Interview with a Rhodesian soldier taken from Rhodesia Unafraid (1978)
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A Rhodesian Corps of Chaplains film on the nature of the communist backed terrorist war. Contains very unpleasant footage of terrorist atrocities. Begins with burning hut and caption: 'A Military Operations Area in Rhodesia 1978'. Shots of burning village and crouching soldier/terrorist(?) in foreground. Shot of radio control room. Close up of helicopter rota. Title: Rhodesia Unafraid. Helicopters taking off and moving over hilly bush country, to land by burning huts. Troops exit helicopter, which takes off. Soldiers scout round burning huts and surrounding area. Lt Col The Rev Norman Wood, talking about fighting against international communism - asserts that it is not a black/white confrontation. Col The Rev Robert Slimp, US Army (Rtd), talking about the joint fight of blacks and whites against communism. Robin Moore, Author - asserting that it is not a racial war, taht blacks are most in fear of communism: it is war of ideologies. A 'captured terrorist commander' talking about the ideological training/brainwashing he was given. Film continues with various excerpts from the previous speakers interspersed with newspaper articles and photographs as follows: Norman Wood... Robert Slimp...newspaper story about baby Natasha being bayoneted to death by marxist terrorists... Robin Moore... b&w still of massacred villagers...extract from Rhodesian Herald "Terrorists murder 16"...Robin Moore and more newspaper cuttings... b&w stills of massacres... b&w still shots of live mutilated people...more newspaper shots... Norman Wood saying Africans have suffered most but they are coming forward to join army... various shots of Africans saying why they want to join army: "to avenge my brother... to save my country..." Maj Gen A.N.O. MacIntyre, Chief of Staff (Admin). White Rhodesian soldier about why he is fighting, black Rhodesian soldier. Robin Wood... captured terrorist ... headline "Missionaries massacred"... various shots of mission village and voice-over telling of massacre. Father Myerscough, Musami Mission; Robin Moore. More newspaper articles about mission massacres. Sister Ermenfried, Regina Mundi Mission, speaking from hospital bed about her experiences. 'Captured terrorist' is asked whether he would kill a black priest. Answer is yes. More s soldiers scouting area. Shots of guns of soldiers/terrorists(?) in hiding. Sounds of gun fire and soldiers scatter and run. Shots of fighting. Various shots of dead communists(?). Shots of helicopter landing and wounded soldier taken to ambulance. Cemetery. Grave of African "Constable Albert Kabunu, killed in action 9.7.1977". Sequence of other graves. Woman and small children walking in cemetery and putting flowers on grave. Ticker tape parade of black and white troops marching through city. End credits: A Friends of the Chaplains Corps Presentation.
Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the collection of Henry Berriff, a cameraman in the Central African Film Unit. The collection contains amateur and professionally produced titles. The Rhodesian Heritage Film Archive, of which this item forms a part, was aquired by Rhodesians Worldwide from the Anglo-Rhodesian Society, following the dissolution of the Society in 1980.
Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the collection of Henry Berriff, a cameraman in the Central African Film Unit. The collection contains amateur and professionally produced titles. The Rhodesian Heritage Film Archive, of which this item forms a part, was aquired by Rhodesians Worldwide from the Anglo-Rhodesian Society, following the dissolution of the Society in 1980.