Sacrifice and Worship: Why God Rejected Cain’s Offering - In His Image | Week 4
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Genesis 4:7(NKJV)
7If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies
at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”
Application questions
1. Abel’s offering was pleasing to God because it was given with a right heart. How do you approach giving and serving God? Do you offer your best with a sincere heart? Explain your answer.
2. Cain’s sin directly impacted His relationship with God. How do the consequences of your actions impact your relationship with God and others, and what steps can you take to make amends where necessary?
3. Is there evidence of generational sin or ongoing temptations that you struggle with in any area of your life? Consider how this may impact your current way of living. What are some practical ways you could surrender these obstacles to the Lord each day?
4. Despite Cain’s sin, God continues to engage with him and provide protection. What does this tell you about God’s desire for a relationship with you, even when you fall short?
5. How can you begin to see Christ as the better Abel? What are the characteristic traits of God that you can choose to focus on this week?
• In what ways have you seen your sin hinder your relationship and worship to God?
• How can you anchor your hope more firmly in Jesus Christ amidst your current disappointments, rather than in the fleeting promises of this world?
• What steps can you take this week to guard your heart and seek accountability in your community?
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