Lower Creatinine Naturally: Improve your Kidney Health and avoid kidney failure w/ lower creatinine

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Episode 51: Lower Creatinine Naturally: Improve your Kidney Health and avoid kidney failure. There are many ways to help lower creatinine fast with kidney disease and I share how to lower creatinine levels naturally without supplements, herbs or medications. The most impactful is eating a lower creatinine diet with more fiber that your renal dietitian helps you with. When you lower creatinine your kidney function (GFR) will increase and your BUN will decrease. If your levels are high, then you need to take action so that you can avoid kidney failure and dialysis and nothing beats doing it the natural way with diet and lifestyle!

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Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment: How I increased my GFR & improved my kidney function Part 1


IMPORTANT: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. Patients should always be under the care of a physician and defer to their physician for any and all treatment decisions. This video is not meant to replace a physician's advice, supervision, and counsel. No information in the video should be construed as medical advice. All medical decisions should be made by the patient and a qualified physician. This video is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE.

#DadviceTV #KidneyHealth #KidneyDisease #KidneyFailure #FightCKD #KidneyDiet
Рекомендации по теме

I was stage four last month. My dr had me on two water pills for three years dried out my kidneys. My kidney dr. Wasn’t giving me any info. I couldn’t find any good info online. You are the first person who has given me good advice. Solid advice. I was starving myself before you. I was tired of all the contradicting sites. Now I am eating well I went from 24% to 37% I am now stage three. My creatinine level has gone from 2.5 to 1.7 I’m on my way to being Gods miracle. I believe He has His hand on me. Praise Him! Thank you for your guidance.


My doctor never told me anything. The only thing he use to say is see you in six months or see you in four months with the test results. Your show has helped me a lot. Thank you,


Thanks James… I was at stage 5 and now I am at stage 3. It took about a year and a half.. Thanks to you and all the people you have on your show….. I am truly grateful to you. and all of them…! ❤️. Keep the faith everyone. I know how hard it can be at times.! Thank you so Much JAMES. !!! ❤️❤️


Don't have great medical team, I'm just fighting ckd alone with your videos and so far I'm feeling great...


My doctors didn’t tell me anything. My kidneys weren’t great so I was doing your methods and was getting better but I got sick with COVID and it completely knocked my kidneys out. So I’m on dialysis now, been on it since September I got depressed and lost hope but I have a cousin who just recently celebrated a yr of being off dialysis she was on it for 2 yrs THAT GAVE ME HOPE AND BRIGHTENED MY SPIRITS and I’m back to watching your videos and gonna get back on track. I know everyone experience is different and just because something works for one doesn’t work for everyone but I’m willing to try. I still go to the restroom regularly, but yes like u said my doctors didn’t give me any info I still have not spoken to the renal dietician and I asked more than once, I just been googling things on my own. All they worry about is if you come to dialysis, it’s sad. I’ve done research and I’ve seen that ppl can actually get off of dialysis and do indeed reverse kidney function. Fingers crossed for me 🤞🏾


My doctor is useless. They did not share my eGFR numbers with me for years. I only found out my eGFR was 58 when I went to emergency for another unrelated reason. I was shown my previous eGFR numbers for over a decade showing me they were in the low 70s. I am heeding all of the Dadvice given here so I will stay where I am at. I never had a clue the amount of sodium I was ingesting all these years and I though I was eating healthy. Sodium is sneaky and difficult to avoid. I am drinking the correct amount of water - 1/2 my body weight in ounces. I am avoiding animal protein. I hope I will never progress further with kidney disease.

Thank you Dadvice TV!


My doctor didn't tell me when i was 3a. When I asked for help I was asked 'have you googled it'. That's why I follow your channel because none of my doctors wanted to help


My doctor only told me to watch sodium, and processed foods. I’ve always been told there isn’t much I could do. So glad I found this channel


It seems I am a minority in this. I have a wonderful nephrologist. He did mention everything you have said. He said he is glad to not have to give me medication's. I appreciate that attitude very much. I very much enjoy your channel.


