Build a LinkedIn Clone with React and Firebase – Tutorial

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Learn how to create a LinkedIn Clone using React and Firebase in this full course for beginners.

✏️ Course created by @CybernaticoByNishant

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:08:51) The Base Setup
⌨️ (0:40:08) Log in and Sign Up Page
⌨️ (1:41:02) Authentication States
⌨️ (1:56:12) Building the Topbar
⌨️ (2:22:49) Adding Posts in Firebase
⌨️ (3:02:03) Reading Posts from Firebase
⌨️ (3:35:11) Profile Page Prerequisites
⌨️ (3:54:59) Building the Profile Page
⌨️ (5:48:36) Implementing a Likes System
⌨️ (6:37:23) Implementing a Comments System
⌨️ (7:20:12) Uploading Images to Firebase
⌨️ (7:47:10) Designing the File Upload Modal
⌨️ (8:05:10) Small Profile Icons
⌨️ (8:21:05) Updating and Deleting Posts
⌨️ (8:39:38) Home Page Profile Card
⌨️ (8:58:14) Building the Connections Page
⌨️ (9:31:31) Designing the Connections Page
⌨️ (9:44:30) User Search Functionality
⌨️ (10:16:10) Uploading Post Images
⌨️ (10:47:13) Final Changes

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan


Рекомендации по теме

Thank you freeCodeCamp for publishing my video on a Full-Stack Linkedin clone using React and Firebase. So happy to be here. 😄


Here go my weekends 😂😂😂😂😂😂. But hey Nishant, Thank you for this amazing course. Your voice has enough energy to excite developers to create almost anything.


First of all making a 11 hour long teaching video is not a small task and I appreciate it. But I have couple of feedback points. If this is a video for people that already have some experience with coding than it is not teaching much. You should explain some stuff in more details why things are one way or another. If this video is for complete newbies that just want to type along and have something working - you are jumping to fast between similar classes and files and make it confusing. Also one example like at around 30min there was an error in app and you just skipped what I would guess 10-15min and jumped to where it is solved. This course is 11h already, do no skip parts where you solving issues. Because people will have issues and these bits are most helpful.


I sometimes wonder how students are lucky nowadays to have free access to these tutorials to build school projects. Back in the days it was google, forum discussions and a lot of debugging.
Thank you instructor for giving out free knowledge


12hrs on paper, 1 Month in real life. But I'm good. 😂


i was just looking for a in depth firebase video and suddenly it appeared on my page that you have uploaded a video related to firebase. Thank you.


I love freecodecamp but lately the quality of tutorials has gone down significantly. I hate to critique but this tutorial is just dumb and very hard to follow. The guy has clearly not planned the project at all. It would be helpful if the content was vetted more thoroughly.


11 hours course, posted 6 hours before, but I am seeing some feedback comments before 6 hours before, i.e., Some extraordinary super genius people completed the 11 hours in few minutes, and were able to give feedback.
Guys like me required at-least 20+ hours (typically will take 4 to 6 weeks).


Just 12 hours.
Will start from today

Thanks you


Just completed the course and one thing I must say that..His teaching skills are surprisingly amazing..Thanks Nishant for your efforts!


It would be great if someone does one on Requirements gathering and Test Case deveopment end-to-end for say, an e-commerce project ! Thanks!


some part missing, like in start nearly 26m when u get firebase error till that u create only one input but suddenly came with full code


I just literally got a an email from a recruiter named Nishant Kumar as I started playing this video.


It would be amazing if you made a music theory full course, there arent many I can find on the internet and since you guys make the best full course YT videos I think it will really benefit you if you make a full music theory course since theres alot of musicians out there and not alot of courses or online help for them. I'd personally watch the full thing in a day if it comes out 💙


at around 30min there was an error in app and you just skipped what I would guess 10-15min and jumped to where it is solved. This course is 11h already, do no skip parts where you solving issues.


man I hate doing css, maybe just use bootstrap or any other for basic design so the focus is more on the actual build.


at 46:08, I can understand your logic, why you do these styles with body, while you can use for example div and add some padding or max-width. changing body is very unclear.


Thank you so much for the awesome content 🙌🙌👌👌😍😍👍👍


I just completed Reading post from Firebase and noticed that profile pop up portion is skipped. 3:35:48


@30:23 in firebasecong.js ...imported getAuth, made auth const and exported auth and app ... this was not mentioned while coding, we have to figure it out that he has done it.
@31:08 loginComponent credentialstails and setcredentails were added and it was not shown how .. the same type of snippets adding and code editing were done and left viewers to get confused. please explain add the video clips of you doing those things.
@43:50 LoginComponents.scss ..code snippet was used and didnt let the viewers know. you could have just said use this code from this link or something else. anyways i will find more of these instances so i will get used to it. Apart from that its going good
