Double Your Potato Yields With This Dirt Cheap Homemade Grow Bag Method

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This is Survival Gardening at its finest....If you could only grow ONE CROP using ONE TECHNIQUE... it would be this one!!!... Potentially DOUBLE your harvest of potatoes using this very cheap and practical method of growing potatoes... Potatoes are filled with vitamins and minerals along with loads of high quality calories and fiber (so long as the skins are kept on).... plus they store for many months without any special techniques.... get growing some potatoes my friend!!!


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Brother, I utilized the garbage bag potato system and holy f*cking roley poley! The system you showed on your "double your potato yields" worked out so well. I'm looking forward to next season as these were just a test run. Thanks again my friend, I've been watching my father-in-law try to grow potatoes for 3 seasons now to absolute failure as the result. He's gonna lose his mind when he sees these garbage bag potatoes 😂.


My Thoughts on the Plastic: I feel its important to keep things in perspective my friends... #1- This exact type of plastic is used EXTENSIVELY on nearly all major Certified Organic Farming operations.... those organic strawberries you bought from the co op are almost guaranteed to be farmed using and coming in direct contact with this type of plastic... So the organic certifiers deemed this perfectly safe and they have far more laboratory credentials than I do....#2 - Highly biologically active soil contains billions of microorganisms that have the power to break down things like BPA within two days of contact... this compost we use in the bag is exploding with microbial life!!... #3 - Contrary to popular belief, just because a compound might be present in the soil does not mean it will be absorbed by the plants.... plants only absorb what they need and nothing more... unless its purposely sprayed on them of course (systemic pesticides)... #4 - You are already swimming in a sea of toxins... your hairspray, deodorant, makeup, fragrance, body wash, lotions, synthetic clothing, bed mattress, water bottles, food packaging, toothbrush, tampon, mouthwash, etc... are all constantly introducing toxins into the body in WAY higher concentrations than what is possible using these bags.... so IN CONCLUSION = The important thing is to be growing the maximum amount of food and growing potatoes (or anything else) this way is LIGHTYEARS better and cleaner and more nutrient dense than ANYTHING you'll get from a store, even organic stuff.... so grow on my friends!!!


Leaf mold under bag
1/3 compost in bag, could be mixed w soil. Roll top down.
10 Drainage holes in bag using rebar.
Use potatoes from last year. Plant in bag at 2 levels. One set 2” from bottom. Other two 2” deep.
Put compost on top. Add 5gallon bucket to bag.
Water weekly
Potatoes are heavy feeders


I use animal feed bags as planters, once a few cuts have been made in them for drainage. Large (25 pounds or greater) dog, cat, chicken, rabbit, whatever species. I collect them from friends and from my own animal/livestock feed. Also, the large plastic (food safe) tubs that horse and cattle supplements are sold in. Sometimes 55-gallon barrels that once contained food are available locally at less than $20 USD each. My rainwater catchment system is made up of these, some I got for free. Cutting these plastic barrels in half gives me two good sized planters and isn't a difficult job. I basically have trained myself to look at things with an eye to what I can do with them to grow food plants or livestock. It isn't always pretty, but it can feed my family, so it is a beautiful thing to the eyes of this beholder!


Very clear, very intelligent. Thanks and especially for not falling into the trap of amateurs -playing music while you’re talking.


This is pretty much how I was taught to grow potatoes decades ago by my great-grandfather. The only difference is that we used burlap sacks. Makes sense though. We'd cut the sacks open to harvest right on top of the compost pile. Grab the taters and stir the rest in. The sacks would go on the beds for weed control for the spring plants, covered by mulch, over the winter.


I have gone through SO many potato growing guides over the past 2 years.... but you are the first one to mention the 'determinate' and 'indeterminate' way of growing tubers. thank you so much for this efficiency tip!


Your approach to “making due with what you got” is refreshing and motivating. The way you explain your techniques make s me realize anyone can do it (even me). In these tough times ( bout to get tougher) this channel will be my go to….


I do masonry as one of my jobs and I'm always trying to salvage materials from the jobsite in order to use around the yard. I'll be making some videos once I have time to show what I've done.


I appreciate the levelling tip on these. I'm about to grow a last crop of the season of some Yukon Golds and some Reds and will implement what you've shown here. One tip I could give you is that right when the potatoes begin to flower, step on them at the base of the plant and bend but not totally break it, but enough so that the plant is clearly damaged above the surface. This will cause the plant to start to die, but will bring all of the nutrients from the green part and invest it back into the spuds, resulting in around 15% to even 20% larger spuds in the last couple of weeks before you harvest. This is an old Irish tip for getting a little more out of them before harvest.


This is a fantastic idea and burying them at two levels knowing how they will spread out is genius. Thanks so much for sharing!


Hi, Viking King
I take my old plastic flower pots, decorative ones that I'm just kind of tired of and cut just the bottoms out. Some of them are only 10 inches wide but that's alright, the plants don't care. Then I put old crushed leaves, grass clippings and compost, that's not quite there yet, and plain old dirt, in the pots and mix it up. Then set them right on top of the ground without doing anything to the ground below the pot, it's undisturbed. The plants just take off like crazy, growing right into the old ground.
I have the most beautiful, lush Cherokee Purple tomato plant in a pot that's no bigger than 10 inches. It's only about one and a half feet tall, It looks like a stout, stocky little bulldog flexing his muscles. I know he's saying " Yeah, I'm bad.' I love him!
It looks so funny though, seeing a big ole tomato plant growing in such a small pot 😂
Love, love, love all your wonderful videos. You make living fun. What a gift you are!
Jude, from Kentucky ✝️🥀🐴🇺🇲💚


I planted potatoes in containers this year to everyone’s amusement. I was shocked and a bit overwhelmed when I ended up with 200 pounds of potatoes. I am canning, freezing, and dehydrating, but really need to know the best way to store them without processing them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I just found your channel and it is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!!


Thanks for talking in a quiet and kind way, instead of this hyperactive and Mr/ms-expert way that many video makers use.


For those that don't know much of a potatoes vitamins and minerals are found just beneath the skin peeling spuds wastes these important assets. Digging an 18 inch trench beneath your grow bags and filling with unrotted organics will provide enough warmth to plant much earlier in the year and indeed get your system right will allow you to grow potatoes through out the winter. Once the tips of the shoots break the surface keep topping up your bags until nearly full this will treble your harvest, dont worry the potatoes have enough energy to grow up to a depth of three feet plus, you don't need to use bags old tyres will do or stacking boxes or pipes. My son and I grow enough potatoes each year to feed us in a plot six feet by eight feet.This is not something we discovered our selves it was knowledge passed on to us.


Just what I need, another garden channel….(sarcasm). Sir, you are excellent. Thank you. I wish I had seen this in April instead of August. Next year.


I do the exactly the same thing! Have done for years. The spuds are clean, no rodent damage and easy to harvest. The bags last for 2 to 3 years. Way to go.


I took your advice and planted two layers of potatoes this year. My harvest this year was easily double or more what I have had in the past. Thanks for the tips!


So thankful to have found your channel, your methods are easy, effective and affordable. 👍👍 Sharing wide


My todo list for 2023. #1 plant potatoes like a Viking.
