The Healing Power of Transformation

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The topic I've chosen today is for people who are dealing with physical challenges and who have a fear of illnesses and the reason I'm choosing it is inspired by the amount of letters I get and requests I get from many of you who ask, how to deal with the fear of cancer recurring when you've had it before?

So when you've had cancer before and then you are now cancer-free, there is a fear that it is going to reoccur. And this is a common fear. It's a very common fear that if you've dealt with it before, but also people who have never had cancer also fear getting it.

That's the position I was in before I even had cancer and a big reason for this fear is because we are in a paradigm that focuses on cancer. It doesn't focus on the reason why healthy people are healthy. It focuses on cancer and how not to get cancer. And the more you focus on how not to get something, that thing becomes an issue. When you stop focusing on that thing altogether and you get on with life, that thing is no longer an issue. And this is the case with everything. The more we focus on our ego, the more the ego is an issue. The more you forget about the ego and you don't even think about it, it stops being an issue. The more you focus on money and how to get money, the more money becomes an issue. The more you don't think about money, but you focus on following your passion, doing what you love and so on and finding your freedom, the money comes and it stops being an issue. The more you don't allow money to be an issue, it stops being an issue.

And this is the same with health. The more you focus on health, even if you believe that what you're focusing on is health, "I'm focusing on health and well-being. I'm trying to be healthy here." What actually happens is health becomes an issue because you're focused on it. And I hope what I'm saying, I hope I'm clear or what I'm saying is resonating or making sense with you because this is what happened to me even before I had cancer the first time. So I had this incredible fear of cancer. Like huge fear of cancer. I was watching two people my age, close to me, go through cancer.......

And then everything you do is motivated from a place of preventing cancer from coming back. And this is the shift I want you to make with a series of questions I'd like you to ask yourself.......

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I hope you don't mind but I summarised the excellent points that you made as a reminder for me and thought I would share them here:
Keys to transformation
0. What am I going to do the rest of my life as a healthy person?
0. If I were guaranteed that I was all ways going to be perfectly healthy, how would I be living my life?
0. Focus on living life, not avoiding sickness. Your body is your friend always telling you what it needs to heal. Eradicate illness from you Consciousness.
0. You don't need to figure out what is causing that symptom. Ask yourself what does a healthy and well balance person look like to me. Go and do that.
0. Don't hesitate to get help that supports you and your health focus without fear
0. Surround yourself with people who support you. When you choose love, love chooses you.
0. Take care of yourself. Find your passion and live it.


@Anita Moorjani Anita, I am finding typed words alone insufficient to express how much you have helped me but I know that the meaning behind them will be conveyed to you. On my 30th birthday, about 7 months ago, I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. While I've had a continually-expanding understanding of the metaphysical and consciousness for some time, the feelings of fear, anger, loss, sadness, etc. throughout all of this has seemed nearly insurmountable at times. I am getting better and better at accepting them as perfectly human and just letting them pass. I know now that I AM love, bliss, perfect health, absolute & complete wellbeing, and that experiencing "negative" emotions can't and doesn't change that.

There are so many golden nuggets of inspiration in here-- particularly, for me at this moment-- the takeaway of health being determined by our passion for life, and to live from the focus of being a well person now. I resonate so very much with the truths that you share, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being wonderful, incredible YOU and for sharing your message with all of us. It is my desire to do what you do, in my own way of course, and to meet you in person! You are truly a light in my life and I am so happy and great-fueled (grateful) to have found you. An infinite amount of love to you and to everyone reading this as well. <3


Anita, I love, love, love this video! I wrote a very similar article more than 25 years ago saying the same thing! It brings me so much peace to have you tell the world what I have known for so long. And you give me courage to share my truth with others. You are so amazing and I adore you! Thank you so much!


Thank-you, Anita! This counsel reminds me of a Rumi quote: "Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." After many years of spiritual deafness, I'm finally turning back to listening to what the "real me" is conveying.


