Top 10 beginner pickleball mistakes!

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A while back, I made a video about the top 10 beginner pickleball mistakes that I see the most often. The problem with that video is that I didn't include a lot of footage. Well, I'm back with a remake of the video that includes footage.

This video will help you understand some of the most common mistakes that beginner pickleball players make and how to fix them!

Thanks for watching!


Links to more Pickleball Kitchen content:

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This fellow is a great instructor! He is calm, well spoken, and very positive, plus he has great Tips!!


Agree on all of these but also a very common mistake is not learning the proper way to serve to begin with. There are a lot people who teach themselves how to play and never learn the actual rule on serving. It is a pet peeve of mine when I see illegal serves, particularly by players who think they are awesome because they can serve hard when what they are doing is serving illegally.


I have only played pickleball about 7 times total at the local recreation center and I did learn most of these by trying different strategies, but I am super lucky to have found this video.


Thank you so much for your advice. I began my pickleball journey a few days ago. I'm73 and this is awesome. I played a little tennis in my days, but I have played hours and hours of ping pong. It seems to me that many of the skills relating to pickleball come more from my table tennis experience than the tennis I've played. I'm sure it's just the opposite for experienced tennis players. Anyway, I'm certainly glad I finally got into this sport. I'll be checking you out for more advice in the days to come. Thanks' again!


Barrett, hands down you give some of the best Pickleball demonstrations and tips on YouTube.


Thank you. I’m at my fourth lesson and can’t wait to return with all you have pointed out.


I'm a new PB player, with a sporting background, and found your video to be really helpful in establishing the basics, many of which are NOT intuitive to new players. You are a very good communicator. I've only watched your video 10-15 times !! Bravo. Well done and much appreciated.


FANTASTIC beginner/refresher video. A group of us middle aged/fairly athletic gals started playing in 2024. While we have vastly improved, from day one, attending clinics, watching pros/instructional videos, I notice myself getting sloppy on basics. This was a great refresher and I sent it to all ladies with whom I regularly get together with to play Pickleball. Thank you!🤙🏼


Really liked this video. As a beginning player I find myself doing many of the mistakes you discussed & getting very frustrated because I had no idea what I was doing wrong. I will probably watch this over several times & hopefully be able to improve my game.


Haven’t played in a couple of years and just joined a “novice” mixer at my rec center and was concerned I was going to stink it up! This video helped a ton!! This video explained a lot and brought it all back to me. I feel way more confident now.


I’ve been playing pickle ball for about five weeks. I must say that I have been discouraged because the “regulars” at my gym are so much more advanced than I. This video gave me some great tips that I hope will improve my game. Thank you!


I’m a beginner. These recommendations make a lot of sense. Thank you!


I'm brand new and played my third day today. I love the game and your tips are very helpful. Can't wait to get back to the court and try your advice. Thanks again!


Very helpful…especially “shoulder high let it fly”.
It’s almost impossible to return to a body shot!


Just had a friend ask me to try out the sport and your video really gave me a good rundown on the rules and missteps. I’ll recommend your channel.


Best ever beginners tips. Thank you so much. I saw all the mistakes I have been doing and need to be more aware to correct these. It's been so frustrating in my games


Thanks for the tips! I just began playing this game, and making several of the mistakes you pointed out. Liked the advice about the Kitchen (past, present, future) and the last tip on returning a hard shot with a soft one.


I’ve only been taking lessons & playing a month. Your demo about methodically getting up to the kitchen and why it’s important finally taught me why it’s important and showed me how it’s easily accomplished. It also got a lot out of why it’s important not to creep forward from the service line when waiting for the service return shot. I made that mistake twice in my last doubles game! Now I understand why I need to stay put! Great video—thanks!


Been playing for 1 1/2yrs. Always good to go back and review basics. Helps to see what bad habits I may be developing. Great video - Thanks


These instructions were direct and very helpful. Thank you!
