Nobody can help you | J. Krishnamurti

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Nobody can help you | J. Krishnamurti
Extract from Public Discussion #1, Brockwood Park, UK, 1969


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© 1969 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
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TRANSCRIPT: What have I learnt this morning? I have learnt – I am learning, rather – that deeply nobody can help me. That’s a tremendous realisation. The helper, whoever wants to help me, he is helping me according to his conditioning. He says, ‘I know better than you do, old boy, let me help you.’ Or, ‘I’ll help you, I’ll be your companion, to walk together. We’ll watch things together, ’ which means I depend on him. I need someone to support me, in walking. And I have discovered, if I have to do something ultimately by myself, why don’t I begin right from the beginning, not wait? I can’t do it because I am frightened, I want support, I want security, I want somebody to tell me, ‘You’re doing very well, old boy, carry on.’ And I have seen that any form of resistance – any form, outwardly or inwardly – any form of resistance is a wastage of energy. I have an opinion about something or other – prime minister or the Labour Party, or I don’t know, whatever it is – I have an opinion – that there is or there is no God, that this is right, this is wrong – and I am unwilling to change it. That’s a resistance. And when you say something which is an opinion, your opinion, can I listen to it without resisting, and change because what you say is true? So I find… not to have opinions at all.

So I see that where there is attention there is an abundance of energy. And that energy is attention, and that can look, observe without the observer. The observer is the conditioned entity, the reaction, the resistance. I’ve seen this very clearly, not intellectually but deeply – you know, feel it. Therefore I’m going to watch if there is any form of resistance creeping up, and I know what to do. Now I am free to listen. Free to listen and therefore free, all the time changing.


Happy to know there are people who care to listen to what he has to say.


This man is pure intelligence, without any wooing or comforting anyone. Too straight forward and awakening


Where there’s attention there’s energy. Great realization.


*Stop waiting for someone else to save you and fix all your problems*
Commit to becoming the hero you have been waiting for!


The observer is resistance. Energy can observe without the observer. I feel it.


Where there is attention, there is abundance of energy....


When you don't judge things they get a new meaning☀️


the program being tremendously aware of its being programmed is the greatest program of awakening of intelligence the the intelligence itself is trying to tell you k is nothing but the medium of intelligence


I’m learning that our minds create reality


In the video, the speaker has uttered the word " I" number of times.
I am learning, i am seeing etc
But where there is"I" there can be no learning
Man is just a speck in the whole existence . He can't analyse this vastness that surrounds us.
The role of sublime company (association) can never be rejected which k does everytime.
Definitely good company inspires us to get rid of our shortcomings and limitations. The whole job of self transformation is done by man himself, but good company acts as a stimulator. It makes him reflect upon his real behaviour. It gives him a push to move forward
After all what are your video meant for.
They also compel man to look within
You can't nullify the role of great company.


I love listening to this wonderful man, I know I am not far developed but
Krishnamurti does not make me scared for this, on the contrary
Listening to him makes me calm. I love this man.


1969... Wow, one of his earliest talks posted on this channel...
JK's voice is so clear and energetic.
Great work👍


This is genuinely clearer and clearer. Truth is crucially clearer when I'm blue, but when I'm in an equilibrium kind of state it's beautifully clear, and I sense peace in the realisation of truth, in this case that nobody can help me, I'm blue, those are hard times we live in, and this is brutally clear for me.


I love this channel. His talks are so important to me. Whenever I'm feeling down and stuck in my head, a few excerpts from his lectures and it puts things in perspective. Thanks to the uploaders and J. Krishnamurti for all his wisdom 🙏


No one can heal the trauma that i have inside of myself. Only I can. By forgiving myself and grieving the love that was never given to me. That pain has to be felt. By feeling I heal.


Keep your attention in the present, and when you're thinking, breath!... .


Through His talks Truth says " I Am ", whoever has Ears to Listen, let them listen.


so hard to understand fully what he talks about but I understand some things and you can tell he is a very wise man


Never can his thought process be appreciated enough . If only I could (somehow) have a conversation with the man.
