Why Grow Apples in Hawaii

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Sorry, Paradise Plants in Hilo is sold out of bare root trees until 2021.
Bill discusses the lack of pests on apples in Hawaii. If you can get past the weather issue with chilling apples are relatively trouble free here compared to the Mainland.
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Thank you so much for this video! We will be visiting Paradise Plants the next time we are in Hilo and get some apple trees and see if we can grow them in Waikoloa. I ordered the high bush blueberry seeds and looking forward to plant them here too.


The bird don't touch guava or the rock hard quince here in Las Vegas but every thing else is fare game to them. I thin the fruit on my trees to promote the fruits to ripe all at one, for a bountiful harvest. I'm having success with subtropical fruit tree, and I got 8 inter-specific fruit tree from One Green World . The fruit are amazing. Happy garden Bill .


Have you made a recent orange dragon fruit video ? Would be nice to see how they have grown ! Thanks !


Hi brother bill. Thanks so much for your videos. So interesting. You are the best at horticulture. I was wondering if you have had any luck in grafting lemon or orange tree. If you have, can you please direct me to how to do that. I am trying to keep my moms lemon tree going .she is with the Lord now so I am trying to salvage something that she had. The thomas fire in California took everything.


Maybe some of the small Pawpaw species from Florida would work? Species other than Asimina triloba? I know that they are even working on hybrids between those species and A. triloba, so it might come at some point.


I'm in the Caribbean. I have two snowberry or white blackberry plants. I hope they will bear, but I don't know if they need chill hours. Any thoughts?


Bill your so lucky no apple, pear or peach tree problems! Guess they are so out of place and so confused the plants just say hey make fruit? For paw paw cant you grow the tropical versions and also do you grow raspberries cause if blackberries grow their then raspberries should too?


Are those special low or zero chill hours apples you’re talking about. I thought apples needed x amount of chill hours during dormancy in order to thrive. Thanks
