React js & Firebase project - Realtor Clone PART 1
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In this new course, you'll create a realtor clone using ReactJS 18, Firebase 9, and Tailwind CSS 3.
You'll learn how to create a professional website and publish it online so you can share it with friends and clients or add it to your portfolio.
00:00 Intro
4:08 Install React js and Tailwind CSS and create the first template
41:41 Create pages and routes
1:00:09 Create the header component
1:32:11 Create Sign in, Sign up and Forgot password pages and OAuth component
2:58:11 Install Firebase and react-toastify and sign up the user
4:10:01 Complete the OAuth functionality
4:31:26 Complete the Sign in functionality
4:41:14 Complete the forgot password page functionality
4:51:01 Create private route and custom hook for protecting the profile page and add the logout functionality
5:46:41 Add the edit functionality to the profile page
6:10:01 Complete the header component and make it dynamic
6:22:16 Create the spinner component
6:36:59 Create the create listing page UI
8:19:25 Add functionality including onChange and onSubmit functions to the create listing page
10:16:16 Add my listings section to the profile page and create the listingItem component
10:53:38 Complete the listingItem component