Dowsing / Water Witching

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My uncle talks about dowsing with me and then demonstrates how he does it. He finds water for us and estimates how deep it is.
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We need to protect older gentlemen like this at all cost. They're a breed of man that will never walk this earth again. He reminds me of my late grandfather. Every generation loses a little more and a little more until there's nothing left😢


I love the way you ask your uncle questions. Bless you all and the lineage of all dowsers. ❤


I made Dowsing rods using wire cutters, coat hangars and plastic straws. The plastic straws go over the hangar to ensure you can’t manipulate the rods with your hands, allows the rods to move freely. You can have a lot of fun using them, they aren’t just for finding water.


My grandpa used to do this for his town. He lived in a small town & anytime anyone needed to find water, they always called him. Sure wish I had been able to go with him or video him doing it. He told me about it a couple of times, but didn't really go into detail. After he passed, I asked my grandmother. She said she never went with him either, but knew he always used a Willow branch. This is neat that your uncle can use any type of wood. This is so awesome!! Thanks for the video!


Nice to see this. My Grand Dad taught me how to do this about 25 years ago. It is a really cool feeling whenever you get over water.. Thanks for the informative video.


I know for a fact it works. It is the shape of the stick. And how you hold it. No idea how it works. Know for a fact it works. Did it my self. Neighbors dad had stick, showed me how to hold it. He said walk here - there is a water pipe below here. He Got jealous when the stick started moving. I had no idea what I was doing.


Have heard about this being done, but never seen it until now. Thanks *_🇺🇸🐍🇺🇸_*


I used to do this when I was a kid. Found my parents water pipes. I need to practice.


Thank you!! 💕😊😊🙌💞💕 the fact that it has to be "Y " shaped is fascinating I imagine the energy because we are magnetic and electric comes from the hands into the middle of the wood as a focused guide😊🙏❤


Worked with an old man in Colorado that did witching, he used a forked willow branch and held it the same way.


Well drillers are paid to drills holes, whether they hit water or not. I was skeptical until I saw it first hand. For the cost of a steak dinner, my guy was spot on. He claimed there is one in every family that can do this.


@ 7:00 He mentions electricity while guessing " how Dowsing works." Mind you, I don't know. But I've have heard that there is
electricity In the Earth ! And They say that Some Lightning Proceeds from it. I've even seen a 4 or more Foot Lightning Bolt
just above the ground when I was a little boy. " Electricity and Magnetism " go together. You Can't separate one from the Other .


My father taught me exactly the same way he is doing this. I was taught at a very young age


The physics involved in dowsing have been reverse engineered. Read and study the book, The Art of Dowsing - Separating Science from Superstition ($14.95), for learning all of the physics involved in dowsing and how to build the modern light weight ball bearing dowsing rod, which is the only dowsing rod that accurately gauges what is being dowsed by pitting the energy of gravity against against the energizing of the one-tenth ounce dowsing rod load that is attached on the elevated acetylene welding rod, with being located five-inches from the hub's shaft. This precisely gauges the dowsing of all edges, exact center, depth buried with angle of deposition, and most important is grading of the sought element that is contained in the elemental mass that is being dowsed. Anybody can become a professional dowser by practicing the book's dowsing lessons of buried pipelines and electrical cables, tunnels and voids, precious metal placer and lode deposits, amplified long distance dowsing from a moving vehicle, and dowsing on water from a boat. Also, a new YouTube Channel - The Art of Gold Dowsing - will explain the physics involved in dowsing while being shown how to dowse for everything from buried pipelines to precious metal deposits. I hope dowsing enriches your life and have a safe, healthy, good day.


I've found both gas and water lines before digging.
Can't explain it, just know I've had it work.


I know it true. I can do it as well
Have you ever heard of using a crowbar. On your right hand inside balance on middle finger. Curve part facing backwards. When water is found it will drop forward


I called BS on this and was a total nonbeliever until i watched it happen with insane accuracy after that i was able to do it.. before i couldnt


After drilling a 600’ dry hole
, I’ll try anything


I am suprised you are wearing a watch, I can only wear a watch for a weak and the watch is destroyed. I am like you, I can use any materials. Thanks and stay safe.


Dousing DOES work but ONLY for shallow wells…I’d say probably 50’or less depth …can use fruit tree fork or aluminum rods…and saw one using copper rods
