Log Disk exhaustion and low disk space on VMware VCSA appliance Fix

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Have you seen the error Log Disk Exhaustion on VCSA? If you have, you are not alone. Disk space problems can creep up on the VCSA vCenter Server appliance. I am running a decently sized home lab environment and have seen this problem a few times over the past few months with the storage/log partition showing it was running out of space.

I am using the default partitioning scheme with the VCSA appliance and accepted the default partitioning scheme. This is a follow-up video to a blog post that I posted here:

It steps through how to explore the directory structure on your VCSA 7.0 Update 2 vCenter Server appliance and find files that are eating away at your disk space. In my case, it was mainly normal log files that were not large in themselves, but due to the quantity of the log files, these had taken a large chunk of disk space on the log partition.
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Thank you my friend, your video and blog were very useful as this the first time I've experienced this error on VCSA 7.0 U2. I was able to reclaim some space on the appliance log disk by removing old log files. I believe VMware will address this housekeeping issue in there next update.


WinSCP helped. I didn't know of that tool prior to this. Very helpful.


Make sure you take a snapshot of the appliance before deleting any log files. Once the space been reclaimed reboot the appliance. If it comes back up without issues you can remove the snapshot. Linux (vmware) is picky about missing log files and the services won't start. I too have the same issue of log files not being rotated properly in 7.0 Update 2d.


we cannot connect via WinSCP to the directories of our VCSA (6.7 U3), since the storage/log logs exceeded 98% and the vpxd service is stopped (does not start).
What should we do in this case, how to fix it, please tell me the solutions?
