voltage or low voltage at the valve, you may have a damaged wire or bad connection from the controller.

Step 5

If you have necessary voltage (25-28 VAC) at the valve then the solenoid may need to be replaced.

If you need a new solenoid for the valve, Hunter makes our products and replacement parts available through our network of authorized distributors.
Рекомендации по теме

All six zones are down. Cleaned up all the valves which were badly colored, checked the voltage at the control box and
the zone that was selected checked 27 volts, but all the others checked 40 volts Does that mean that all the solenoids other than the selected zone are receiving 40 volts and are open ??? And I am not getting any flow because they are all open ? I have a pump relay that the control box activates and thought the high voltage may be coming from that, so disconnected the relay and got the same voltage. So I purchased a new control box X-CORE and got exactly the same voltage reading with that. If I remove the connections to all the zones and pick a zone in the control box I get the 27 volts at each of the zones in the box. And got the same results with the old control box that I replaced !! Have not checked the voltage to the solenoids but think it has to be the same that is coming out of the control box ! Can not understand how I can get a 40 volt reading from a 27 volt transformer


Hi! I have a Hunter XC and experiencing two issues:
1. Turning the dial to Manual-One Station or Manual-All Stations, I receive the sprinkler icon indicating it is running, but in reality, it is not.
2. I set a run time for A2. A2 continues to somehow revert to OFF and instead allocates A1 to the run time. Every time I set A1 to off and reset A2, it doesn't remain programmed. What is happening!!!???
Last question: What is the Sensor Bypass/Active button and what should it be set at?
Thank you!!
