Water Witching 101

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Riana Mondavi explains the mysterious art of water witching, a craft her father Marc Mondavi uses to locate water for vineyards for The Divining Rod wines.
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My grandfather witched wells for farmers for years. He always found water and could estimate the depth of the water by the curve of the forked willow--which he cut 3 days prior to the "walk". Farmers came to him time and time again because of his accuracy. I witnessed it several times--I'm a Ph.D. that knows experimental design but I can't explain this one. It is certainly a lost art.


I installed irrigation, and my boss taught me to do it to find waterlines, it's definitely real, but I don't think it's supernatural, I expect it's more electromagnetism


Believe it or not we tried this during a plmbing class I was taking and the instructor gave us the rods to walk with and find water. We all just laughed until the rods pointed in the direction of a well which none of the students knew about but instructor did because that is the well for the building where we are taking the course. Great stuff.


It works!! I was a skeptic but now we use it a lot to find water cavities around houses, we fix leaking basements, very helpful tool!


Joe rogan sent me here cuz of yt copyright bs


Thank You, very informative! I got to try it when the excavating company I was working for hired a diviner, he showed me how, and the wire just moves in your hands, I didn't believe it until I tried it, and then I dug with an excavator, and there was water, it works!


Well done video. I don't care who says this isn't real, there's no scientific proof etc. I was shown 20 years ago, how to find water with coat hangers. Just like the gentleman in the video, it was so amazing how the hangers crossed right over where the man later showed me there were pipes right under where they crossed! I tried it again just in my neighborhood. I was blindfolded, my friend was leading me by my shoulder. The hangers crossed EVERY time I walked over a sewer pipe, sprinkler system and fire hydrant. I am a 100% believer in this and I was a skeptic before I saw it with my own two eyes. 


i found groundwater using an apple tree limb cut down to make a "Y" shape walked along with the straight end outward while streching the other end out somewhat gripping tightly, came to a spot where the limb turned sharply downward and marked the spot, had a well driller come out and after drilling through heavy clay and bedrock hit water at approx. 50 feet and was pumping over 30 gallons per minute out of it, became the new well for the house i lived in.


rather than getting into the science I tried it out myself on my farm and was pleasantly happy that the borewell at the point I had selected has almost 2 inches water..important to note that many neighbors who have attempted borewell had no success what so ever so yeah it works for sure✌


I watched a neighbor of mine growing up find many wells! In fact he was so good he was recommended by a well drilling company!


I just did this at work today for the first time. Interesting stuff.


man, I know this works, because I've done it several times myself to find well lines and buried septic lines. but watching someone else do it makes it look like a foolish undertaking. lol.


As much as I don't want to believe in water witching Ive seen it work multiple time during bad droughts in the Texas panhandle. Really interesting


I'm a Well Driller by trade, and we do this from time to time and usually find water. But using it to Find Depth and Volume sounds a little far fetched to me. I'd like to see a video backing that up.


I was blowing the minds of the local Japanese doing this! so much fun :-)


Skip to 0:47 to skip the super long intro.


I always remembered wells being witched here where I live with a peach limb.


I learned this from my father- who learned it from his father- I haven't been able to make a willow branch work yet    I can find water- have found about 20 or so wells in the southern Philippines   I use welding rods


I can do all of this.I am in a Dowsing society in Auckland New Zealand.I was talking recently to the top Dowser in Auckland.Much to my surprise he says he can see the Water below ground.Anyway i will be off to see him in the next few weeks and he is going test me to find out if i have potential.Dave


The rods line up with the underground water like a compass needle lines up with true north. I have a water well now having used them. Sometimes they will cross when the sewer line is crossed. Moving water creates lines of magnetism.
