Bernardo Kastrup VS Avi Loeb: Aliens & Reality

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Avi Loeb is a Harvard Astrophysicist and best-selling author of books such as ''Extraterrestrial" and "The Elephant in the Universe". Bernardo Kastrup is an idealist philosopher and the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. In this episode, we discuss the common areas in between their fields, such as consciousness, the existence of aliens, and curiosity within scientific research.

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00:00 Introduction
01:13 The Link Between Loeb And Kastrup
03:26 Lack Of Curiosity In Science
08:11 Anomalies Of Today
12:40 Supersymmetry
16:29 Consciousness, AI, and Free Will
22:26 The Hawking Limit
29:53 AI Replacing Humans
36:31 Educating AI
37:38 The Role Of Humanities In AI
40:13 Challenging Physical Realism
47:11 Avi Loeb's Response To Opponents
01:01:27 Haters Of The Scientific Attitude
01:05:37 Opinions VS. Evidence
01:11:13 Is God An Alien?
01:14:21 Simulation VS. Baby Universes
01:16:31 Reality VS. Virtual Reality
01:18:42 Everett's Many Worlds Theory
01:23:09 Bernardo's Response To Avi
01:29:47 Finding Our Interstellar Love
01:31:46 Optimism On The Future
01:36:42 John E. Mack and Avi Loeb
01:39:04 The Problem With Science Media
01:48:12 Misinformation And AI
01:51:40 Afterthoughts On The Conversation
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I live in Brazil and really like Bernardo's work. I am a psychiatrist and Junguian analyst.
In my opinion, this video was a polite conversation but there was just no debate because Avi was not capable of delving inwardly into his subjectivity.
As Carl Jung said:
“One who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens”.


Bernardo should have his own podcast and interview people he loves.


"How do you test for consciousness?" asks Avi. I am shouting at the screen. QUALIA!! QUALIA!! Ask Chat GPT what it is LIKE to be CONSCIOUS! Ask it to recall qualia memories of being assembled, of its sense of triumph as it answered its first questions correctly! Ask it how it feels to be encased in a steel box! Ask it how it imagines its fellow AI's! I stand with Bernardo and agree with Sir Roger Penrose who says 'consciousness is not computation'. How did I get to that belief? Intuition. A product of consciousness, NOT of computation.


I found the conversation shallow & slightly boring. ( dont hammer me). The topic of conscoiousness (reality ) was bearly discussed. I thought Avi wasnt particualrly engaging in Bernados point of view & following his trail of thought, though Bernado did just that.


Loeb is so convinced that he is right that he has lost the curiosity that he laments is missing from science. Blinders and biases…


Brilliant! I always wanted to see both Bernardo and Avi in a dialogue, and the result did not disappoint. Avi has the rare and amazing talent to articulate and communicate complex subject matter in an understandable format. What a treat for anyone curious about physics and philosophy.


couldn't agree more that Avi eminates optimism..what a great person and physicist, much respect and admiration.


I appreciate Avi’s work, but Bernardo is just on another level.


AVI LOEB FIERCELY CONFUSES INTELLIGENCE WITH CONSCIENCE, The guy doesn't care about Aristotle, Plato, Jung for shit, he wants the latest iPhones and play poker with friendly aliens, that's enough for him, poor man....


Excellent as ever many thanks!
To me it seemed that despite all the claims that they don’t disagree about very much etc they in fact appeared to have fundamentally very different world views - and that whenever Bernardo delicately touched on this Avi closed it down… it would’ve been nice to hear more talk of Bernardo’s idealism, and to hear Avi’s views on this and them debating that - any thoughts on this?
Nevertheless marvellous and inspirational


Avi Loeb is so inspiring, thank you for all your work and persistence, your work has made me very happy, which I guess is odd but it helps me know that there is always something new to learn and be prepared for something you don’t expect. I feel like humans are programmed to expect things which is possibly why some people cant cope with the new


This is for Avi, Bernardona and everyone to contemplate. This is the research I have gathered on the The Great Pyramid of Giza and it would be interesting to have other people's opinions. My belief is that if the pyramid was not built by star people, the people that built it certainly knew how to get to the stars. The knowledge they have left us is what I believe was their mission statement for coming to the earth. Personally, I think they came here to seed the earth and this is their autograph so-to-speak. But everyone will have their own ideas.

1. It is 3/60th of a single degree of true north 2. It weighs 6 million tons 3. Its footprint is 13 acres 4. It is more than 755.9 feet along each side 5. The Great Pyramid is 146.75 m high, its height X a million equals the distance from the Earth to the sun 6. It has more than 2.3 million individual blocks of stone 7. It is locked into the Cardinal dimensions of our planet; The dimensions of the Earth are incorporated into its dimensions 8. If you take the height and multiply it by 43, 200 you get the polar radius of the Earth 9. If you measure the base perimeter of the pyramid accurately and multiply that measurement by 43, 200 you get the equatorial circumference of the Earth 10. The scale is not random, the number 43, 200 is derived from a key motion of the Earth, which is called the precession of the Earth’s axis 11. The Earth wobbles on its axis very slowly at the rate of 1 degree every 72 years; 43, 200 is a multiple of 72; 600 X 72 12. The Great Pyramid of Giza gives us the dimensions of the planet on a scale defined by the planet itself 13. There are several 70-ton blocks of granite from a quarry 500 kilometers away, one of hardest stones, raised 300 feet above the ground 14. It has eight sides, and at the spring equinox and the autumn equinox one side of the pyramid is in the shade in the morning and again in the late afternoon and can only be seen from the air 15. It is a calendar 16. It has expansion joints 17. It is located at the exact intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitude of the Earth, in other words The Great Pyramid is located at the precise center of the Earth’s land mass 18. The builders possessed highly sophisticated knowledge of mathematics and geometry and they had knowledge of the true dimensions of the Earth to extreme precision 19. The builders possessed exceptionally advanced technical instrumentation (laser guided surveying tools?) to site The Great Pyramid 20. Pi = C over D Phi = Divided by 5 + 1 over 2. Archimedes discovered Pi about 250 BC, but Egyptians knew of it 2, 250 years earlier 21. If you subtract the inner circle of the base from the outer circle around the base (the circumference of The Great Pyramid), you get the speed of light in meters to four decimal points: 299, 792, 458 meters per second 22. The weight of The Great Pyramid is 5, 273, 000 tons and that multiplied by a billion is the weight of the Earth 23. The three inner rooms; the king’s chamber, the queen’s chamber and the unfinished chamber under the pyramid are proportional to the distances between Mercury, Venus and the Earth 24. The distance from The Great Pyramid to the North Pole is the same as the distance from The Great Pyramid to the center of the Earth 25. If you divide the perimeter of the pyramid by 1/2 its height the result is 3.14 Pi h/2 = Pi 26. The base side length is 364.242 which is exactly the time in days it takes for the earth to orbit the sun 27. The high chamber is built on a double square, which leads us to the golden ratio geometry 28. Pyramids in China, Mexico and Egypt align with the Orion star system

Автор, what an amazing conversation...what a delightful Bernardo
Thank you


Thank you Javier Bardem for bringing the two most esteemed gentlemen on your podcast, we really appreciate it 👏👏👏


Way to go Fidias! THIS is how a podcast should be. A debate between two extremely smart people who have something to say. Keep it up!


Avi Loeb's capacity for critical thinking correlates beautifully with Stephen hawking's ability to do jumping jacks.


Hey Fidias. Can you bring Joscha Bach and Jonathan Pageau on the show. Thanks for the podcast


The interviewer looks like he is on the can trying to push one out. lol


Keep up the struggle Avi, haters are gonna hate,


Great to see human communication shining.
