A.I. will never replace human teachers | Soufiane Amzur | TEDxUCLouvain

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We are in 2018 AD. All industries have been transformed by the digital revolution. All? No. One industry is still resisting this revolution: education. Soufiane Amzur discusses the need for teachers to integrate Artificial Intelligence into their methods in ways that free up time and space for their real mission: giving their students love.

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Education isn't about results, it's about learning.


Teaching is love -> very true. Thanks for this


In case 2, I believe that recognizing the pattern of mistakes and direct students to the customized best antidote is what AI is good at. AI will do a better job than a human teacher in these.

I agree with his teaching profession is to give LOVE.


in my opinion teaching is a great job when u love help everyone.


This man greatly under estimates the capabilities of neural networks/AI. All the time a VERY GOOD teacher spends on figuring out how to teach a specific student pales in comparison to the detail and focus an AI could provide. An AI designed to tailor a learning method to a single person would spend every moment of its "life" thinking only about that persons learning style. Even if a teacher could spend every moment of their life focused on how to improve their methods for only one student, an AI teacher would accomplish the same amount of thinking in less than a day. If you think a job cannot be automated by AI you simply don't understand how quickly the field is advancing. They can make art, they can fake recordings of people, and they absolutely can do your job better than you will every be capable of doing. In 20 years human teachers will seem primitive.


Amazing choice of topic, kudos for bringing this issue to our attention. I can't wait to witness the changes that people as passionate as you will bring to this necessary yet archaic educational system. Way to go !


Glad to see a fellow belgian tackle this issue. The educational system is like an old habit and like most old habits it is indeed pretty hard to change it let even break it. Wish you all the luck in the world, trust me you'll need it


A great guy once told we dont need more than 256 MBs


Here after teaching my classes over zoom lol. If Tesla can teach it's neuralnet to solve driving with our current tech, I suspect that AI, given enough time, will be able to perform any job currently done by humans, including teaching.


How about now? Can ChatGPT replace online teacher?


They better replace, teachers are very to clear doubts


I disagree. To many "teachers" do their jobs inefficiently. They teach us to test not to learn. Teaching nowadays anyway is kind of out dated considering what our current school systems attempt to prepare us for, IE repetitive/menial task. I doubt AI will replace things that a childs' parents will teach them, but those aren't typically academically focused. But imagine an AI, that is programmed to learn how to teach people things better, and not just for short tern test. Scale this idea up and it could even teach people individually based on their learning styles in stead of trying to to teach large groups of Different kinds of people things. Eventually this AI would far surpass any human teacher, This would also have the desired effect of having the next generation becoming increasingly more intelligent compared to the last as the machine learns how to teach better with time.


The fact: NO ONE know how the future could be.

Imagine in 90's when human best chest player never expected to loose by computer. Or Top Go Player loose 4-0 by AlphaGo. At that time everybody believe AI will never replace human creativity. And turns out, they wrong.

And yes. WE STILL DON'T KNOW how AI in the future would be. Maybe the increasing of human understanding about emotion with increasing of biotech research, the AI will power by hundred times better in understanding human. I wonder someday you gonna say that computer know you better than your wife/husband. 🤣


nice thoughts, but AI is going to do better than us as AI will understand better our needs than we are now..yes, we remember best the teacher who gave us emotional connection and empathy...AI will do exactly this and better...and in a not too far future...we are coming from raw materials like water, mud, minerals and we receive the gift of intelligence, now creating the AI we will give this gift to a new form of life....it is a false idea that just us as human species are able to love, to feel, to understand....new forms of life (AI) will arise and will be able to do exactly this and more ...we are not the end of evolution....there will be more to come...


NOBODY can replace a what about the students? :)


Zero dislikes = Power of Teachers. Great!! All you teachers give me a thumbs up, if you agree 💪🙏


on schooling is just spending on memorizing things that are completely and utterly useless.


Yes, AI will never replace human teachers because AI will replace everything human can do :)


I just commented so that there would be 50 comments


What if the students is just not smart enough
