Put an End to Low VA Disability Ratings: How to File a VA Claim That Is Easy to Prove!

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If you are a veteran with a low VA disability rating, there are several VA claims that you can file that can help you establish service connection and increase your VA disability rating. You may be unaware, but these claims come in many forms. These include tinnitus, hearing loss, migraines and mental health claims like depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). By filing one of these claims, you could increase your VA disability rating significantly.

The best part? Most of these VA claims are relatively easy to prove. All you need is the proper paperwork to submit with your claim. The most important piece of paperwork you need is a current diagnosis or an original medical report. This document should include symptoms and a nexus, which links your service-connected disability to your military service. To ensure you meet the criteria for a higher VA rating, make sure all this information is included in your claim. You also want to include evidence that supports your claim, such as a doctor's note or other medical records.

00:00 Introduction to VA claims that are easy to win
5:14 VA claims for tinnitus
10:06 VA claims for migraines
15:11 VA claims for depression, anxiety and PTSD

Tinnitus is a ringing in the ears that can be caused by exposure to loud noise. If you have tinnitus, you may be eligible for VA benefits.

Migraine headaches is a common disability among veterans. If you have migraines, you may be eligible for VA benefits.

PTSD is a mental health condition that can be caused by exposure to traumatic events. If you have PTSD, you may be eligible for VA benefits.

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Hey, i work as a rating specialist for the VA and I see you give some of the most solid advice on VA comp on the internet. Best part, you don't waste time. You get to the info without meandering. Love it, thanks for helping veterans.


I followed a previous CC video about tinnitus and won my claim easily. I’ve been retired from the navy 23 years and still won an easy 10%. Thanks CC. Awesome advice


Got 100% Individual Unemployability by treating the C&P like the most important day of my life. Thank you man, you helped change my life forever.


As a Gulf War/Desert Storm 1990-94 disabled veteran, I can personally vouch for every statement of fact Combat Craig says as 100% reality. I haven't heard anyone from our past military service that gets it this accurate. Keep up the good work brother ✊


I just want to say thank you in behalf of all the veterans. Because of your videos I was able to get the help and compensation from the VA. I got a 90% & going for that 100% p&t soon. Thank you sincerely


Hi Craig, I just got out of the Air Force last month and filed my very first claim and went and done my C&P exam. Right now I'm in the process of waiting for the results. My dad, who was in the Marines, finally decided to start to on his claim after being out for so long and I mentioned your name to him! Thanks for gathering all of this useful information for us veterans! It means a lot!


I just found your videos and they are great. I have been 60% service connected for over 10 years. I know I meet the criteria for 70% PTSD, but have been honestly scared to try to up my rating in fear they would lower my current rating. Like many I haven't had the best of experiences with the VA. Your videos have me feeling much more confident and it is appreciated!


Man i appreciate the advice I have tinnitus and never thought to add my diagnoses anxiety and headaches to it. But definitely have both. I’ll be discussing this with my dr at the next visit. Thanks brother


Hey man, got T & P! After joing ur booth camp and like u jnstructed, basically went back to school and proved my claim! I only used ur guidance! Keep up the great work!


I followed this channel and many others for about a year until I finally filed my first claim for Tinnitus. I served as a 0341 Mortar-man in the U.S. Marine Corps and was honorably discharged in 2004. I had litterally nothing in my medical records from my time in the Marines outside of the typical checkup’s and inoculations. In July 2024 I filed my claim for Tinnitus, went for my C&P exam weeks later and received my 10% rating in August. In October of this year I put in my claim for Anxiety with Panic Disorder which I had my C&P exam a few weeks later and now I’m just waiting for my rating but I have a good feeling based off of my evidence which included a Nexus letter, a completed DBQ and current diagnosis from my treating Psychiatrist. We will see how this goes and my next claim will be migraines because I’ve been dealing with all this shit for over 20 years and ain’t complained once but the older I get the more it effects me and I’m glad people like you motivated me to finally go through this process.


Hi Craig, so glad I found you here! I was ready to give up on trying for 100% feeling like the VA will find anyway not to increase my rating. I have tinnitus 10%, ever since working on the flight line. I was an aircraft electrician on fighter jets at Elgin AFB 78-82, then flew on C130’s as an aeromedical evacuation technician as well as serving in Desert Storm in Saudi. I am rated 30% for my migraines and 30% PTSD. I Never knew about how to file secondary. Tinnitus is getting worse, can’t sleep it’s so loud, hard to concentrate, also get episodes of severe Vertigo (no Dr or specialist) can figure out why.
Your videos are so helpful and I look forward to learning more so I can fight for my rating rather than be intimidated by examiners that dismiss me or twist my words leaving me feeling like quitting:(
Thanks a million! Any and all information is helpful!🇺🇸


Hey Craig I think you do a great job, when I was fighting the VA we didn't have much to fight with other actual facts. I would like to pass on my experiences: Go in as if it was your worst day at home ( remember everything you say is recorded) if you say I'm fine as you check in guess what they put that down. Upon exam and they pull out the measuring stick, always ask do you want me to stop when it hurts? they pretty much have to say yes, so when you bend, stretch, reach, walk up 3 steps what ever as soon as you feel pain of any kind stop! Another thing never let the doctor push, force, or assist your movement that is illegal for them to do that. Remember they are not your friend they represent the VA not the Vet!! Antidotal story to validate; I had both knees scoped in one month three weeks apart, my right knee with a torn meniscus still with stitches I was called for a C&P. I was asked to walk up three steps and back down, then he said give me three deep knee bends. I told him i just had knee surgery that month and he did not care. He said do the best you can, he showed no concern for my pain or recovery status. They deigned my increase, I filed appeals all the way to Admin judge. I not only got what I should have received but gave pain and suffering for the years I was denied compensation. P.S. don't fall for the BS about knees, ankles etc... one claim it is separate body parts and the admin judge agreed!


Not sure when you were on the flight line at Incerlik, but I was there from 90-93 in weapons. Hell we may have ran across each other. I am just now filing for anything and your boot camp has HELPED so much! Thank you brother....


I have headaches forever, I see my doctor outside the VA, the judge at my hearing ok it but the VA said no and gave me 0% on it. The doctor told them I have been on meds for over 14 years, so here I stand but I'm at 100 % so don't want to mess anything up 😢


Thank you Mr. CC…for all the knowledge. Submitted my claim back in march… went to c&p exams… and now in the evidence gathering and decision… your video’s sure help me keep calm and positive about the process.


Veterans be patient and keep fightingfor what you think you deserve. It took me almost 10 years to get from 50% to 90%


Holy crap, they denied my claim for tinnitus and felt so defeated that I did not fight back. It has caused so many other problems for me in my life.


At the 19-minute mark explains me fairly well, I have cameras and I have to know what's going on around my house as if someone is trying to break in at all times. I hate not being at home and knowing my wife and kids are at the mercy of whoever may be lingering around my house even though there never is.... Or they are just really good at hiding, they're the all-time hide-and-seek champs! Every time I go outside at 5 A.M. to go to work I have my head on a swivel and would swear there's someone right around the corner at all times until I get there and every damn time there is no one there... I have to go around and perimeter check every night and make sure that all the doors and windows are locked...I also do not like many people, though I love my family and will protect them with my life. I don't have a lot of friends because people are untrustworthy. Does everyone not do this?


You are great CC. I have helped several Vet relatives by sharing your information. Thank you
