USA B1 B2 Visitor Visa Interview Questions and Answers b214

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Now, lets talk about what Questions you should prepare for for your "USA Visitor Visa

Question Number 1. May I see your passport? Can I have your passport?

Answer: "here it is"

Be prepared,Have the passport already in your hand. There should be no fumbling.
The officer is busy, A lot of people are waiting in line behind you, don't delay him, don't irritate him.

Question Number 2. What is the purpose of your trip? Why do you want to travel to the US? What is the reason behind it?
What is your aim?

Ideally you have a simple and clear-cut reason for your trip. Perhaps "visit Disneyland",
"get medical treatment at Mayo clinic", "visit family", "Attend convention",
"visit boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé,or spouse".

The consular officer is always on the lookout for someone who may have plans not to return
to home country, who might have plans to remain permanently in the USA. So if the purpose
of your trip is to meet people who could help you to stay in the USA such as family or romantic partners
expect some follow up questions.

To those, provide simple and honest answers, and without prompting ALSO include reasons WHY you
are going to return to home country.

For example "I plan to visit with my family this summer to go sightseeing in the USA,
before I return in the fall to have my third year of studies at Manila university",

or "I am visiting my fiancé, we were planning on attending a concert, and meeting his family,
We have already applied for a fiance visa and we are well aware that I must return to home country
for the fiance visa interview"

or "My American spouse and I live together in home country,
he is an expat working for Bechtel, he / we do not plan to return to the USA for many years
until after his contract expires. but we were hoping to visit the USA during his next annual Home leave,
in order to enjoy the holidays with his mother who is 82 years old, and a little bit frail,
when the time comes for him to return to the USA, at that time we plan to apply for a spouse visa for me".

Of course, provide honest details, never make any false statements, as they will come back to hurt you later.

Question Number 3. Who is accompanying you on this visit?

"Mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, classmate," "I am traveling alone".

Question Number 4. How long do you intend to stay?
Know the answer in advance and answer with a concise "one week, two weeks, two months".
And best if you bring to the interview a return plane ticket or reservation that
exactly matches your answer..

Question Number 5. Why are you planning such a long trip?

Most visitors come for short stays, as they have
job or school or family responsibilities and can't abandon them for long.

If your plans are for a longer stay, be prepared to explain why that amount of time is needed.
Such as:

"I return to to school in September, so I plan to spend my entire summer vacation in the USA"

Question Number 6. Why have you chosen this time to visit and why not some other time?

Answer: "I want to attend the Consumer Electronics show, it is held the second week in January"

or "This is my semester break, It's my only time to get away"

Question Number 7. Do you have family or friends in the US?
"no" or "yes".
If yes, there will be followup questions.

These will be similar to your answer on "What is the purpose of your trip".

Identify what relatives or friends you have and state what their relationship is to you
and whether or not you’ll be meeting them during your trip.

If it is a boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance or spouse, again be very clear to identify
who you’re going to meet, and in answering re-confirm that you understand
the visitor visa is only for a temporary visit, that you will be returning to home country.

Explain what responsibilities or reasons you have back in your home country that
ensure you will definitely, positively, respect the terms of a visitor visa and
leave the USA within your allowed stay.

Question Number 8. Where will you be staying?

Answer: "Hotel, Airbnb,"

Be prepared with the actual name and location of the hotel. Ideally bring copies of the reservation as well.
If staying with family or friends, again be prepared to explain who they are, what their relationship is to you
and your plans and reasons to return to home country, without fail.

Question Number 9. When did you last travel to USA?
Рекомендации по теме

Many years ago when the officer who interviewed me asked if I was planning on visiting my boyfriend in the US I was surprised that he knew even though I haven't told him about it.

I was always told to not admit having a romantic relation with anybody in the US when applying for a visa because they could deny you, but something made me nod to the immigration officer that day and I whispered "yes" to him.
I inhaled deeply and sighed quietly because I thought I just screwed myself, but then the officer said, " congratulations you have been approved for a US VISA
please hand me your passport for the Visa stamp process" then he gave me a piece of paper explaining the next steps.

I cried in joy infront of him and I thanked him like 10times before I left lol. He was smiling and laughing and he knew he made the right choice because now I've been married to my then boyfriend now husband for 5 years and I've become an american citizen!

So moral of the story is, be honest. Honesty is the best policy and never stop dreaming!


I got my visa approved today .God bless you..


I’m very happy for observing your questions and answers🎉and you are excellent




Hi sir im watching of this vedoe very well, and i get my idea about my visa interview this coming april 25. Im going visit to my boyfriend residing in nort carolina.thank you so much of this informative tips andvadvise..god bless


the great benefit of telling the truth is that you Don't need to remember what you said!!!


Thank you for the tips sir tomorrow is already my interview, , I was hoping that I can pass my interview, , 🙏😇


This is really helpful 😊 Im hoping to have my visa approved.


plz help sir with this the visa officer's voice is not heard clearly?


Thank you so much for giving some informations
Best regards and respecfully yours


Very clear and concise advise Sr.Ive already have my visa.but curiosity I've been offered by the offficer before even I open. My mouth Jaja. No questions at all.IWas very calm and relaxed. even though I had forgotten my old passport.He Said to me never has already experied


Thanks for your advice how do I answer if I know my friends for a short time, thanks visiting them for two months


Very nice and informative video... Appreciate and sincere thanks for your precious time and valuable tips


Sif i have no family now but us people r very lovable i get some one like me that time may i change my manner


If i want to go to the US for a short vacation on a Cruise how should i explain it to the officer?


Sir thank you for a such helpful video tips for b1/b2 visa but i would like to know, is it necessary to bring invitation letter of huge known company or ministry in embassy's interview, for instance when you're attending conference.


Tomorrow 9.30 am is my intetwiew with indian passport officer let him varify the same


Hello Mr.Fred,
I like your videos and advices alot,
I have a little question,
Is there any way to see my application to make sure about some information that i forgot about it a little bit
Hope you answer😊


Sir. Now h have good question that u want passport that. Is i submit to india. Passport office therefofe plz wait till issjjue the passport ghen inform u


And from Question 2 to 8 or
More is not applicable on me