You always say the right things at the right time! :-) Thank you Anita! Today I have a very painful day because of fibromyalgia and this video helps me! Also the loss of friends and the gap with family is so intense at the moment that it is difficult not to go into fear and feel alone. My calling is to open a B & B in Italy / Sardinia, I have been looking for the right place for 4 years now, 2019 has to be my year! I will keep following you because I feel that you occupy an important place on my path, both about my calling and this fibromyalgia that I have. I strongly believe that this disease will disappear, and it will not be for my whole life. I just have to be true to myself and my calling. Not easy because I feel a lot alone and misunderstood. Thank you Anita for being here! Keep telling your truth... even if the medical world does not agree, they are not awake so they can not (yet) understand. ;-) Thank you!!! Love you!


Anita, you are pure love in human form! I love you and love listening to you. This video is right on target, I came to the same realization through my own cancer journey. English language (which is not my first) has a very exact word "dis-ease". It points to tension in consciousness. The tighter this tension(s) gets, the denser it gets, and it starts showing in the most dense part of consciousness, in our body. The question a doctor really needs to ask a patient is "Where in your life do you feel very uneasy, what do you feel tense about?" And a prescription needs to be "Go fix that." You message about loving yourself is the truth, because loving oneself a perfect release from many such tensions. Love heals precisely because it brings ease back into consciousness, it smoothes it out, unwrinkles it :) The body simply follows, untwisting tumors, releasing pain, re-establishing ease down to cells. I know this will be common understanding soon enough, and we will stop trying to fix the mirror (body) when we see a reflection of a broken object (consciousness), instead we will fix the object so the mirror reflects it whole. THANK YOU Anita for everything!




This is such an IMPORTANT message!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Anita!! <3


Anita-I really like how you answered the question regarding "the law of attraction and if you have desire that has already happened" . Good job. Very clear.


Hi Anita, I just finished reading your wonderful book Dying To Be Me. WOW! Just WOW!! A chain of events in my life led me to buy your book and read it from cover to cover in one sitting. I don’t read books at all because of my busy life and issues with my eyes. But your words grabbed me from the very beginning. Your story touched me and has changed my life! I feel different now in a calm way. You are truly a gift to us! I felt compelled to just say THANK YOU!


Hi anita, I hope one day to meet you. I had a profound experience and healing with cancer and in fact had an awakening through meditation and visualization. I started reading many books to figure out what had happened and I came upon Dying to Be Me. This book resonated so profoundly with me and I saw many aspects of myself in your descriptions. I tell everyone I meet about you and your writings. I thank God every day for you and the magnificent work you are doing.


Thank you so much! You are a breath of fresh air, and I admire your willingness to speak the truth. You truly help others. Truly.


Thank you Anita! Your words resonate so much to me. I currently have cancer in my consciousness but thank to you it wont be there any longer. Lots of love to you 😘


Thank you for sharing your wisdom, love and light. God bless you, Anita


I had intense fear and anxiety and I bought an mp3 download with 40 min of EFT. It was EXTREMELY helpful and I only used it 3x and then once in a blue moon thereafter. My husband passing brought on a lot of anxiety etc. THERE'S SO MUCH IN THIS VIDEO ....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! xoxo


Anita, I learn so much every time I see one of your videos! I'm asking the universe to me find a way for me to meet you and give you a big hug!!


Anita, you are genius!!! Well said. I have never been afraid of cancer or germs or infectious diseases and guess what. I am 43 and I am almost never sick. I have never had any serious illness. I thought I was just lucky, but now I get it!! Thanks You!!!! 💙💛


The medical industry look at the bottom line, which is PROFIT before CHRIST. 😮 Your message is profoundly true, it resonates throughout my body.


Thanks to this video of Anita, it gives me important inspiration! ❤️This week I was immersed in the fear of getting sick and cancer. Even if I have gone to the hospital to do ultrasound, I read the story of Anita, I know the importance of loving myself, but I still fear my physical problems, and I even fear that my fear will cause me to get sick. I was very helpless at one time. Now I realize that my physical discomfort is not telling me: "I am sick!" I was very worried when I was not feeling well. It turns out that my body is gently reminding me to pay attention to health. I am going to let go of my fear and embrace a healthy mindset now. Thank you Anita! Love you so much! ❤️❤️Looking forward to Anita's new video, they really changed my life!


OMG this video is for me! I’ve been focusing on HEALTH but way beyond the normal way of fear, thanks for this video tuning in from south texas (:
