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5 THINGS YOU ARE GETTING WRONG ABOUT SUNSCREEN 🌞 Dermatologist @DrDrayzday debunks sunscreen myths. Sunscreen myths versus facts. Sun protection factor explained. #skincare #sunscreen #dermatologist

0:00 5 things you are getting wrong about sunscreen
1:55 #1 tanning and burning while wearing sunscreen
3:50 #2 spf 15 vs spf 30
6:10 #3 not reapplying sunscreen
8:12 #4 spf and UVA protection
10:23 #5 sun protection in the shade
13:12 why sunscreen is not enough

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As an Australian, I grew up with some truly terrifying ads by the Cancer Council about melanoma. Growing up, we lived by the 'Slip, Slop, Slap' mantra: Slip on a long-sleeve shirt, slop on sunscreen, and slap on a hat. It's amazing how much that stuff sticks with you.


I wish sunscreen was a lot more cheaper, so everyone could use it liberally. Like the amount needed is insane, and it's almost comical how they even make sunscreens having less than 50ml of product in it. It literally lasts like less than 10 days, just on your face and neck(if you reapply it properly, that is)


As a black woman it’s crazy how many of us don’t think we need sun protection because of the melanin in our skin! I’m currently working on finding a good daily sunscreen. It’s hard for black people to find a good one that doesn’t leave a white cast. I also want one that’s moisturizing and not too oily. I also need it to play well with makeup. The way your skin looks in this video is what I’m aiming for!! Not too dry/matte, not too oily.


I feel like culture / habit is also a factor. I grew up in an Asian country and when we go to the beach, we go early morning, go back indoors or seek shade before 11am, have lunch, chat, maybe sleep, then go back out again when the sun is down. When I moved to the US, it’s the opposite. I see a lot of Caucasian Americans go out at 10-11am until 3/4pm. They reapply sunscreens, sure, but they are exposed in the sun longer under stronger UV index. We usually just apply sunscreens once or twice, but we try to avoid the sun at its peak.


I feel like most brands don’t offer enough in the bottles or honestly should really indicate the average # of full body applications per bottle. That might help drive the message of how much is needed per application.


It’s wrinkles. Wrinkles are the reason I stopped tanning, not fear of cancer. How vain of me.


Sunscreen needs to be a lot cheaper seeing that it is such an important part of our daily lives. ☀️


I have very fair skin. In my late teens and early twenties I did the whole baby oil thing and even worked at a tanning salon. I stopped sunbathing about age 24. I used skin care products ever since, and thankfully prevented further skin injury. My younger sisters continue to burn and tan, and they actually look older than me. Whenever there is a post like " what would you tell your younger self ?" My answer is always stay out of the sun and finish college. Thanks to you for educating the public. ☺️


Wish I had known this when I was 8-18! Back in the 1950s we just played in the sun all day. Suntans were considered healthy and attractive and as a fair-skinned human I did my best to get one...going from pale to burn many times. Now, after three basal cell operations and countless freezings of pre-cancers, I am a sunscreen and hat addict. Thank you Dr Dray you do important work here and you make it fun!


I just started my skincare journey at 24. My mother has had skin cancer and STILL doesn’t wear sunscreen. I made her go to her derm and ask him about sunscreen and starting retinol! Thank goodness for you and your knowledge. (She had more pre-cancerous cells) never too late to get educated and protect ourselves ! ♥️☀️


Living in Australia sun protection is essential our government always puts ads on tv warning the public about the dangers. We are very well educated on this subject from babies onwards (including sun protection clothing). I remember when I was 30 I went to a dermatologist to check my skin all over for sunspots he said to me in those years to get rid of my moisturisers and just use sunscreen 50+ I am now nearly 70 his advice was the best I ever had ! Thank you Dr. Dray for explaining this subject brilliantly! 🇦🇺


Don't know if this helps anyone, but I just can not tollerate chemical sunscreens and physical sunscreens dry out my skin :( But I have discovered recently Avene SPF 50 lotion for kids and I can finally wear sunscreen daily 😇 It is really lightweight, but still moisturizing and does not cause irritation ✌🏻
Thanks for the video ❤️


I’m so glad you talk about shade and covers. Coming from an Asian country, I’m used to seeing people cover like ninjas, maximize the use of shades and carry big umbrellas in summer. But when I came to the US, interestingly almost nobody uses much cover or shade.


I've been burned a LOT in my life and never thought anything of it... until someone I know got melanoma. Now I'm the sunscreen using UPF clothes wearing "I avoid the sun like it's my job" person among my friends. Don't care that I sometimes look "silly."


I started wearing daily sunscreen this year. I'm currently using about a tablespoon of Black Girl Sunscreen SPF 30 for my face, neck, and ears. My chest and legs are rarely exposed to the sun, as I wear scrubs most of the time. I haven't gone to the point of daily sunscreen on my arms, but I'm aiming to get my car windows tinted with my tax refund. I don't see much sun, usually just on my commute, since I work nights in a hospital. For my drive home, I use SPF 30 powder. I don't love it and I'm looking into a spray instead. I got some lip balm with SPF 30 and I hate the taste, so I'm getting a different type to try out soon. I always wear sunglasses when driving during daylight unless the visibility is poor. I'm pretty proud of myself for these changes!


Growing up, my family all burned and I tanned. They always told me how lucky I was. So I skipped sunscreen up until my mid 20s when I discovered Dr. Dray. Now I wear driving gloves, avoid the sun, wear huge hats. My skin looks younger than it did 2 years ago when I started. Wow. Thanks Dr. Dray!


I’ve been watching your videos for over a year now. I didn’t ever use sunblock as a kid and got bad sun burns. Thanks to you my daughter has only been burned once and my son has never had one. As long as I gave my way my kids will be protected and moisturized there entire life. Thank you.


I lost my grandma a month ago.She had a skin cancer which we learned when it's stage 4.She was the one of my dearest i miss her so much. I hope that people are aware of the importance of taking care of their skin.


We need more sun damage awareness!! People just don't know these things, and if you mention it to them they say "I've never used sunscreen my whole life and I'm doing fine" again, we need more sun damage awareness... i always try to tell my friends but it's hard to get them to actually adopt the habit of spf


Thank you for raising awareness! Here in Europe I feel we've made a big leap concerning the awareness of sun damage. However, I feel like another group of anti-sunscreen users is rising, which concerns me. It's a group that believes sunscreens can do more harm than good because of the toxins in sunscreen. They claim that actually these toxins are a stronger trigger for cancer than sun itself. It would be a good idea to address this scientific false assumption as well when talking about sun protection. Thanks again 🙏
