Mental Sickness

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I decided to recreate this meme in a more detailed format, including more TF2 accurate references
10 Common Mental Illnesses Crash Course
5 Ways to help someone struggling with their mental health | Mental Health Season - BBC Ideas
Mental Health Myths
The Stigma of Mental Illness | Sam Cohen | TEDxYouth@SRDS
5 Signs You're Battling Mental Illness
Imagine There Was No Stigma to Mental Illness | Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman | TEDxCharlottesville
Thomas Insel: Toward a new understanding of mental illness
Mental Health for All by Involving All | Vikram Patel | TED Talks
How does society perceive mental disorders? #HealIT
The Warning Signs of Mental Illness
Kevin Love details his battles with mental illness | ESPN
Acceptance and Mental Health
Teen Health: Mental Health
Overcoming the stigma around mental illness. | Michaela Mulenga | TEDxCasey
Atomic Habits for Mental Health
What's so funny about mental illness? | Ruby Wax
A tale of mental illness | Elyn Saks
Mental illness consumed my marriage -- until this epiphany
Breaking the Stigma and Shame of Mental Illness | Kitty Westin | TEDxFargo
Mental Disorders as Brain Disorders: Thomas Insel at TEDxCaltech
How to manage your mental health | Leon Taylor | TEDxClapham
We All Have Mental Health
The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health | Julia Rucklidge | TEDxChristchurch
What causes mental illness?