Resistant Starch, Endotoxin, & Blood Sugar. Paul Saladino & Ray Peat Georgi Podcast

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Blood glucose rising after a meal is NOT the end of the world. It’s normal physiology.

There is a lot of hype right now in the nutrition world about “resistant starch.”

The idea is that if the starch is resistant to digestion, then it will lead to less of a blood sugar rise. Which is true.

Also, most people think resistant starch will feed bacteria in your gut. Which is true.

Most people think this is a good thing. Which is FALSE.

More bacteria feeding in the colon ➡️ Higher bacterial turnover ➡️ More bacteria dying & releasing endotoxin.

Endotoxin (or LPS) is released from the cell walls of gram negative bacteria when they die.

This causes massive gut inflammation.

And it contributes to leaky gut & ultimately endotoxin can get into the bloodstream leading to widespread inflammation.

No bueno.

You might want to avoid resistant starches like unripe fruit, cooked & cooled potatoes, whole grains, etc.

Cooking starchy foods well will reduce the resistant starch & make the food easier to digest.

Also don’t fear simple sugars like fruit, raw honey, & maple syrup!

You may realize that you feel better when you eat easy to digest carb sources.

High levels of endotoxin may be what is holding your health back.

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