When I asked my doctor what I should eat, I got the deer in the headlights look. She wrote down your website and that was it. You have been a lifesaver for me!


I am here not for myself but for my dog. His kidneys were fine until he had a spleen removal op. He collapsed in the street a few days later and after being rushed to the clinic with blood work done on him, it turned out his creatine levels were 6.9 He had IV fluids for a few days but they practically told me he would be slowly going out like a candle. NONE OF THEM at the clinic AND NONE OF THE TWO VETS NEAR MY HOUSE offered any kind of treatment. I am giving him sub cute fluids three times a week and have changed his diet. His appetite has come back, in fact he now has a huge appetite ... his creatine has moved down 2 points and I am hoping it will continue to go down. This video has been the most helpful. I looked at some dog videos for kidney disease but was not satisfied with any of them.


I'd like to comment that I lowered my creatinine in one week from 1.37 to 1.23. I went to my Rheumatologist for gout and she measure my GFR and Creatininne. and it had risen. So I changed my diet that week. And a little over a week later I went to my Kidney Doctor and got tested. And everything had improved. I thought I was eating too much protein as I learned from your vids. So I ate less protein -fish and chicken was my mainstay. And went to a more vegetarian diet, ate more veggies and fruit, tofu, etc.. Adjusted my serving size of each meal. So I was able to improve. I asked my Kidney doctor if diet protein, etc effects my numbers, and she didn't think so! But I proved her wrong. Also, I was itching quite a lot and realized the cereal I ate was causing the itch. Because I tried it today for a snack and within an hour of eating it I started itching again. So I'm beginning to get a sense of my body and how it reacts to food. I am very pleased to be able to improve my GFR and Creatininne with diet. And hope to improve it further. Thanks for the info! I am 67 and my mother died of Kidney Disease at a ripe old age, so I know what can come down the road if I don't play it smart.


I was diagnosed at 26 GFR. It is now 44! Raised it by carefully watching my diet. That is, the KINDS of foods, but I’m overweight. Need to reduce AMOUNT of good foods. A kidney dietician at Mayo Clinic gave me a list of foods to AVOID: cola drinks (drink only water), dried or baked beans, nuts and seeds of all kinds, split peas, whole-grain cereal ( nearly all commercial breakfast food is whole grain). Eat only white bread, not whole grain. I was told to LIMIT milk/dairy, chocolate, cheese, yogurt, soybeans. Ice cream, red meat (I have gout and do not eat red meat, but only about 4 oz fish/poultry). Thank you for sharing your journey to good health, so encouraging. Thank you for advice about raising fiber.

I moved and had to change doctors. She is impressed that I’ve raised GFR and lowered creatinine; I’ve had CKD for 16 years


It was thought that kidney cells didn't reproduce much once the organ was fully formed, but new research shows that the kidneys are regenerating and repairing themselves throughout life.


My doctor only tells me to make an appointment in six months. I have asked repeatedly for a vitamin, mineral, electrolyte screening and he says they don't do that. So thank you.


Answering your question: NONE... I feel like I’ve been getting the WORST Nephrologists out there, the only thing they do is increase medication and adding different types of BP meds, it’s just sad that I had to improve my CKD by myself and still working on that. Thanks for your videos !


My doctor said drink half my weight in ounces of water and basically everything you said!


I don't really feel like I've gotten any help from my doctor. My nurse and dietician has helped a ton. My doctor actually put me on blood pressure medication that hurts my kidneys. Nobody talked to me about creatnine, BUN, EFG. Your channel has been super helpful.


You are looking Fabulous!!! So much healthier. You are my Hero. Keep the videos coming. I am no longer hopeless. I drink water with lemon and lime and before bed I have a cup of Hibiscus, Hawthorne, Moringa, Nettle or Dandelion tea. I also take milk thistle horsetail Omega 3 and Moringa pills. We are going to win this battle. God definitely pointed me to you.


Hi James My Doc told me nothing I followed you…eGFR 45 Aug 23 now test 29 Dec 23 Gfr. 77 I am 81 years young, thank you for
your help! God Bless.
