Homeless Family with 6 Children Lives in a Small Hotel near St Louis

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WARNING: This video will mess you up!

Being on a road trip focusing on homeless youth it was important to tell the story of the homelessness you don't see -- the millions of American families living in weekly rate hotels just barley one step from street homelessness. In fact, when I met this wonderful family today, they were packing up to leave and live in their car. The hotel had given them one day's grace, but they were completely out of money with no place to go. I am still emotional thinking about it even hours later. Truth is, thousands upon thousands of families face being evicted from a hotel to the streets every single day! This family was lucky. I tweet out what I call a "Hail Mary" and a generous heart stepped up and donated a weeks stay. That too messed me up!

Michael, Danielle, and their six children live in one hotel room near St Louis. Michael works a full time job, and they used to rent a house, but their landlord didn't pay the mortgage. After the bank took the property back, Michael, Danielle, and their six children were evicted with no place to go.

Hotel homelessness becomes a trap. Hotel's cost more than an apartment, but you can move right in without deposit, and a hotel room is far better than the streets. Once in, people who are considered the working poor, have an impossible time trying to save up enough money to afford adequate housing. Often these hotels are not a good place for kids to grow up.

There is a lot of emotion in this video. I get messed up throughout, but when the parents start talking about having to run in to the bathroom to cry so the kids don't see -- I'm done! I am pissed that families have to live like this and heartbroken because I can literally feel their pain. I don't speak about this much, but I was raised by my mother and we went through some hard years when I was young.

If I could get you to watch just one video all the way to the end, and then share, this would be that video. This family is filled with strength and love, and has the courage to share their very real story about the homeless you don't see, but need to see!

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Invisible People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the way we think about people experiencing homelessness.
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I wish there was a way for families to have at least a home to live in... WITHOUT ANY JUDGMENT! My heart goes out, I’m a mother who understands that whole “putting on a smile in front of the kids” while your heart is crying bloody tears.... I APPLAUD THEM FOR STAYING TOGETHER!!!! These parents are HEROES—— they could’ve given up their kids and ran away... but they’re sticking it out “together” ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌸🌸


I admire families that stay together, regardless of how bad it gets. There's so many kids that are given to foster care and they suffer so much. I pray that this family gets help and succeeds together. To the man of the house, don't give up! :) Prayers.


Nobody deserves to be homeless, especially people who actually work. The cost of living in this country is atrocious. I hope they're ok now.


I feel so bad for the older kids they understand what’s going on


Having lived in a hotel with my family for the last year and a half... I know their pain


The oldest boy is listening with a very serious face, he knows and understands...


I salute the Dad for staying there with his family and try to make it day by day and also to Mom. I hope they get help.


i dgaf what these ppl did past or present. this family has proved that you CAN stick together. theyre kids have clothing on their backs and food in their tummys. bless them. the exact same situation happened with me as well. parents rent to own trailor home, the owners were crack heads and didnt pay mortgage-we were evicted. i was 12 years old.


Just remember: Judge not least Ye be judged.
I pray this family, and others like them, get a friendly helping hand up.
God bless them all.


I wonder how their doing now. U can see the hurt on them both. We r ALL one check away from being homeless


Logically speaking, since you want to judge rather than critically think, the father probably got most of those tattoos BEFORE all those kids came along. The kids aren't that old. He could have got the tats in his younger, "wilder" days and now settling down and trying to provide for his family.

He's at least there. So many parents run away from their responsibilities.


When I was 6 years old my family was homeless and living in a campground in a tent for several months until we got back into a house. My mom told me we were on Vacation and I did not find out until I was around 16 that we had no other place to live. I remember telling my mom I was tired of being on vacation! One day I found a bunch of change by the playground and I showed it to my mom and I remember she asked me if she could borrow it. I'm sure she used it for food.


It's sad that I didn't see this video until 2020. As a Canadian that invest in the USA - I would have looked at the home they used to live in and see if I could have purchase it from the bank and let them rent it back out on a rent to own bases. What a great family and thanks for sharing.


That happened to me. I had sold my house and was not sure what area I wanted to live in permanently so I rented a house. Three months after I moved in with a one year lease I had a knock on the door from the bank representative telling me that the owner of the house I rented had not paid the mortgage in three months. It was me and my daughter. I was shocked. But I found out that the bank had to give me three months due to the court date for the reprocessing. So he told me you can stay three months and pay the owner or not it your choice. So we stayed the three months I keep that rent money and found a place. I actually rented a room from a friend to have the time to figure out just where I wanted to be. So I have come a long way since then. And so the first chance I got I bought land. Now we always have a home. Even if it’s in a tent. We can be on our on land. But we have put a cabin on the property now and if one of my children wants to live there the sky is the limit. They can have a tiny house and RV or build a huge house. There is room for all of my family. That eviction taught me a lesson that has benefited not just me but my children and any future family. We will have a home. And in my will I have stated it is never to be sold. Only passed to family. And my girls know where and where to pay the taxes if I am ever unable to. God bless you I hope you find your forever home.


I was homeless for 3 months with 2 children in my i thank jah it's over...theses families are so amazingly brave


I wish from the depth of my heart that this family is doing well... I admire how the father and the mother are taking their responsibility and doing their best.


Their children are gorgeous. I always feel so bad for the children and their innocence. Makes me realize how blessed and spoiled I was throughout my own childhood.


Breaks my heart..i hope this family made it


This is the creeping reality of American workers wages stagnated over 3 decades. In 1994 my weekly pay took 50% take home to cover mortgage. Fast forward to 2017. Same job, same neighborhood, smaller apartment. Weekly take home pay takes 120%. Very simple math. The system is broken, period. God bless.


I have 5 brothers with me 6. I'm thankful for God and my parents, for always taking care of us and providing making sure we always had everything we needed. My heart goes out to this family. I would like to help in any way. Please let me know.
