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The alchemist is possibly the MOST unique class in all of Pathfinder 2e! In this guide, I'll show you every single thing the alchemist can do from levels 1-20!

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the real benifit of revivifying mutagen is that it lets you end a mutagens affect for an action, mutagens normally cant be cut short so if you end up in a combat and drink a feral mutagen then you need to sneak off afterward you can without penalty, same with saves and what not, being able to backtrack on a mutagen is veryyyy useful especially for non mutagenists who still use alot of mutagens


34:00 - It should be noted that all mutagens have the elixir trait so they do benefit from Enduring Alchemy


Healing Bomb does also importantly say that if you succeed on the hit, they are affected as though they /drank/ the elixir. So that lovely effect from before that maxes out the healing/getting temp hp from elixirs can, by this wording, presumably be applied at range now. If you can hit. It's still super sketchy but hey, at least it should synergize with Chiurgeon's goodies if you like to gamble.


Unless Paizo has clarified otherwise, the ability says that the coagulant trait does not apply to "that healing, " which means that the target is not immune to that healing, so you can still heal them when they are below half even if you already healed them when they were above half.


Thanks for timing of this. Just took munitions crafter on my gunslinger and the changes to alchemist dedication make it kind of nuts. Plus I needed to reconsider the build for my backup alchemist strix character with the changes!


Why take Far Lobber? Take Far Lobber and Quick Bomber, Healing Bomb, and then later Uncanny Bombs.
Boom, that's an Elixir of Life with a 60ft range increment, so you can potentially heal an ally 120-180ft away. Tell me a Cleric that can heal at that range.


The coagulant trait seems present to the versatile vials if used as is to heal
The elixirs of life dont
So the main strat most likely is to quick alchemy an elixir of life with the versatile viles instead, to ignore that coagulant trait
And as stated, versatile viles are essentially alchemist's take of focus points so they recover while not in combat anyway


21:54 "If you or the Fighter critically hit the target their saving throw against the poison is treated as one lower"

*[[[CITATION NEEDED]]]* - There exists no rule dictating this. Nonat1s may be confused here. There's a level 1 feat ( 27:46 ) that does this but *ONLY* for a blowgun *THAT YOU USE* and ONLY with the feat.


Chiurgeon player here: Quick bomber is also useful for Quick alchemy-create versatile vial, throw at another pc for a remote minor heal once per combat per party member. Pair with Healing bomb additive and you can get even better single action range heals.


One thing to note about injury poisons is you "activate" them when you apply them to a weapon/ammunition. So if you're using quick alchemy to create a poison and then apply it to a weapon, it remains potent for 10 minutes. The one round quick alchemy expiry applies to items that aren't "activated". This means you should be able to start any battle with at least 2 poisoned items.


I love sticky poison. For those who don't know multiple exposures to a poison increase the severity of that poison to the next stage as well as taking the damage listed at that stage.

So for wyvern Poison for example that's an extra 6d8 in a round because of going up a stage and damage at the end of the opponents turn for the save.


just keep in mind in regards to the chirurgeon's lvl 13 ability, with combine elixir that would technically become a 120 hp elixir and not just a 60 hp elixir which is only slightly lower than the average of a 2-action lvl 10 heal


Just wanted to say I love your content Nonat and congratulations on your (now official) sponsor! I have for a while really enjoyed your vibe and style of covering PF2E content. I know some people get annoyed when you misread or misunderstood something. But least you take the time post recording to verify and add correction on screen to the best of your ability. Least I apreciate it a lot.
You've become my go to person when I just want some pathfinder to listen to, which the long video formats are perfect for!


I do believe that when you heal an ally below half of their max health with chirurgeon's versatile vial, it will work. Even if you previously healed them when they were above 50%. The note says Coagulant won't apply below 50%, full stop.


Using Piercing or Slashing Bombs on a Toxicologist and spplying your poisons to those could be pretty interesting.


I recently played a "legacy" bomber alchemist up to level 9, and then we had a player shake-up due to scheduling difficulty, and as a result, our GM asked those of us who were left to scale back our characters to level 3, and I got permission to re-create my character using remastered bomber alchemist options, who is now up to level 4. So I have some experience with both.

I do like the changes with the remastered version. Overall, the class is much more flexible and not nearly as restrictive on resource management.

My biggest problem with the class, both legacy and remaster, isn't with the class itself, however.

My biggest problem is the alchemical items that the class is built around.

As a bomber alchemist, I rely heavily on bombs. Bet you never saw that coming. Most level 1 "lesser" alchemical bombs do 1d_ damage plus 1 splash and either 1 persistent or some other effect (like frost vial reduces the target's speed). I'm not complaining about that.

Those bombs go up in strength at level 3 to "moderate" to do 2d_ damage plus 2 splash and either 2 persistent or an effect with the added benefit of being a +1 to hit. I'm not complaining about that, either.

But then the bombs themselves don't get more powerful until... level 11?

A moderate alchemist's fire doing 2d8 fire damage plus 2 fire splash damage and 2 fire persistent damage is fairly powerful at level 3.

A moderate alchemist's fire doing 2d8 fire damage plus 2 fire splash damage and 2 fire persistent damage seemed rather weak at level 9.

Granted, there's a legacy class feat, which became a remaster level 5 subclass feature, that lets you use INT for splash damage. And there's the level 10 remaster feat where you can add INT to splash damage again. But besides that, there's just no way to increase the bomb's output. And from what I can tell, there aren't many magic items or runes that can help, either.

It just seems like a long time for the bombs themselves to not get more powerful when you have a whole class, and especially a subclass, relying on them. Although admittedly, this is (these are?) the only character(s) I've ever played in Pathfinder, so I don't have a whole lot of experience with the game.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing the alchemist. I just think it has some issues that still need to be addressed.


28:50 one detail you either forgot or glossed over is how with Quick Bomber + Double Brew you can use an Action to Double Brew 2 Versatile Vials (Throw one with Quick Bomber), then use your 2nd Action to Quick Alchemy the Vial you didn't throw into a proper Bomb and throw it, then you have your 3rd Action to do w/e you want.


Literally was just gonna start playing an Alchemist since my last character died 😂 Thanks, nonat!


wow alchemist looks very very fun class here! :O btw the explnation is very good!


Can't wait for you to talk about butterfly bender consumable ritual in the newest Tian Xia character guide
