What's the Connection Between the Pleiades & Dendera?

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On the first super moon of Aug 2023 I was able to take some quite fascinating images of the 7 sisters constellation. Some of them are blinking multiple colors


I can't take any who would censor art seriously.


As for Dendera and the lightbulbs Enlil was the ancestor of the Enlilites "lights" and one of his sons was called Suen "sun" where we get the word "sunlight" and one of his granddaughters was called Inanna "Ishtar" "Astarte" where we get the word "starlight" and eventually we get the nursery rhyme called Star Light, Star Bright.

The River Thames in England derives its name from "thame" and "Isis".

Isis was the wife of Osirus the son of Marduk, grandson of Enki and great grandson of Noah.

The word IREL "Israel" contains the names of Isis, Ra and EL and IREL is also short for Ireland.

Ra is short for Raamah the son of Cush and grandson of Ham.

IREL in India specializes in mining and refining of rare earth metals.

According to Zecharia Sitchin the Sumerian clay tablets mention the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine gold which on their home planet was a rare metal.

King Thaumas the son of Noah and Tytea also known as Gaia married Electra and gold is a good conductor of electricity.

Based on my research its very obvious that the ancient people were well aware of electricity.

The Yupik people of Alaska their village was called Igiugig which means "Like a throat that swallow's water" in the Yup'ik language and is pronounced "iggy-AH-gig".

It appears that the ancestors of the Yup'ik people were well aware of the Igigi and their history digging watercourses.

The ancient Igigi according to legends excavated many rivers around the Earth, including the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

The Igigi worked for more than 2, 500 years according to their legends.

The name Gigi Hadid appears similar to "iggy-AH-gig".

Gigi means "Earth worker" and
Hadid means "Iron" in Arabic and the word "gigas" "giant" and from "Gigantes" we get the words Giges a spelling variation of gigas, ant and antes if we remove the letter "t" and add the letter "d" we get the name for the Andes mountains in South America.

Look at the name of the Hopi tribe and the name of the god of the annual flooding of the Nile in Egypt called Hapi the son of Horus and grandson of Osiris and the Hopi tribe and their guardian Massaw who according to legend chose the location for the Hopi to settle after a great flood that destroyed most of mankind and Massawa was also the name of a small seaside village located in Erythra the lands controlled by the Kingdom of Axum which was founded by Ityopp'is founder of ʾĪtyōṗṗyā (Ethiopia) the son of Cush.

According to my research the Sumerian civilization was founded by Shem the son of Noah.

The Peruvian legend of the Valley of Jauja, Peru the area in the ancient times was a large lake with a rock in the middle, resting on a monster called Amaru.

According to Andean legends the amaru or katari "aymara" was described as a serpent or dragon.

Aramu Muru is an abandoned stone carving in Peru, near Lake Thaiteacacia which is named for Gaia wife of Noah and Cacia the daughter of Ham and Kezia the daughter of Tubal-cain King of Ur whose sister Naamah married Noah.

Many ancient Sumerian artifacts have been discovered buried at the bottom of Lake Thaiteacacia on the Bolivian side.

The Amorites worshipped a god called Amurru also known as "Martu" and they descend from Emer "Amor" the son of Canaan (Canaanites) and grandson of Ham.

Quetzalcóatl also called Kukulcán and the "feathered serpent" and the connection to Marduk and his family.

Martu appears to be a spelling variation of Marduk the son of Enki and grandson of Noah whose symbol was a serpent or dragon, and the word dragon derives from the Greek word "drakon".

Marduk's symbol was mušḫuššu or "snake-dragon and his wife was called Sarpanit "serpent".

The consort of Amurru was called Geshtinanna where the word gestation derives from and
Ngeshtin-ana "Geštinanna" was also called "heavenly grapevine" the daughter of Enki and granddaughter of Noah the first to cultivate a grape vine and make wine according to the bible.


❤ Hey y'all.I am totally aware, that it is the Divine ☯️ yin or the feminine essence of creation, that is true master of All,


Thank you Sonja very interesting information. 💖


What am i watching? State your sources please


Hindus we have sapta rishis (7 rishis or modern term scientists)


I loved this video where can we find more info about this please?


