Why and How to install the LTS kernel in Arch Linux

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Installing the LTS kernel in Arch Linux is recommended if you want more stability.
But what is the kernel?
What is the difference between the default and the LTS kernels?
Which one should you use?
You can find out in this video.

In this video, I provide more details why I prefer the LTS kernel.

To install the LTS kernel in Arch Linux, do the following steps.

First, check your current kernel version:

uname -r

If it is not LTS, install the LTS kernel:

sudo pacman -S linux-lts

Update your bootloader, if you use GRUB run this command:

Reboot your system.

After the reboot, you should see the GRUB menu, if you don’t see it, press SHIFT or ESC key during the boot time to enter the menu.

Then go to the Advanced options, and select to boot with the LTS kernel.

After you logged in your system, check the kernel version and make sure it is an LTS version:

uname -r

Now, you can remove the latest kernel and keep only the LTS kernel:

sudo pacman -R linux

If you keep both kernels, Arch Linux will use the latest kernel by default after you reboot your system.

I prefer the LTS kernel. What is your choice?



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The kernel is the heart of the build and should be completely stable. As you said, people should feel free to use the most recent kernel, but have an LTS on standby. Many Arch users, and I WAS one of them, feel as though they MUST live right out on the "razors edge" of everything and that's just not true. Without stability, everything else is meaningless. Great video by the way!!


Since the 5.1 kernel, my laptop has had issues where on random occasions the screen stayed black after suspend. This kept happening until kernel 5.5. Then, after switching back to LTS kernel 5.4, since it went through some updates during that time, that issue went away! Now enjoying a nice, fast and stable Linux!


Enjoy the new video and sorry for a small delay. I supposed to upload it on Friday but I was not able to finish it yesterday. Busy week...


thank you soo much for all the information ALU. I've been using arch for 1 years thanks to you. i saw installation process at your web page and i installed arch with your help. after that time whenever i needed help your page and channel were just there. thank you.


Thanks for this. I find it a little strange that with its RTFM philosophy, Arch doesn't itself provide any particular instructions for installing the lts kernel on its Wiki or any of its forums. But hey! Here is your video.I've been looking for the FM for two days in Arch space, not quite sure whether sudo pacman -S linux-lts would leave me hanging. It would have.. :)

I love Arch's openness and its (usually) thorough knowledge base, but the one thing that drives me to distraction is the inherent risk of compulsive bleeding edge running. I'm trying to build an Arch-based multimedia workstation, and although I adore having access to the latest versions of the tools I use, I don't like updating the kernel immediately upon release and having to field the bugs for the rest of the Linux community. In another lifetime, I wouldn't have minded troubleshooting as much or more than making music, but I'm getting too old and impatient for the endless tinkering.

But I'm also getting too old to wait for Debian to update anything! So I'm hoping this is the tonic I need.


Thanks. I'm going to try it. I don't change my hardware, so as long as it works, I don't need an absolutely up-to-date kernel.


i ended up switching to lts kernel because my gui kept freezing a few seconds after the desktop loads. still don't know what happened, but hey, no more freezing so im happy.


Thank you for sharing the video, I too prefer the LTS kernel, stability is more important if we use the OS for some serious work. For trying out linux with latest and greatest software we can always use the latest kernel and packages. Personally I use LM for a stable work horse system and use Manjaro KDE for the shiny new stuff but still with the LTS kernel. As about the delay in publishing the video, no worries I wait eagery for quality content.


im hoping someone may be able to help. i tried to install arch linux after using darriks boot and nuke. i had problems and couldnt do it all as per to instructions listed on the archlinux site about installing. all i could do was partition the hard drive, which worked, but nothing else would go through. commands like fdisk would work. any way, i turned it off and was just going to wipe it again and try ubuntu, considering i really had no clue what i was doing and was winging it, i figured ubuntu would be easier. but now, it wont run the arch linux boot usb, or the boot and nuke. just starts up to a black screen, and the input space is there like you should be able to start typing in commands, but it doesnt let you type anything. also its just the flashing white bar where you would be typing the letters, . so idk, probably burned this comp, but seeing if anyone might be able to point me in some direction in regards to fixing. thanks. peace


Hey thanks for posting this, as usual succint and informative. You might also include information on DKMS, esp in reference to things like VirtualBox or GFX Card drivers. Allows you to compile the packages to the current Kernel installed on your system, and automatically compiles multiple versions for multiple kernels. IMO, it's the only way to use multiple kernels as it ensures the best compatability to important packages. Usually the -lts versions work fine, but the head linux kernel will often have incompatibilities because the OEM's are slow to update their drivers.

Also, linux-zen ;)


Great video. The virtual box issue was the reason I opted to use the lts version.


sudo pacman -R linux _ A command I never thought I would use...:P

Thanks for the video, ALU!


For all those that have issues with nvidia-lts on Arch make sure to install dkms and replace nvidia-lts with nvidia-dkms as working alternative because nvidia-lts just is not compatible with linux-lts for some reason and this is the workaround for that issue.


I successfully installed Arch. I then attempted to install the latest LTS kernel (4.19**) following your advice and instructions. Updated grub.cfg and re-booted to Advanced options choosing LTS. However, everything comes to a grinding halt and the screen tells me "Started Load/Save Random Seed." and remains that way until I power down. How do I get back to a working version again? Did not remove the latest non-LTS kernel but even booting from that option leads to the same Random Seed line.


Amazing video! I use arch but should I install lts-headers or only the kernel? thank you.


Mmmm debian packaging using debreate? Customizing grub? Using plymouth (splashscreen)? too many ideas :D thanks for your vids.


Great video. I am running Salient OS and I finally got everything working exactly the way I want too. I am afraid the latest Kernel update will break everything I worked so hard to get right, so I was going to try installing an LTS Kernel. You made it seem easy. Great video and thank you for the explanation.


Can you install lts on system d? Holding shift does not give me more options. The Arch wiki says that I cannot launch binaries from partitions other than from ESP. Does this mean I am SOL with this method?


Thank's for your video, i want remove arch linux becase noting running virtualbox, i testing same comands but don't fix my note, now i find this channel and want to reinstall my arch. Thank's so much.


Thanx Alu,
very useful video and in acordance with KISS arch philosophy.
Cheers mate
