One Year Of Pool Knowledge in 37 Minutes

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In this pool lesson I am going to show one year of pool knowledge in 37 minutes. I've put together a compilation of the most important lessons and information from one year here on Youtube. Thanks for your support. Enjoy!

Pool Drill | Which Difficulty Level Can You Master? (30):

Pool Training | 7 Runouts Explained (29):

Pool Drill | From Beginner to Pro (28):

Pool Lesson | 8 Ball (27):

Do You Play Position Like a Pro? | Advanced Principles (26):

Pool Lesson | Six Steps to Improve (25):

Pool Training | 9-Ball Complete Analysis (24):

5 Pool Tips in 90 SECONDS (23):

Pool Lesson | How To Break And Run 9 Ball (22):

Inside The Mind of A Pool Player (21):

How To Make More Balls By Using This Tip (20):

Pool Lesson | How to Improve Your Positional Game Immediately (19):

Cue Ball Analysis | 9 Ways to Play One Shot (18):

Pool Lesson | How To Get More Rotation On The Cueball (17):

Pool Drill | Precision Cue Ball Control (16):

What English You Should Use and Why - GoPro (15):

This Discovery Made Me A Shotmaker (14):

Pool Lesson | Everything About Straight Shots (13):

This Drill Will Teach You Everything About Positional Play in 9 Ball (12):

Pool Lesson | Advanced Position Play & Cue Ball Physics (11):

Where to Aim & How to Run 8 Ball - GoPro (10):

Pool Lesson | Position Game & Cue Ball Control - GoPro (9):

Pool Lesson | How to Shoot Every Ball - Step by Step (8):

Pool Drill | A Shot You Must Master - GoPro (7):

This Simple Trick Improves Your Position Game Immediately (6):

Shots That Will Leave Your Opponent Speechless (5):

Never Miss The Money Ball (4):

Pool Lesson | How to Aim With Side Spin (3):

Shots That Will Leave Your Opponent Speechless (2):

Cueball Physics | Learn to Control The Cueball (1):


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There is a ton of information in this video and is of benefit to both beginners and experts. It deserves more than one viewing to catch all the useful tips. Thank you Sharivari!


I've improved my pool skill level with your lesson videos thank you for that, but I noticed you been improving on your game as well, keep up the good work, hi from Texas U.S.A.


Hello from 🇧🇷 Brazil, I learn a lot from your videos :D thank Youuuu


From The Bahamas, you videos are exceptional


just subscribed! As with most things German, you've done this right! After a hiatus from pool, I ordered myself a nice Preditor cue and I'm ready to get back into the game! Now if I can just get them to open the pool halls in the San Francisco Bay Area!!!!


Sharivari, I really appreciate your willingness to share everything you learned about pool with all of your viewers. You must be really a nice guy. Wish you all the best in pool, and your life, stay always passionate about this game.


you inspired me to play dude. I'm from Philippines. I always watch your videos. This is the first time I comment. I just want to say thank you so much for all the knowledge you've shared. You help me alot to improve my Game. Godbless dude. Hope to have one of your cue stick hehehe. (law of attraction)


I use your technique’s and practice them always. I’m wondering if along with showing where you at aiming on the cueball you could show where you are aiming on the object ball as well for each shot. Keep up the excellent teaching methods as well as showing multiple methods of shooting the same shot for playing position for the next shot


Great compilation. I love your videos. I have one question. I've noticed other players, some pros, and some intermediates wiggle, or left fingers on their bridge hand while doing warm up strokes. I've seen some just move the last finger and sometimes the 4th and last finger. So what are you doing that for? Is it unconscious or habit, or does it actually serve a purpose?


Pozdrowienia z Polski 🇵🇱.
Übung macht den Meister, aber es ist immer wichtig zu wissen wie mans tut ;)


Hi Sharivari, love all videos but could you please tell me how you project those lines on the table.


What kind of cue and shaft do you use. Also break and jump cues do you use.


As always, i will like the video first then watch it 😂


hello i want to learn how to jump the whit ball?


You try to give the video more brightness it will be great if you do


Just curious, have you play in a pro-tournament yet? I think you would do well.


I've watched many of your videos but only in this one do you use the term 'English'. What is the meaning of this term?


Привет! Я любитель американского пула из России! 🇷🇺🎱


Playing snooker with an american pool cue looks odd you should get a snooker cue at some point!
