floor jack vs bottle jack

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floor jack vs bottle jack
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Thank you, a good explanation which helped me decide which one I should get.


Thank you very much for explaining the deference between the two


As soon as you said the bottle jack is stronger I had a light goes on moment. I'd been researching to see if a floor jack can be used horizontally having assumed that the floor one was more powerful. I have a stump of a tree growing tight up the the external corner of a stone wall (ancient bread oven in France). Power-washed the stump having dug down as far as i could, to get rid of dirt that would damage my chainsaw chain. It's a convoluted mess of a stump growing around stones, tiles, bits of discarded tools. I decided to give a bottle jack a try, smaller than your smaller one... couldn't believe it when I saw a 1/4" gap forming... half an hour later, various repositioning, it's a 3" gap!! BUT a piece of mortar dropped ... the stones in the wall were being displaced; the stump was fighting back! So I'll probably have to sacrifice a chain. But it was an interesting experiment/ waste of time! Thank you.


No spring in the chuck key ??? That is a security violation.
