Dan Dubovsky - Comparing ODD, ADHD, and FASD

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Dan Dubovsky compares the differences between ODD, ADHD, and FASD
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I've never heard of ODD until now, i need to do more research. Thanks for sharing


Every teacher should have these the time to learn this, they should also have manageable class sizes.


Excellent! Concise, precise, and valuable. Thank you! My child lives with FASD and many, many other disorders.


What if you have a child that has been diagnosed with all 3?


Very good info, was clear to me. I seriously think my child who was diagnosed with FASD has ADHD & ODD as well. I just want help for my child 😫


i cant tell if I have fasd, my face seems like it, and my memory is pretty poor, you can ask me to do something, but i can only recall half of it if its not written down but i get distracted easy too, im convince almost i just have both FASD and adhd, currently i am being tested for auttism as I have a lot of sensory issues, meltdowns, outbursts and PTSD emotional dysregulation


From someone who has both ADHD AND ODD.. or at least that's what they said. I'm 30 now and more I learn about this more I am like yeah I understand why they said I got them lol.. but I've only been meditated one time in my life ages 6-8.
It sucks man since im older I know how to control them both and I would rather smoke weed to help then take any pills..
If you know something else that could help let me know anyone.. remember NO PILLS...


The information about ADHD was presented in good faith, alas it is not entirely correct. An ADHD individual could have issues with executive functioning that can indeed cause them to have failure to retrieve encoded information. ADHD isn't just getting distracted by butterflies, there are serious EF problems that lead to struggles with attaining goals; both unimportant and trivial, and important life goals.

Also, I hate to be that guy, but honestly I AM that guy...

I know what you are trying to get across when you say "as we all know, ADHD is one of the most overdiagnosed mental illnesses, and also the most underdiagnosed"

This is statistically an incoherent statement. You could say the symptoms are easily mistaken for other disorders and other disorders for it; but not only does that denote some level of misunderstanding what overdiagnosis means. Mistaking one disorder for another when symptoms would suggest someone has that illness is technically not an "overdiagnosis". It's a misdiagnosis. There are symptoms present, and they get mistaken for another illness. Over-diagnosis would be more on the "true" averages vs how much we diagnose and treat the illness.

So if people are being misdiagnosed often, but a large portion of people who really DO have the condition are not getting diagnosed, that is not overdiagnosis.


This is not necessarily true as adhd has working memory deficits too.


I have FASD, and more than not, the task is gone after the first task.


Mom treated all the answers with a positive reenforcement.

She would say something which had the meaning of “If you don’t do what I tell you I’m positive I will get you to pick out a switch.”

Too many “disorders” today to explain away why children don’t follow rules.

I am not a fan of switching as I don’t think hitting a child is very positive but stern punishment for bad choices and positive rewards for good choices teach kids the rules. Providing actual hard fast rules and answers provides road maps in the brain for children to make good quick choices.

You were born a boy. You are a boy.

You will do your homework or we can do it together or punishment.

Doing homework and learning something are two different things. We must spend time with children to help them learn and to know whether or not they are actually learning. That way they know you actually care and children who feel loved are more apt to do what they are told and learn how to learn.


What if you have a child that has been diagnosed with all 3?
