Organic Chemistry

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This video tutorial provides a basic introduction into organic chemistry. Here is a list of topics:

1. How to draw lewis structures of organic compounds
2. Identifying functional groups - alkanes, alkenes, & alkynes
3. Formal charge calculations
4. Resonance structures
5. Basic IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes

Full-Length Math & Science Videos:

Organic Chemistry - Basic Introduction:

Which Bond Is More Polar?

How To Draw Lewis Structures:

Condensed Structures to Skeletal Structures:

Functional Groups Review:

Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Functional Groups:

How To Calculate Formal Charge:

Finding Lone Pairs Using Formal Charge:

Dipole Moment & Electronegativity:

Predicting Bond Angles:

Valence Bond Theory:

Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals:

Bond Strength and Bond Length:

Orbital Overlap and Bond Length:

Organic Chemistry PDF Worksheets:

Organic Chemistry Exam 1 Playlist:
Рекомендации по теме

i chose to watch this video bc I owe you like 80% of my grades. you've seriously helped me for years now.


I assumed this would be a 1 hour video on chemistry secrets that your professors don't want you to know.


I clicked on it because I trust you more than I trust my professor


its 2024 and I am not even in chemistry field and I am watching.
it is been almost 8 years with you, from HS to this. I already graduated from structural and finally taking my last exam this year. Idc what anyone would say but WE OWE YOU THIS ONE. Thank you.


I clicked this video because you taught me chemistry, calculus, and physics. Literally trust you with my education


I clicked for 2 reasons: 1: you told me not to, 2: “what could he possibly not want me to see that is also 53 minutes long “


This man is single-handedly carrying me through university.


Out of curiosity, since I have seen you for the first time to make a video instructing us to not click on it. Usually these types of videos on youtube are clickbaits, but your 53 minutes-long video contains a vast ocean of knowledge about Organic Chemistry


I was expecting Reverse Psychology, and I got Reverse Psychology, thank you.


This man has such a beautiful voice, I watch his videos just to listen to him talk sometimes


I haven't done chemistry in over a decade, and even back then I was terrible at it. But thanks to your patient and simplified explanations in your videos, I'm actually enjoying and acing my chemistry class. I don't even watch my professor's lecture videos, I just search for the topic on your channel 😂. You're literally my learning source for this class. Wish I could send more to support your channel. Thank you so much!

Edit- I actually finished with a 95% in my chemistry class. My professor was cool, but trying to learn chemistry from him, gave me a headache. I literally relied only these videos. I still can't stand chemistry 😒 😩


I clicked on it because, you're an amazing tutor all times, and so far no single video of yours has been a flop Sir


I felt the classic reverse psychology as soon as I saw the thumbnail, but the way that concept blended with the familiarity of organic chemistry tutor seemed to give me a synergistic level of curiosity. Given that extra second to consider clicking it, I saw the length of the video. So ultimately what really sealed the deal was my curiosity as to what content would fill the remainder of the video after an expected intro somewhat similar to this one. I had to know what was hidden under this wrapper of cliche, yet intriguing thumbnail and intro.

The content is too good to let a tricky title keep me from discovering it.


I clicked on this because I thought this was the holy grail to learning organic chemistry.


It was purely out of curiosity for me, but since the duration was nearly an hour, I figured I’d learn some chemistry too. Met both of my expectations, thank you!


I decided to watch this video because it’s titled “Organic Chemistry” and in my Intro to Chem class we just started going over O chem and I’m totally lost, but you’ve always came through for me. Thanks dude.


You boost my grade, so I trust you with my life


I clicked because my organic chemistry is weak and it told do not watch this video which seemed like you are smart enough to make people to click on your video which correlates with you being smart enough to teach me organic chemistry.


I clicked because this channel have been more useful than my chemistry, physics and maths professors combined


I clicked on this video because I am taking Organic Chemistry I this semester (Fall 2024). I have watched your videos before and the videos helped me so much !! Thank you.
