SEQUENTIAL TRIGON-6 -new ANALOG polysynth!! (SOUNDS DEMO, no talking)

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Six voices and new discrete VCO and VCF designs add warmth to the sound of the beautiful Sequential Trigon-6 – the polyphonic synth that embodies the latest design by guru Dave Smith…

[ESP] Seis voces y nuevos diseños discretos de VCO y VCF, añaden calor al sonido del bello Sequential Trigon-6 –el sintetizador polifónico que atesora el último diseño del gurú Dave Smith…

00:00:01 Dated Poly
00:00:13 Chewy
00:00:22 Edge Of Bass
00:00:45 Eventuation
00:01:09 Glide Pad
00:01:35 Greased
00:02:03 Mouthy Bass
00:02:21 Pulsar
00:02:45 Slighted
00:03:10 Wafers

Multitrack demos by Peter Dyer and Drew Neumann. All sounds recorded directly from Trigon-6, with only occasional light limiting and no additional processing. Special thanks to the entire sound design and audio demo team, including Peter Dyer, Drew Neumann, Julian Pollack, Matia Simovich and James Terris.

#trigon6 #sequential #synth

Ya con su fabricación y distribución bajo el paraguas de Focusrite, el sintetizador Sequential Trigon-6 despliega su convincente imagen y promesas de sonido analógico caluroso con la fuerza de una marca vintage y la rúbrica dorada de un diseñador histórico. Y es que estamos, nada más y nada menos, ante las «últimas contribuciones en el diseño [de un sinte] que dedicó Dave Smith antes de dejar este mundo en Junio de 2022.

Con una arquitectura destacada de tres osciladores y filtro en escalera (ladder), Trigon-6 exhibe el mismo factor de forma, panel de control y facilidad de uso que han hecho muy deseables a los modelos Prophet-6 y OB-6. Pero la marca deposita toda la fuerza de Sequential Trigon-6 en la mencionada arquitectura, «para obtener voces que suenan tan gruesas como familiares, un sonido que ha probado su atractivo desde el comienzo de la era de los sintetizadores», dicen.

Más allá de un diseño imponente: Los nuevos circuitos de Sequential Trigon-6

La marca asegura que ha creado nuevos diseños con electrónica discreta analógica para los módulos VCO (Oscilador) y VCF (Filtro), capaces de «un máximo en cuanto a presencia y pegada analógicas«; eso implica que, por debajo de esa cara bonita y tan sugerente, hay novedades reales de tecnología dedicada.

Y lo que es más excitante en cuanto a funcionalidades, es que Sequential Trigon-6 añade un sello único al sonido atemporal de su familia, con realimentación, saturación, y un innovador modo de dos polos (caída de 12dB) sobre el filtro en escalera, «para obtener una mayor versatilidad y amplitud en su paleta de tonos». Por su parte, y al parecer, el diseño de filtro es una evolución de la circuitería incluida en el exitoso sintetizador Sequential Pro 3.

Sólo el hecho de que el propio Dave Smith se dejase mostrar «increíblemente excitado» con Trigon-6 –aseguran desde Sequential– ya presupone un enorme margen de credibilidad a esta máquina, sin que ni siquiera hayamos tenido oportunidad de escuchar su sonido. «Confiamos en que [este modelo] continúe su legado como un legendario creador de sintetizadores», añaden.

Producido desde Future Music media[LAB] en Madrid, España
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Y'all complain but if this had some legendary pedigree like the Prophet or OB-6 you would be praising the crisp sound and refined panel design.


Yes, this will work :) For the harsh critics here I like to recommend to check out this multitrack version of Jackson's Billie Jean someplace YT. Not only can you hear the pop giant sing directly into a mic. But you can also listen to a Jupiter 8 and CS80, some of the mightiest polys ever, raw and without any fx. This might be a real eye opener. Nobody ever in any serious production used a synth sound w/o good outboard. A Pultec here, a Big Sky there, a delay from space, that's the magic. And as I see it, this little Trigon brings a lot to table worth to be placed in a nice mix with some enhancements.


Wow the 2 last patches are so incredible


It sounds really nice. But going to have to stick to my P6 for a bit longer I'm afraid :)


Best demo so far. I don’t wanna hear a polyphonic Pro-3 but something like the Memorymoog.


Definitely a different vibe from what I'm used to with DSI/Sequential synths (which I love). No doubt due to the new filter. My main question would be if it's sonically versatile enough. Mega-giant bass lines? Sure! Crazy sequenced pads? Sure! But beyond that…hmm.


First off I really appreciate no talking, and secondly at about 2:03 that riff is incredible. Thanks for the vid!


Man, this is sonically quite interesting! Looking forward to hearing more!


What is it with synth demos and showcasing the most uninspiring sounds ?


Those who like it, do. Those who don't like it complain and bash. If it's not your cup of tea, then simply don't buy it. Nobody forces you to even listen to the full demo. I like it, but can't buy it.


Sounds lush and 80s. Love the sound! But the design? Come on Sequential! What are these knobs? What happened to the rubber wrapped metallic DSI knobs? And the bright wood? I hope there is a darker version available as well?


Sounds cool, but the ob-6 is still my favourite of the 3.


"New discrete VCO and VCF designs..." could this be Dave Smith's version of "a clone" of the Memorymoog by any chance? If so, it's missing one very important feature: a 5-octave keyboard!


SEQUENTIAL TRIGON-6 -new ANALOG polysynth!! (SOUNDS DEMO, no talking) Perfect Video ✒✒🧬🧬💚💚🦁🦁🏳🏳🍃🍃🤍🤍🐾🐾✍✍💯💯.


i'm jealous of the light colored wood. i'd love to see some p5'10's with unstained wood. this thing looks awesome. liking the 3 oscillators.


Sequential knows their stuff, I'm sure they did lots of experimenting, but I do feel a bit disappointed that they didn't use continuously variable oscillators, as on the Prophet 6 or PRO3. But different oscillators sound different, likely enough they decided these worked better for some reason.


The second sound is the bass line from Ultravox's 1980 song 'Mr X'


I'm sure it can do any sound if you know how to program, those patches sound like 1980s which doesn't really sell me on it. Overall it has a metallic quality to the sound which isn't for me but it's beautiful!


Interesting synth, I would like to see it in the context of a song. It is hard to judge based on these demo sounds by themselves. I would say this has the brassy DSI sound but it is a little tamer. It feels like it is not as aggressive and does not have as much depth, but it still sounds DSI. Watching the official Sequential video, it sounded like this was something that sits in between the Prophet 6 and OB6. I think if that was the goal, it was achieved. I would like to see a demo from J3P0 or Matt Johnson from Jamiroquai. Sound is subjective, people who like DSI will probably like it and those that don't may not....but then again this may bring them over since it seems to be a little more tame.


Lovely 80s sound! I'm in! Now who wants to buy a kidney?
