Not the 35mm lens you were expecting....

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People have been waiting for a 35mm f1.2 S Z lens for a couple of years... well it arrived, and it is a non S lens with a 1.4 aperture... and it costs less than the 1.8 version... 🤔

Not the lens we expected, and not the ideal test scenario... but personally I prefer this over another $2000 f1.2 S lens... how about you?


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Internet people are strange. If Nikon would release a 35 mm f/1.2 lens then i guarantee they say "it's too big, too heavy and too expensive - won't buy. Nikon should do f/1.4 lenses instead..."


Z6 III and the 35mm 1.4 will be an awesome combo for enthusiastic photographers


I'm down for a cheaper 35mm F/1.4. It's light, it's cheap and the image quality looks close enough to the 35 1.8S. I'll most likely pick it up because the 35 ART is just too big with the ftz.

I think an affordable 1.4 is a good move. No one would be able to tell the difference between the 1.8S and the 1.4 anyways, especially on social media.


I think this is just an interim lens and is intended purely for the cheaper non s-line line up.
I think it’s still pretty safe to say that there will be a 35mm 1.2 in due course, because why wouldn’t there be?
Really good that there’s a cheaper light capturing prime now which is what we need and this will probably be the best option for the zf in any case!


I personally hope for a compact, lightweight Nikkor 35mm f2 with an aperture ring and weather sealing. I’m convinced it would sell very well!


My personal opinion - this was intentional. It could potentially help to boost sales of the Z6III... a nice compliment for those videographers who want that 1.4 but at a slightly more affordable price point, or
I could also see this for photographers who find the advantages of having a 1.4 more important, than the very technical refinements in a lens (that most will never be able to identify if not stated in a YT video). Sometimes the "character" that comes with these types of lenses WITHOUT the premium price tag, is preferred.

I wouldn't be surprised if the 35mm 1.2 still gets released later on.

More options is always a win IMO.


According to Ricci Chera, who works for Nikon, this is not the lens in the road map. Therefore a 35mm F1.2 S lens will appear ‘soon’.


Having invested in all the 1.8 S primes, ie. 35, 50 & 85mm, I won't be changing any of them for something else in the foreseeable future. The aperture is just fine & they are easily light enough to shoot handheld all day, with no problems. If I was starting from scratch, that might be a different story. I would need to try both lenses out on a sunny day & see for myself what the flare & chromatic aberration was like on both lenses. Purple & or green fringing drives me nuts, more than anything. I'd be willing to sacrifice a little more weight & slightly deeper DoF to ensure there was no colour fringing. So long story short, sticking with my 1.8 lenses, thanks very much.


I think I would have preferred an f1.4 s line. I agree that the f1.2’s are behemoths. So will stick with my 1.8s for now.


Interesting release. I already have a non S 40mm- yeah it’s f2 but it meets my needs and is super light.


Okay this is starting to make sense now. Very smart move from Nikon... the 35 1.4 is lacking in fine details. It's even apparent with the youtube compression. It's quite a bit worse than the 1.8. I think it's great that Nikon released this lens but I think it will eventually become quite a bit cheaper, maybe in the $450-475 range. Camera companies struggle to sell their top dollar 1.2 glass if the have a mid range 1.4 option. So making the 1.4 glass the budget option is a genius marketing move because then people actually have incentive to jump up to their top of the line 1.2 glass.


more people will get a $600 35mm f1.4 compared to a 35mm f1.2. Beginners and people who want to add a new lenses above the kits and variable aperture zooms without breaking the bank. Still hope they release the 35mm f1.2 s in the future.


Honestly, I like it. The 1.2s are way to large and heavy. I really hope they also make a 50mm 1.4 like this!


Couldn't agree more, 9:50. I'm in the common sense camp. As a long-time working pro Nikon shooter, I sold my 28 and 85mm f/1.4 AF-D lenses in the early 2000s (after transitioning to digital). Absolutely NO need for f/1.4 in the digital realm. Worked with a three lens kit for years, the 17-35mm AF-S, 50mm f/1.4 AF-D and 80-200mm AF-S. As a corporate and social event shooter and former PJ, I never felt I missed a shot with that kit. Always chuckled at the Canon fanboys buying their ridiculous "behemoth" f/1.2 lenses. Definitely made to extract $$$ out of the dentists and armchair/internet experts.


People calm down, the f1.2 is still going to come. Nikon is introducing a new f1.4 just for casual users


I have the Z 35mm f/1.8 S and it has performed well for me. I see no reason to replace it or add the f/1.4 for 1/3 stop at a bit less weight. I will buy a Z 35mm f/1.2 S if Nikon produces one, mainly for street photography. I believe the reason Nikon released the f/1.4 lens is to provide a lower cost option to pair with the Z6III in order to reach a larger market.


Had a feeling the 35 would be announced just after the Z6III, but I didn't see 1.4 coming. I just assumed Sigma or Tamron would handle the 1.4's. I do believe we'll still see a 35 1.2, and additional 1.4's coming. So they'll have a standard prime lineup and the 1.8 S line. Similar to two levels of the 2.8 zooms.

As someone that's in the market for a 35, I'm kind of not sure which way to go here (a good problem 🙂).


Hi Matt - I think they will still release a 35 1.2 S - this is just an introduction to a new line of lower quality but less expensive 1.4 non S lenses. I think its just a bit of a fake-me-out that they released the 35mm first for the new 1.4 line.

I think we'll still see the 35 1.2 S at some point in the next year.


I have both. I like the 1.4 because of the 2/3 stop difference and its impact on shutter speed, especially for the Z8 and my need to shoot in low light. I have not found it to flare. I think the rendition is nice and seems to not have the clinical sharpness of the 1.8 which suits me just fine.


Finally some who tested it, less words more photos.
I like it, never had a 35
15, 21, 40, 50 all manuals Voightlander.

I like this rendering, very much, no LD or ULD glass in it, this is good, AA, aand two cemented groups.

Its perfect!