According to the ancient Greeks that descend from Javan the son of Japheth the Pleiades lived in the mountains of Cyllene and Arcadia and their name comes from Pleione the daughter of Ogenus "Ogen" "Oceanus" the ancestor of the Oceanids and Tethys and they were the children of Noah and Tytea.

King Lycaon of Arcadia
The word Lycanthrope is derived from his name, and he founded the city of Lycosura "Lykosoura" was a city in the ancient Parrhasia region of south Arcadia.

The son of Lycaon was Mantineus who founded the Arcadian city of Mantineia.

Mount Kyllini is named for Cyllene.

The 7 daughters were named Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope and Merope.

Taygete means "long-necked" similar to Anak King of the Anakim (Anakites) "Anak" in Arabic refers to the tall people with long necks.

Anak was the son of Arba King of Kiryat-arba (Hebron) and grandson of Japhia King of Lachish and Gezer and all of them were described as Amorite kings and they descend from Emer the son of Canaan and grandson of Ham.

Anak the one with the long neck is also a reference to the long jewelry many of them wore around their necks.

The Kayan tribes are known for their long necks and are a part of the Kayan Lahwi "Lawa" tribe in Thailand so some of the Anakites wore similar metal rings around their necks.

Gaia also known as Tytea, Tily Tea and "Thai" where we get the name for Thailand.

Tea also originated in ancient China and if you combine the names of "Ge" and Ashia the name of Noah's granddaughter we get Geisha which is a hostess that usually serves tea and it's a tradition that started in China before it was later adopted by the descendants of Japheth-Nese "Japanese".

Pleione married Atlas King of the Atlanteans, and the son of Japheth also called Poseidon (Po valley is in northern Italy) and Maia married Zeus also known as Shem and they had a son named Hermes and he was called "the messenger of the gods" and his winged sandals represent the ancient global tradition of running messengers.

Shem is Zeus and we know this because the ancient Greeks called the Sidonians by the name Zidonians and they called their city Sidon by the name Zidon and the ancient Sidonians descend from Canaan the son of Ham.

The Parsuash also called ParZeus later known as the ancient Persians and Perseus is described as a son of Zeus so we can conclude that he is a direct descendant of Shem.

Tantalus "Atys" was also called a son of Zeus and the city of Tantalís, Turkey was named after him by his descendants.

Japheth is Poseidon and the Po Valley is located in northern Italy and in the story of King Minos he asked his relative Poseidon to show him a divine sign that he is the rightful heir to Crete and Poseidon brought him a white bull most likely a Bianca Modenese they are naturally white coated cattle that come from the Po Valley, in the Emilia Romagna and Lombardy regions of northern Italy.


Read about the constellations, planets, houses, lots, transits, and the astrology of things, with the alchemy of NATURE!


Why blur out their chesticles? This picture can be seen in any publication for the general public and any library. Even in school Australia anyway.


Why did the men take all the power? Women gave power away and need to restore the peace love and creativity women once brought with responsibility !


I have an Indian design that represents the Star of Bethlehem that is that Seventh Sister that goes Nova.


The first time I heard an explanation for those handheld devices.


This woman is full of it. She has changed her story quite often.


Christine Albright


Seven sisters represent seven suns of the pleiades.


Witajcie, stawiam pytanie te kobiety z plejad mają, ,zamazane,, piersi ? Czy te istoty są gorsze od istot męskich ? czy my żyjemy jeszcze w jakimiś średniowieczu? Czy nie potraficie dostrzec piękna ludzkiego ciała i to bez dzielenia na męskie i żeńskie , czy nie widzicie w człowieku boskości ???


There are seven sisters that's seven sisters on the on the Earth 🌎🌍 they already they are my I have seen we're all together when I came we all wore gold crown on Mount top of my I left my crown on the ship but now I will wear it again


Spirit traveler??? Yeah yeah...keep interrailing...
