Mjeket me urdher te prere: Kurre mos hani qershi nëse vuani nga ky problem shëndetësor
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Jemi në sezonin e qershive dhe këto ditë me siguri të gjithë i keni konsumuar me shumicë. Por disa njerëz kur i konsumojnë i kanë qejf t’i hanë bashkë me bërthamat. Mirëpo për gastroenterologët kjo gjë mund të jetë shumë e demshme. Po ja cfare duhet te mesoni nga qershite, perfitimet dhe vlerat qe ato ofrojne:
We are in the season of cherries and these days you probably all consumed them in bulk. But some people like to eat them together with the kernels when they consume them. But for gastroenterologists this can be very harmful. Here's what you should learn from cherries, the benefits and values they offer:
We are in the season of cherries and these days you probably all consumed them in bulk. But some people like to eat them together with the kernels when they consume them. But for gastroenterologists this can be very harmful. Here's what you should learn from cherries, the benefits and values they offer: