CLINIC: How to heal Diverticulitis naturally

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Im dealing with this.

My humble reccomendations:
Drink plenty of water [64 oz daily, MINIMUM].
Eat fiber [an apple a day really does work!]
Get ready for liquid only or soft food diet, maybe, during bad spells.
Ginger turmeric tea seemed to help my inflammation a TON. I've also heard small amounts of apple cider vinegar helps.
Consider intermittent fasting.
Take probiotics. Also, Sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, Kefir.
Get exercise. Stretch, and check your posture.
Start a food journal.
Make sure you have a DR you can talk to when symptoms occur/get bad/worse.
Try not to strain on the toilet, or sit on it too long.
Get a "squatty potty." or other way to lift feet when you poop. Really helps BMs

Good luck


it's not just "crampy".. it is the worst pain I have ever experienced in my


I had my first diverticulitis attack with a perforation at 35. It sucks living with this. I’ve been trying to avoid surgery for 25 years. It gets worse as you get older. It’s incredibly painful. Starting to consider surgery


I had a perforated bowel following an episode of diverticulitis, all while maintaining a whole food vegetarian diet for several years. The experts seem to be making it up as they go along.


I think one of the issues is that everyone is different and no one diet can fix everyone’s diverticulitis. Just do the best you can and listen to your own body. Good luck to everyone!❤️


Up until recently i was on keto for over 2 years. Within a month of going out of it, i ended up with a terrible diverticulitis infection. Here i am a month later with a 2nd flare-up. Im starting a liquid diet today and going back to keto and intermittent fasting. I felt way better on it physically and mentally.


I’m young fit and healthy. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. My flare ups are caused by high fibre, beans, nuts and seeds. I hate it when medical professionals tarnish everyone with the same brush


It is comforting to know there are friends out there who have severe symptoms also.what a potentially ghastly disease this is.stress is also a factor.


I have just been diagnosed with severe diverticulitis. I’m 75, not a big eater and have stuck to a very healthy diet all my life. Having said that, I’ve had constipation all my life. Mainly because I’ve taken pain killers for back pain. Obviously these have not helped. Most over the counter medications for constipation don’t work for me. But what has worked for me is a tablespoon of hummus every night when things are bad and 1/2 glass of tomato juice with Worcestershire sauce mixed, occasionally. I hope this helps someone.


Going gluten free and three types of probiotics has really helped me. Have had two very serious bleeds so had to do something and this is what seems to have helped.


For the last 6 years not one doctor could diagnose my condition after ultrasound, CT scans, and an upper GI. I finally diagnosed the condition myself after reading a wealth of information. Ironically every bad episode was roughly every two years when I would go on some fad diet. I have been using the FODMAP system to see what I can eat normally and what sets off my diverticulitis into a firestorm of pain. For me personally if I’m having an episode I stay complete off fiber and solids only hydrating. After a good week of no pain I gradually introduce fiber into my diet. I’m 6’2 and 225 pounds for reference. I now consume a daily average of between 30-55 grams of fiber and have eliminated a ton of foods that I cannot digest normally. I’m able to enjoy about 75% of what I normally consumed and I do not miss the other 25%. I do everything I can to stay pain free. I stay away from most processed junk food and most sugars as they induce pain. Again everyone is different. Just sharing my personal perspective and what has finally kept me pain free.


Had my first and very painful episode of this last month which hospitalised me. I can honestly say though, that i have very rarely been constipated in my life.


Yea I went to dr for this it runs high in my family and actually going carnivore diet and fasting has healed all my gut. Regular movements and no blood never in 7 months


Diverticulitis is probably the most painful I've ever felt in my entire life. So painful that I almost fainted while crying because I cannot breathe already. I thought deep breaths could help but it only makes the cramps more painful. I was rushed to the ER eventually and antibiotics helped. I wouldn't wish this pain on anybody. Please take care of your gut, drink more water, eat more fiber (eat it before protein or carbs), never force bowel movement, exercise and try intermittent fasting (I do OMAD). Haven't had flare ups ever since. 🤞🤞


The title says how to heal, diverticulitis naturally, did I miss something ?


This is the most informative information on this, iv'e ever seen. Very happy with this video ! Thank you..


I’m in a flare right now after 11 years well. It came on after eating hot tortilla chips and rice cakes over a few days time. Don’t usually eat these but needed something crunchy. Not doing it ever again. Antidote is lots of raw greens in salads to cool inflammation. I wouldn’t call grains with flax seeds roughage. Green leafy veg are anti inflammatory as well as cucumber and celery juice. I’ve learned my lesson!!


Make sure you go to toilet EVERYDAY. When you have a flare up period I will walk around the kitchen 12 hours after my lunch. 1230-1 AM. Walking really helps the goods travel through the restricted bowel. I have dinner about 730 as the transit time for me is about 11 hours. So I’m up and about at 6-630. Moving is really helpful. I’ve had it now 2 years. Lost lot weight but taking life day by day


High fiber still caused me constipation. Hypothyroidism too. Low fiber high fat and meat has helped me. Less stress on the colon and size of stool is smaller.


I just had my 7th flare up and it’s horrible! I had a sigmoid surgery (8 inches of intestine removed) which was supposed to help and 5 month later had another flare up! I stopped eating anything with seeds, nuts no corn or pop corn, nothing spicy, and it still keeps coming back!
