HUGE TIPS For Choosing A Main In Apex Legends!

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I main both Crypto and Octane but can't help but play everyone. Its just more fun to play different legends every few games


True stuff. Also, if you work on team cohesion and basic firefight skills, you can perform well with any legend


Or play with all of them every day and have fun


I personally like using movement characters in mixtape game modes, but Wattson in BR, and it helps me be a more aggressive Wattson, but not too aggressive to the point where I can't use my abilities.


Lately I’ve been feeling really good with valk


I recently came back to apex after being an og player, and I unlocked my first non starter legend (ash) a few days ago. She is so fucking good. Nothing more satisfying than flanking an enemy with ult, then trapping them with tactical when they try to run away. Just revived your teammate? Get back to their death box and track down their killer with her passive. She is incredible. I do have my eye on unlocking Newcastle soon for when someone takes ash. Still, give her a try. Very good legend


I was a day one Wraith main, then path, Valk and ash. But I switched to wattson in Season 12. And just love her. Not because of her ability's but because of her puns ^^
I got my highest damage game on ash. 4, 2k in ranked (tho I only play ranked...) I know that choosing watty gives me a slight disadvantage. Especially since I have to entry frag more than I want to if my Randoms won't do it. Someone like ash, valk, path would fit my flanking offensive playstyle more, since I get higher damage and kill games with these legends. But I got used to playing more passively and around my teammates. The pylon saved me and my team multiple times, especially in endgames when an airstrike comes down, or someone runs out of shield. And fence kills are just satisfying on a whole different level then just arcsnaring someone for example. Wattson is a very strategically legend. She is certainly not for everyone since you have to think ahead. But her small hitbox makes it possible to be more offensive than most people would imagine she could be. People underestimate me, don't consider my shield recharge ability, or dont think about pre placed nodes, which leads to easy satisfying kills etc. But with all these leaks on conduit... It looks like she will be the counterpart to wattson, just like ash to wraith. I think I will have a new main soon. But only if she is adorable as wattson ^^


That's wild. I do literally every one of these. Thank you for the help.


All I want is for fuse to be able to his knuckle cluster while shooting lol


I usually main Pathy or octane but I noticed that the aggression gets me kills 7/10. So I started using Catalyst or caustic to make me slow down and actually play with strategies instead of “50 on that guy. Pushing. *dies* where’s my team”


Bangalore was my first legend and I have been using her a lot lately. Still doesn't disappoint. Mad Maggie is good to push and keep teams from hiding etc.


octane and lifeline. and yes very different playstyle legends but it helps


My main is rampart, I gotten so good cause of arenas, then I dominated, but I like bouncing off different legends played for so long it gives me fresh interest in apex


I was a revenant main for a while before switching to bang and now it’s the new old guy with three guns. His ultimate has legit saved me when I ran out of ammo


Lately I’ve mained Bloodhound and Revenant.
Bloodhound besucase I literally can’t see players cus the graphics are dumb on the switch and I like knowing where players are at so that I have the tactical advantage to set up a plan and Revenant because I have mastered his abilities and cus he’s taller 😂


I’ve played apex since it came out and will can’t find a main. I quit apex for the first half of this season to go back to other games but quickly got bored of them, especially fortnite. Surprisingly from playing fortnite my ability to control my shots like my recoil, are much better and those shotguns are so much easier to use now💀 For some reason I chose the limit on who can easily get high ground. I’m leaning towards Valk the most but am also thinking horizon and vantage. Since vantage doesn’t have an heirloom she’s not in it hat much for me. The heirlooms and pristeige skins are very important for me some reason, I know they are very hard to get but it’s just what I really need to play them🤣


Definitely stick with one for ranked, but for pubs just have fun


I like playing high ground so I choose characters for that. I also like running away lol


Learning how to play Bloodhound is like learning how to ride a bike


This a valid point my problem is that I play the most used legends Path Blood Wraith Octane and Valk. So when they get picked I have no one else to play because I don't like other legends in the game not because they are bad but I've spent so much time with the 5 I named I don't want to invest time into a 6th or 7th legend
