Homeless Family with 5 Kids Living in a Hotel Room.

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After walking out of this hotel room I broke down. To be honest, I don't know how Jean does it all. She tries to be a good mother to her five children. Every day, even in the Missouri rain, she rides a bicycle to her minimum wage job. But minimum wage is not enough for the family to break the weekly rate hotel cycle.

Many of the affordable, weekly rate hotels are run down. Most places are filled with drug dealers, criminal activity and are unfit for children. It's a vicious cycle of homelessness because while paying to stay at these hotels it's nearly impossible to save for first and last months rent to get out of the situation.

Jean once had a home, a car, and a better life for her family. Unfortunately, we are going to see more families losing everything and facing homelessness.

I am glad that we have people like Paul taking real action to help people. We need more to step up. We need you!


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Invisible People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the way we think about people experiencing homelessness.
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Everyone always thinks "that" will never happen to them... Be thankful for what you have. Whatever it is you have, praise God.


People need to STOP criticizing and keep their crappy comments to themselves. This could happen to anyone..no matter HOW good you think your back up plan is. At least she is getting up and going to WORK every day and TRYING!!! A budget hotel may not be the ideal place for her kids, but they've got a roof over the head, appear well-cared for, and are obviously loved. I hope things improve for her soon. I have NO problem helping hard-working people that have had bad luck and fallen on hard times. I have no problem giving a helping hand to someone that wants to help themselves! I do have a problem giving money and help to people that DON'T want to work...that DON'T want to try. There's a huge difference....and this woman deserves another chance!


No one wants to live like this, it can happen to anyone of us in the blink of an


First off to those who didn't listen before being judgmental... she had a steady job, she had a home. She had five beautiful children. She lost her job then her fiancee got injured and was unable to work. That is what happened. She got & shelter. She feeds them. Those kids know they are loved. What she did not do is give up, get bitter, and quit trying. She didn't ask to win the lotto, she asked for a good steady job. Hell of a woman, and SHAME on those of you who would pass judgment on her.


For those feeling superior, don't ever think that this can't/won't happen to you. With the right sequence of events, this is any one of us.


That mother has such a kind, gentle heart. Her smile is warm and beautiful. She's a wonderful mother.


My heart goes out to this women I want to give her a big hug


Poor girl. She loves her children, I pray that her and her husband find good jobs a home and things get back to normal for them .


At least she wasn't hyper egotistical and believe that a McDonald's position was beneath her. There are times when one has to start way over in life and begin again. I was one of those people. Homeless and 9 months pregnant. Now I'm an RN😌🙌☝


Despite what's going on in her life, she seems to have a very cheery personality. It's endeering, heartening.


Man, this is really eyeopening.
Here I am sitting in my 400.000 dollar dream home which we just purchased here in Las Vegas.
I was upset all week because since my retirement, I have gained weight because all I do is eat and watch TV.
I have seen the homeless and less fortunate when we venture to the strip, but I had no idea it was that bad, and I'm sure it's even worse now with the pandemic.
Very sobering to for making this documentary.
We need more compassion in this world.


Wow.. I shed a tear for this woman.. she is so kind😢 I hope she is doing better now with her kids.


I started out dumpster diving and living in the back of my truck, cold cold nights in Kansas. Years later the last job I worked I made over a hundred thousand a year, nice home new cars and the best of everything. Three years later I am broke and one step from the streets! Things happen people, never condemn anyone for their place in life...


If I was a millionaire I would not hesitate to track this woman down
and hand her a check for 100K so she and her kids can get their lives
back on track.
This is extremely sad.


And also, to all those people who are downing this woman, I certainly hope that God does not show you the same kind of compassion you show to this woman! "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2


Jean is such a strong person/mother that really cares about her family. I admire her for riding her bike to McDonalds to work & support her family. With 5 kids to support, I'm sure it's stressful for her. I wish there were more resources to help needy families like Jean.


wow i wana cry ... i cant take this any more ... life is so so unique and rare ... i should b taking for granted what i have .. even tho i have nothing and still live with my parents as an 19 year old that hasnt graduated high school


heartbreaking. much respect to the gentleman who gives these people a place to tell their story.


Really a sad thing to watch Jane with 5 kids living in homeless situation. May God bless her with all her needs.


Just saw this clip on PBS World.
So tough to watch.
In America, anyone is 3 months from homeless if earning minimum wage or even more...

The safety nets have big holes...its too bad....

And the heartless comments are reprehensible. So little empathy left in the
