Why AI Will Never Replace Our Jobs

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Ever since ChatGPT came out, there has been this general idea that AI is going to replace all jobs and that everyone is going to end up as homeless losers relying on the government for universal basic income. But this is far from the truth as while AI is indeed revolutionary, we have come past several such revolutions such as agriculture, electricity, technology, smartphones, the internet, and so on. In fact, the majority of the workforce is currently working in jobs that did not even exist a single lifetime ago. So, it’s foolish to think that future job prospects can be predicted based on how AI will affect current jobs. Moreover, it usually takes a lot longer than people think for machines to replace humans as we saw with the push to automate factories. But, even if all of our current jobs are replaced, new jobs will simply replace them. The only way that it plays out any differently is if humans become satisfied and stop trying to make further progress which simply isn’t in our nature. This video explains why the idea of AI replacing jobs is extremely overrated.

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0:00 - AI Taking Over
2:31 - Human Resilience
6:14 - This Time Is Not Different
9:16 - The Automation That Never Happened
13:41 - The Job Deficit Debunked


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On a sidenote, the worst thing of all this is companies using the word "AI" for basic machine learning which existed way back before AI was a thing


Plot twist: this video was made entirely by A.I


AI got overhyped, and it got ruined once every single company decides to slap the word "AI" on their products.


Whoa, the face behind the voice! Like the changes and you deserve a little recognition!


As a software engineer, I can attest to the fact that the majority of time is spent on the things that code samples/templates do not help with. Coding is the fun part; it goes very fast. One improperly documented API for an obscure application though, and you will spend an entire day reverse-engineering it just to get a secret endpoint and its expected parameters. And guess what AI uses for its answers? The bad documentation.


I’m not convinced. However, I do agree the transition will take a lot longer than a lot of people think.

The biggest disagreement I have with you is that you consider AI to be simply another technology. Like a new printer or an AC.

We’re attempting to create brains here. The whole reason we want ever more things is because we have brains and a capacity to think and create. If humanity achieves AGI, it doesn’t matter what other technologies we might want. The AI will simply create them for us, organise the supply chain alone, find a way to manufacture them, etc.

It truly is bound to be our last technology in my opinion. Now, of course that doesn’t mean we’ll lay around doing nothing all day. But I think the types of jobs that will exist will be very few and scattered apart.

Because, again, it fundamentally doesn’t matter what we humans might want. AGI can think, create, organise, plan and manufacture it for us.

It only depends how long (if ever) you think AGI will take to create.


I'm so confused. The title says "Why AI will never replace our jobs" but the video is basically just saying that it's not going to happen as quickly as we think. Not that it will never happen.


ChatGPT started out as a real threat, but it's been steadily regressing in functionality over the past several months.

This freeze in development isn't due to technological reasons, but rather, the limitations set by corporate, legal, and political influences. The pause is probably a good thing for ethical and planning reasons, but I don't think it's any indication that an AI language model can't (or won't) replace most white-collar jobs in the near future.


Amazing content. I love the consistency and the catchy interesting videos. Also love that you decided to show your face. For a few of the last videos I started to think this was just a custom AI cause your voice control was so on point lol


Ooohhh I’m glad you did this video, this is one area I have some actual experience on.

I come from the software automation space, I have automated hundreds of processes and helped build over a dozen automation programs for some of the biggest enterprises in the word.

What I can confidently say, is that AI will AUGMENT the majority of our work, within the next 5-10 years.

Notice how I said augment and not “replace”

Cuz that’s not how automation really works.

You never try to automate 100% of any process..instead you identify the major variants through Pareto principle and automate that first..achieving 35-40% automation or more depending on the use case when you initially deploy…and then continue expanding to other variants as you progress.

Rinse/repeat across the organization.

Now thus far, that has always been a slow and painful process. Automating processes takes ALOT of time.

Or at least, it did.

These new technologies enable automation in a way that most people don’t really appreciate.

Idk what the future holds, but if you think this is anywhere near comparable to any other technologies, you just fundamentally don’t understand the tech.

No other tech you mentioned, no other time in history have we ever created a technology that improves itself…that’s what is being developed currently.

No one and I mean NO ONE has a fucking clue what will happen when that technology becomes scalable.


AI is not going to replace your job.

One guy with AI will replace your job along with a hundred others.


You all have been rocking it lately!! Thanks for all the great fun-learn!


You may have read this countless times (honestly, I spend very little time reading comments as opposed to watching videos), but your editing and especially video style (with you showing your face and "hosting" the video) are worlds apart from earlier videos. I really enjoy your videos and while I used to mostly listen to them on the commute I now actually actually make time to watch them. Keep up the awesome work!!!


For me I use AI tools everyday since December 2022. Daily almost. To run my businesses. Success of the AI is on the sector you apply it on. For me AI replaced many jobs around me as online business. But for others AI didn’t make any significant impact. But who knows world is moving fast. Better to be adopted early than regret.


You do great job! I just saw a first video of yours a few hours ago and then couldn't stop but to continue listening to the next like 6-7...


I feel a little bit relieved, after hearing your facts. I hope for majority of people around the world, that they'll still be working and have a bright future.


Hey Hari. This new video format is looking great! Keep up the awesome content!


I, and millions more, used to be a big time believer in tech ...and we were always WRONG:

-Year 2000 used to be a mythical destination from the 50's, so many sci fi movies and serious prospects were so popular until....the late 90's when we found ourselves panicking about computer confusing year "00" with 1900 instead of 2000!
-We let it be and afterwards techs gurus starting talking about "the singularity" = human becoming cyborgs or living in the matrix. Here we are in 2023 and the best we have is tiny screen that normally only last a few years. Yeah, cell phones are amazing, but nothing compared to expectations.


It's a compelling well thought out argument for sure.
But the counter argument is that AI is fundamentally different from any kind of automation that we have faced before and by approaching a place of AGI most workers will be no longer necessary.
There's a big difference between a series of robot arms in a Tesla factory or a self driving car and a true AGI which can generalize and reason its way to solve complex problems.
People can keep wanting more but market demand will control what's built. Society could shift towards one of extreme inequality where production is placed on luxury goods for the mega elite instead of average people. This is a viable economic model as we've seen countries like South Africa with gigantic wealth gaps and we could logically expect even larger ones driven by a mainly automated society.

The problem is you're comparing automation to past examples and not what it has potential to become (Ex: factory workers). Past performance can't predict future results. Right now neither the AI doomers nor the optimists can say with certainty how the job market will be affected long term.
Let me ask how many knocker uppers exist today? Once a common job of waking people up in the morning. It was completely replaced by the 1900s by alarm clocks.


Japan and other aging countries have a severe worker shortage. Any labour that AI frees up will greatly help.
