Ugly History: The Spanish Inquisition - Kayla Wolf

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Dig into the era of the Spanish Inquisition, when the Catholic Church was charged with rooting out and punishing heresy.


In 1478, Pope Sixtus IV issued a decree authorizing the Catholic monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, to root out heresy in the Spanish kingdoms. The inquisition quickly turned its attention to ridding the region of people who were not part of the Catholic Church— leading to more than 350 years of ethnic cleansing. Kayla Wolf digs into the persecution and brutality of the Spanish Inquisition.

Lesson by Kayla Wolf, directed by Luísa M H Copetti, Hype CG.

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One issue with the video: Isabella II herself couldn't have ended the Inquisition in 1834, since she was just 4 years old at the time. Maybe her mom, the Queen regent signed off on it.


Recently, a group of Catholic Mexican decendents with interesting and unusual religious practices was studied. Turns out that they were descendents of Spanish conversos who were keeping alive some of their Jewish traditions long past the point at which the danger of discovery was over. And long past the time they knew the origins of the practices.


Fellow Prisoner: So what are you here for?
Me: I did laundry on a Saturday
Everyone: This guy is crazy!!


One part that isn't mentioned is that there was an Inquisition in Portugal too... and it was worse.
So worse that when a concerned Portugese man went to the Pope to tell what had been going on, the Pope told Portugal to reign in the inquisition.


I can only imagine all the "nobody expects the spanish inquisition" jokes there are gonna be.


fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, nice red uniforms


Once again England creating myths about Spain


Spanish inquisition : starts*

Everybody : Surprised Pikachu face


Ted Ed should have a vocabulary word list at the end of every video containing the uncommon vernacular from the video


I did not expect the Spanish Inquisition, but I expected the memes


I did not expect the Spanish have lasted so long. Three and a half centuries!


I didn't expect Ted Ed to make a video about the Spanish inquisition.


When the comment section is just "I didn't expect that":
_I'm so proud of this community_


Fun fact: for everyone who does an actual research, there were very few deaths in the Spanish inquisition compared to Switzerland or Germany


3, 000 people were "executed" in Spain across the entirety of the centuries of the Inquisition. That's it. Of the 3, 000 "executed" 1, 500 were "executed in effigy." That is, they built up a human-sized doll, and killed the doll, not the person, then expelled them from the country. That's it. That's the horror/terror of the Inquisition.


I’m going to be honest, a torture rate of 1/3rd is lower then most people would probably think with the Spanish Inquisition


You may not expect the spanish Inquisition, BUT one thing u may not expect either is that this is quite biased. Remember! The Inquisition was NOT exclusive to Spain. The spanish Inquisition wasn't even the harshest Inquisition of them all (you should see what the folks in Germany and England did, there the burning and witch hunting was a lot more common) although it had some particularities, mainly relating to burocratic procedures If I recall properly.

Spain had many enemies back then, and they were good with propaganda. That's why most common folk only remember the Spanish Inquisition and not the maleum maleficarum or the work of Matthew Hopkins


More people have been killed just during the night of Saint Bartholomew than during the whole Spanish Inquisition, which lasted for centuries. Not to mention the torture methods used during that time weren’t especially different than the common medieval punishments.


The Spanish Inquisition came after and was much milder than other countries' inquisitions. And people did expect the Spanish Inquisition, they gave a 30 day notice beforehand


The Inquisition started in 12th-century France to combat religious dissent, particularly among the Cathars and the Waldensians. The inquisitorial courts from this time until the mid-15th century are together known as the Medieval Inquisition. Other groups investigated during the Medieval Inquisition, which primarily took place in France and Italy, including the Spiritual Franciscans, the Hussites (followers of Jan Hus), and the Beguines. (Wikipedia)
