Name Some 'Green Flags' That Someone Is A Good Person (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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When they are nice and don’t remember doing it. That means they do it on a regular basis. Bragging isn’t humble


When you try to speak up in a group or conversation but no one notices or responds to you, the people that will see that you have something to say and will listen to you are the best people


2:36. I had this one teacher. Everyone in his class loved him and for a good reason. when it came to his last day, he thanked everyone for something specific to them. Most people recognize me as a great artist, so whenever compliments are thrown around, people just comment on my art since that's the one recognisable trait that's blaringly obvious. When it came to my turn for this teacher, I was expecting something about my art, but instead, he said "Thanks for being the weirdo." Which not that many people know, is a compliment for me (my family used the word weird as a way to say quirky and interesting). This teacher had every reason to be my favorite, but him thanking me for being the weirdo was the cherry on top of the already beautiful cake he made. I miss that teacher and wish he stuck around longer.


I was at a concert in 2012. It was my favourite band and i got in the second line. I was happy because im only 5ft1 and i never see stuff when i stand in the crowd but in front of me was this giant of a man next to his young daughter. He didnt notice me at first and i could sometimes see the stage so i was okay with my position. When the main act came on the whole crowd started to almost crush me against the guy because they always try to get just a little closer to the stage. He noticed and without a word just pushed me in front of them and gave me a little space to chatch a breath. I then spend the rest of the concert with a perfect view and protected by this man. I also became very good friends with the daughter to this day


This definitely motivates me to try harder than ever before to always be kind and considerate. I'm not sure I can manage the ones involving eye contact but I'll try to work on it!


You challenge someone for lying to you and they just stare at you in confusion.

People who are in the habit of lying will instantly deny it. People who are habitually truthful have to first process the idea that you believe they could/would lie before they are able to respond.


When they compliment totally random people nearby.


This actually made me feel like a pretty good person


How they treat medical staff, ESPECIALLY nurses, regardless of pain or discomfort. Every time I see or hear an incident of someone or a family member mistreating them unprovoked, a part of me dies.

Also, appreciative of genuine kindness. My senior year of high school, I would greet the homeroom teacher every morning even though I never would have him as a teacher (he taught grade school; it was 5-12) school). I went through a lot that year, but I still made a point to be respectful to students and adults alike. So eventually, one of the last days of school, he pulled me aside, hugged me and thanked me for always being so friendly and mature and congratulated me for graduating. Thanks again, Mr. Klimchuck.


Apparently I’m a good person because animals that don’t like to be touched or picked up tend to let me pick them up.


I love being like this, I really love being a good person these days. I think since I haven't always been a great person it feels extra nice, just being a decent human. Humility & kindness are so attractive.


When they do what they say: i was smoking with crush for the first time (normally I don’t smoke with anyone because of a few bad experiences) but like in the bad experiences I got myself in a state because my tolerance was down and this was much better than I’m used too- I feel sick I can hardly move or focus (and I’m a chair user)- he knew I didn’t smoke with people and neither did he, we are both interested in each other but he told me nothing will happen unless I initiate it so everything is at my pace- so as I feel like I’m about to die from nausea etc he stroked my hair a little and brings me something that incase I puke, I asked him if he could stroke my hair again because it was soothing me and helping me feel better, he agreed and let me lean into him and stroked my hair for bit. He was so respectful and didn’t do or try anything at all, the next day he helped me with a bad pain-flair I was having, I ended up there for 2 nights I was so surprised at how genuinely comfortable and happy I was to be around him. It was so strange for me to have someone respectfully let me know I’m attractive to him etc but to just hang out and talk like friends, total privacy for changing and a blanket wall between us. I’ve never really met anyone like that and those 2 nights were genuinely the kind of nights I always wished I could experience ☺️


6:17 why would I do that? Insulting someone for their phisical atibutes is unimaginative and dull .my language is like a lego set for swearing .... the most mundane things can be turned into swear of all swears


"Doing good things for others without expecting praise or going out of their way to receive it"
Not always, but I am especiallly a culprit of this when I do specialised latte art for customers. I'll go out of my way to deliver it, sometimes I linger just a second more to see if they notice, if they're regulars, I'll make it obvious and say "I know you like planes so I drew one on your coffee!" It gives them a chuckle and it makes me happy to see that they like it. Plus I am a fan of the compliments I get 🙂


God... Is it weird I happy cried during this because I related to this.


7:12 I'd do this exact thing all the time for the exact reason pointed out in the comment. As the saying goes, everyone in the school is smarter than you except the 3 people in your group for the project.


I refused to ditch a friend, let's call her R, for the popular group in 4th grade (like seriously, a popular girl came up and made a offer, and even back then I laughed in her face). R and I were friends for 15 years after that--even after R left the school I was in and then came back, we picked up right where we left off. We aren't friends anymore (and it wasn't just a "drifted apart" scenario--think more "irreconcilable differences" type stuff) but still no regrets, 10/10 would laugh in popular girl's face again 👍


I always hold the door open for someone if I am outside my job just sitting on the bench. It's not much but I want you to feel welcome when you eat here.


I've experienced situations where I left a positive vibe with my peers after sharing anything nostalgic.


When a person realizes they've done something wrong, and they come back to apologize. We all make mistakes, say things we don't mean or are just humans in general, but a good person will make sure to come back and apologize, and do their best to fix it
