Vegan Since 1951! 32 Years Raw! A Natural Man of Many Skills; Mark Huberman

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00:00 Introducing Mark Huberman
26:08 What about criminal cases
against vegan parents?
29:33 What foods do you eat?
35:27 Are there certain foods vegan children need to eat more or less of?
38:34 What other foods do you like to focus on?
42:30 Give us a quick tour of your vegan kitchen and garden!
48:40 Why did your parents raise you vegan?
52:52 Are you raising your children vegan?
58:32 Do you take medications or supplements?
1:02:58 Any medical conditions?
1:06:53 Why is it important for others to be vegan?
1:11:26 In what ways was being a vegan child challenging?
1:15:54 Resources for raising children vegan
1:17:48 Favorite Quote
1:18:39 How do you suggest others get started?
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I am so shocked! I have no idea who you are but chances are we’ve met! As a young man I was in your parents store all the time. In the 70s as a teen I was a health and bodybuilding nut. Still am! Your parents sold me my first weight bench. I worked hard and saved my money for it. Wow. I loved their store. Funny it was right next to a candy store! Your video came across my feed and I decided to listen to it. Then I was floored when I saw the store front in the picture you held up. I still live in that area and I want you to know that your parents had a positive influence on my life.


So happy to find you, Mark. I also turn 70 in a few weeks. I’ve been Whole Foods Plant-Based for ten years. I came to the decision that God’s best will for anyone could not be being only 60 and being in and out of a wheelchair with arthritis, it afflicted my hands, and ankles too. Decided to give it a try having read the Maker’s prescription for mankind: a diet of plants, to ditch the dairy at first and work on complying with the rest of the tall prescription. I’d asked God, what am I doing wrong and the words in my head were, “Haven’t you read Genesis 1?”So it was both my inclination and that I was clearly told and the words jumped off the page.

Inside of 3 weeks, I didn’t need to use that wheelchair and my hands were able to lift a big pan. So took me about another 2 months to get all animal products out of my life. I started walking and the weight fell off of me. Went down 60 lbs. Feel so much better.

Would love to hear what if any diseases you’ve had in your life. Since going vegan, I’ve only had one cold, which was more a response to a vaccine and a bronchial flu once. My best friend is a vegan nutritionist and told me to eat fresh pineapple daily. Did more to help clearing my lungs than the antibiotic treatment. My husband resisted the diet change, then he had cancer and the best prevention to not have it metastasizing was and is, the WFPB diet. He had prostate cancer and it was judged stage 4. He is now 7 years since the surgery and is alive and well and active. There were 3 other men who retired doing his same job in which they all worked with RoundUp and those men were much heavier than my husband, and did not change their diet, not did they have surgery but went for chemo and radiation. They are died inside of 6 months.

I truly wish I had been raise like you were, on plants exclusively. I have done so much better on this diet than at another time of my life. Dairy allergy is no the only issue as mine was dairy intolerance, a test they never did. I was raised in a home where we had lead pipes as well as the water in the street. Dairy constipated me so badly that my mother gave me enemas with that water. I stuttered horribly and developed hyperhidrosis which is like being in shock 24-7. My mother called me “defective” and then so did my brother and sister.

I talked with my best friend, the nutritionist, about my conclusion of lead poisoning. As its been 10 years since the diet change, the toxins are finally out of even my skeleton. The amount of ridicule, harassment I endured as a child, in today’s world my mother’s ignorance would be seen as child abuse. The water she used was cold not warm for the enemas. It pinched and hurt almost as bad as labor pains.

I never thought I’d be able to marry. I told my mom to quit with the laxatives, when I was 16, lost weight and discovered to my surprise, I was actually much prettier than my preferred older sister. I discovered salads and bran cereal and only had some milk on my cereal and felt better. I married in 1975, and was scared to have children, in that I did not want our children to relive my horrific childhood. We had our first son when I was 28, we had two more. All normal children. I was still having some though not as bad hyperhidrosis during this time but when we moved to the Antelope Valley where the we bought a new home with new plumbing in the street, the sweats tapered off. But menopause hit me like a ton of bricks too and what gains I had made against the massive sweats, decided to move back in and I could not kick them out the door. This too went with the WFPB diet.

I have a very loving husband. We are married 47 years. We have 3 grandsons and one grand daughter. Two of our sons barely speak to me as they are big on meat, one is Keto.

A good diet, one which is suited to our anatomy which screams at us that we are batch-feeding herbivores, of course we do better eating what our bodies are designed to eat. We have a sick-care and maintenance for that, system. We do not have HEALTH care, we have maintenance in our illness so chronic conditions never get better. I makes doctors and the pharmaceutical industry wealth beyond the the avarice of King Midas.

I am glad there are many who are waking up and are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

The child my mother called “defective” is the only one of her 3 children who is not only alive but very healthy for any age. My doctor says my bloodwork looks like I am 20 years old. My husband’s is just as good. My mother died of breast cancer, my sister had that too, metastasized into her liver, her bones, her brain. She had both breast taken whereas my mother had one breast left. My sister died in the most agony I’ve heard of. They actually took out her pelvis and she also had cancer of the bone. No pelvis, no tailbone. How do you have a BM? Agony.

