Masculine Gay Culture

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Welcome Back, Friends! Today we go into the world of Masc 4 Masc and see what is going on.

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I'm masc and i had, for the first time, a fem boyfriend for several years. I gotta say, i learned a lot about being myself and being comfortable in my own skin from him. We broke up eventually, but that is one priceless lesson i owe to him.


Thanks for addressing this . Many of us, just want to be who we are. I dont want to fit a "stereotype". I too, live on a farm, service my own tractor and farm equipment, love to go camping, keep various animals on my farm, do DIY home improvement projects . I live my life on my own terms and dont allow my sexual orientation to define what I do, how I act, how I dress etc etc. A bit of advice is to live your life authentically and be your best self and not fall into some category that others want to place one in.


So basically the message is: accept and celebrate diversity, let people be who they wanna be, stop judging each other.
Sounds like a great message if you ask me!


I pass as a masculine because it's just natural to me. Sometimes it is hard when you have to explain why you're not interested in a strip club or why you don't wanna meet someone's sister, cousin, coworker etc.


I'm just myself. I don't know whether I'm faminine or masculine. But people say I walk like a woman. That happens unconsciously, so I won't adjust my footsteps for someone just because i want to proof my masculinity


Also, not liking drag race is not being “insecure” most people in general across all demographics just simply aren’t interested. I don’t find it entertaining. People need to stop trying to project their own insecure on others with buzzwords and claims of “bigotry” that aren’t real.


I look and dress masculine (workout, beard, Levi’s, work boots), but have feminine mannerisms (higher pitch voice, excessive hand gestures, silly poses).

When in straight male spaces, I don’t relate to a lot of what they say, and the dudes often want me to "man up." But in LGBT spaces, the people like me if they focus on my nonconformity aspects to the point of infantilisation. It’s as if they accept me "despite" my masculine characteristics.

I’m left feeling like I can’t fully relate to either group. I’m still figuring it out.


I always thought our community was so diverse with people but lately it has become very narrow in perspective.


To me as a non english speaker, it's so easy to hear you.
You speak so clearly, I loved it.


I have always liked more masculine men. I have been told that for a small guy who enjoys wearing jewelry, rings on every finger. Colorful clothes. Ears double pierced. You can still be masculine and wear what you want.


Just be you, your you. Don't give a toss about what's expected of you, from whomever. You are unique and wonderful as you are, enjoy.


This is my first time bumping into you: I really enjoyed hearing your comments. I'm a older guy (well, ok, an old guy) who mentally believes I'm still 30 (my body dictates otherwise 😂). I'm so impressed that a young guy such as yourself is comfortable putting himself so squarely in the public eye. But you have spoken truth to truth.

I was bred into an Ohio, rural, Appalachian village. I knew I liked boys from age 5 or so and spent the next 15 years in the closet. I didn't like football (it hurts), but I did like basketball and track, so I was safe. Plus, I was smart. Plus, I was a sosch. I spent most of my maturing years in Long Beach, CA (so, LA; hell yeah!) Your take on masc vs fem is dead on, and I appreciate that you, like me, have been able to date both. Kudos to you.


I am a military veteran. Former competitive amateur body biulder, I have always been masc. It is who I am. I think it is the other way around. My security of being masculine, make other gays that are more fem, feel insecure.


I’m not really into drag race, I would rather be out in my work shop at night instead.


Hello. Love your video. I might point out that in addition to insecurity, another factor in the social conflict you (accurately) describe is the changing nature of society itself. And these changes seem to go right to the heart of our shared concepts and values, especially in the U.S., which includes, as you point out, ageism and racial tension, among others. Right now, we're so hypersensitive on just about every issue that we're running out of qualifiers before we even come to terms.

Here's my point: The fact that public mannerisms, not to mention gender identity and sexual orientation, are under fearful scrutiny and criticism is not so mystifying. I'm in the Boomer generation and have had the opportunity of seeing these changes, even sharing rooms with two trans women in my late teens, and my head is still spinning. (Incidentally, this intergenerational hostility I've seen lately -- we Boomers called it the "Generation Gap -- is a discussion I would LOVE to have someday -- talk about stereotyping!) Anyway, I'm joining up, and thanks!


“Having lived it” “I was there” “what was necessary to survive the 70’s 80’s … the secret language ..the code..” when did I age into to these phrases!?? But there it is, the hidden history, the whole experience right there within me. It’s a lot !


I appreciate you taking on this subject. How we present is very personal, just as much as the process of coming out. Empathy, patience, and acceptance is what matters.

"Don't be negative... there's no space for that, " is bloody brilliant.


You know….. as a super passing masc top, I am THANKFUL for the cute fem guys that peak my interest! How boring would it be if we lacked diversity in our community?


Remember : Rupaul said long ago " that we are ALL born naked; and the rest is drag"


How quickly we as a community have gone from "you don't need homophobes to tell you how to live your life" to "you need *other gays* to tell you how to live your life!!!1!", and basically try to force people into two extremely-polarizing cliques that both hate each other and often see each other's very existence as a personal affront. What many of the people complaining about us masculine men-attracted guys (I say that because I'm bisexual) don't realize is that not everyone is personally interested in the same things or attracted to the same qualities. A feminine boyfriend would be nice imo (heck many of us bisexuals tend to be partial to the androgynous-looking), but they are not entitled to my body. Conversely, the reason why many of us masc guys are hated is because too often many of our arguments consist of "I'm not personally into/interested in X" followed by a dig at those who might be (I'm not saying you do this, I agree with your points).