My brother died of suicide after I got married. I did not know he was born with an inguinal hernia in the groin. One of our sons had this too, it is caused by dairy as I was told I had to drink it because of pregnancy and nursing our babies. Again, knowledge of nutrition and the diseases the dairy-high diet, doctors are not being taught. My parents did not pay for the corrective surgery for my brother’s hernia. And forced to strip for showers after PE in junior high and high school, I’d come home and find him sitting on the roof. Probably contemplating suicide for the mocking he was enduring. If anyone can know how badly one can be mocked, I think I did. And my brother and I were best of friends when our “perfect” sister was not around.

When our brother died, just 6 months after I got married my sister informed me that she would not be grieving so dreadfully if I had killed myself as she always expected it. Wow! What a burden to put on my head. I did not cause him to do what he did. When Mom was always discussing what was done with defective children, like put them in an attic room where they could not go out and be an embarrassment to the family, my father had been building a room in our attic. He had all the materials, and he stopped work on it. The entrance for that room at that time was through a window on the roof. That is where I found my brother from the time I was in grammar school until he graduated high school and went to L.A. City College and got an AA in electronics.

You can imagine how much I have wished that my parents were like your parents. I have agoraphobia, and it lingers even though I can go out. Psychological pain and grief just don’t go away and now I realize how totally unnecessary all that pain for us was.

I am glad I found the truth out about diet and even at that I was resistant to change, the Standard American Diet overdrives the tastebuds and I think it is an addiction which is self-protecting. We have the science but when you don’t want to know, you won’t even look at what will work.

Over the last few years the story I’ve told to people I’ve met has been enough to people to want to change their diets. So perhaps God in his wisdom allowed me to go through what I did to show that His mercies know no limit to our age, our race, our sex or our financial status. God does not violate free-will.

God bless you sir, you are a wonderful testimony of how a life should be.


Thank you for this encouraging video. I’m 61 have systemic lupus, my daughter is a vegan she found a dr who cured herself of lupus.. I’m in 14 days raw! I grew up on a farm had great food but in the 60s deet was used……We are micro green farmers now 4 years in, certified naturally grown we grow organically outdoors on our own. Moving forward in a true healthy path. Be well Ginnie


I respect and commend you on your disciplined, vegan journey, and lifestyle. I am always elated to read about, or listen to kindred spirits. I have been a vegetarian/vegan for 52 years(vegan for 30 yrs to the present). I am 80 years young, no medication, no surgeries, and no worries. Plus, I fast regularly, sensibly, I might add. When I was a vegetarian, I only consumed fish, and dairy sparingly. I have always subscribed to a practical exercise regimen, and cleansers.
This was my testament to you, and your accomplishments.
J. Miller


Listening to him, I wish my parents had raised me on a vegan diet. But most of all, I wish I had both my parents growing up. My mom dying when I was 3 made it impossible to be happy as a child. Yet I still do my best like him and want to make the planet a better place.


Thank you for all this information that you had provided to all of us. Greatly appreciated! I'm in my late 60's and was on prescription pills for a few years and one day I just got tired of taking the drugs for the rest of my life and noticed that I need to make a change. I changed my eating habits and started to eat healthy, resting better, meditating, exercising and now all my problems have gone away and I'm not taking any pills but I'm still going to my cardiologist and getting my blood checked each year to see if all is good and of course all is GREAT!


So great to have people like him as a proof of for this life style


I go to the 60. I feel 28!!! I was vegetable since 30 years and i´m vegan since ca.10 years now. I look 20 years younger now. ❤And i love animals. Thank you for you!!! Greetings from Austria 😍


My health was failing until I switched to a vegan diet my iron and vitamin D was always low until I became vegan #save the animals #save the planet and beyond #save your health!


so wonderful to listen to Mark. Surprised that when he married his wife was not plant based. Just shows his consistency in saying his diet is not the center of his life. My wife is not vegan either, and sometimes I do stroll off the path. Mark's an inspiring man, my path was started with Dr McDougall along with Diet For A Small Planet, and John Robbins" book.


It is amazing how ahead of their time your parents were!!! What a blessing 🙌 🙏


What a great story. Mainstream media never puts out stories like this. 🌻


I hope that people get his SALAD message. Salad as the heart of the meal.


When they showed your face up close it has the look and texture of young glowing skin.
Like a young kid!


I completely agree that this way of eating helps you control your health destiny. I was destined to live a life with diabetes and other diseases just like my family until I became aware of the benefits of a plant based lifestyle. I am still amazed that people reject this.


I so much agree with your frustration that Vegan restaurants lack to make basic simple and healthy sos free salads. It would make it so much easier and fun to visit restaurants like that ….😀🍀💚


I wish we could clone Mark Huberman we need more people like him on this earth 😀


He looks amazing, and exudes vibrancy. Great interview!


Listening to Mark I'm just stuck by what a force of nature he is, and we are lucky to have someone like him on our team!
