Android Auto Set up Problems, Troubleshooting and How to Fix

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Having problems with setting up and using your Android Auto? In this video I discuss connecting to your phone, common problems or issues and what you can do to solve them.
#AndroidAuto #troubleshoot #howto


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OMG I just want to say THANK YOU. I went to the Mazda dealership and they could not figure it out. they uninstalled, reinstalled, unpaired my device and repaired it, spent 25$ for a new cable which didn't change anything and at the end of it had 125$ bill for their "attempts". plus the reccomendation to buy a new CPU for over 1000$!! Thank the lord I turned that down and found this video all I had to do was reset the factory settings... only spent 150$ and wishing I had watched this first.


4:19 - Yes to this solution. Only one that worked for me. Not just uninstall/reinstall Android Auto, but also the Google Play Music app. Restart phone after reinstalling both. Then you have to re-link Google Play Music to the music library on your phone.

I just did this with my UConnect on 2018 Charger, and now music road life is back to normal. 🤙


Great video! I promise you I was tearing out my hair trying to troubleshoot my Android auto until I ran into this video. The part where you explain how to allow for Android auto to connect to the phone automatically every single time is what fixed my problem. Thank you so much for this video.


Great video. I think AA is a massive problem for many users as shown by the comments all over the web. I have a 9 month old Kia Sportage 2020 (Australia) and a 6 month old Galaxy S20 Plus. I have had some experts look at this as well as the dealer (several times). I asked the dealer if they would "flash" the software but was told the software is current. Flatly the dealer told me AA will not work on current Sportages and this is reflected in the comments on line on several sites. My problem is I can connect to it but very quickly the car loses connection with the phone. Drops out. Then I get a warning message to reconnect the phone. Tried different phones, different cords, uninstalled, reinstalled, updated. Connected my phone wirelessly. You name it. An iPhone can connect to AA on my car and remain connected. I have had some very savvy guys looking at it. Must say I did not factory reset my car's software because that type of thing worries me and I suspect it will not help or I would do it.
I put up my problem on the Kia website in an AA chat with almost identical comments like this. None at all abusive. Just statements of fact. Within weeks Kia took them down so I wonder how many others get their comments removed. So is it a bigger problem than we think?
My thoughts after spending so much time on it is that it is a software issue. Somehow the software allows my phone to connect, sometimes for 5-10 minutes, but mostly for only 10-90 seconds then it loses connection. I get the warning on the car screen that my car cannot connect to my phone and I must reconnect it using the phone cable. I reconnect, the AA app on the car screen turns from grey to active and I can use AA for a brief period before it drops out again. Always the repeated connection drops out faster. So the phone can connect so I don't believe it is a phone fault.
Just did a long trip. Couldn't do it before due to Covid and I had decided to forget AA and was going to use Google Maps on my phone and use the speaker. AA was not connected but I got a massage that Google could not connect while AA was active. Yet the icon on the car screen was greyed. That was the final straw. I have uninstalled AA from my phone and will deactivate AA on the car tomorrow and see if that allows me to use G Maps. I will use the car manufacturer's maps and if I have to, use Google Maps with voice for destinations that I can't find on the car map. All legal and more updated than the car maps. My phone syncs with the car in terms of contacts etc so I can make calls by voice without needing AA to do it.
I think if you have a problem then follow the video's suggestions. There are numerous other suggestions on other sites if you want to persevere. Basically they all follow a standard procedure of troubleshooting. Obviously a lot of members can get their problems fixed but I suspect a lot can't. I note the replies on this chat strongly advise the reset to factory default option. But first try different cords, different phones, uninstall and update. Check the phone app and the car app settings thoroughly. Some definitely need tweaking. If it persists then dump AA. Don't waste your time like I have done. You don't really need it. It's just nice to have if it works.


For anybody that has been having issues with getting Android auto to play on their infotainment systems, (my specific error message when trying to connect was your device isn't compatible with Android auto) I figured mine out today! I have a Moto 7g Supra and a 2021 K5 car. My system is a 9.0 on my phone. So, on your phone, once you've downloaded Android auto go to settings then go all the way to the bottom to where it says version, and then click on it 10 times and it will ask you are you sure you want to go in system mode or something like that, click yes, which will enable a longer menu and options. Then go scroll up to where it says enable wireless projection. I checked that box and then went to my infotainment system and was able to click Android auto, whereas before it was darkened and unable to do anything when I tried to click it. Then, voila!! It works now! I do have to plug in my phone with the USB plug initially, otherwise my infotainment system just hung on trying to connect. I just used the USB cord that came with my charger. But I did find that once I'm driving I can unplug that cord and the Android auto still works. I have a brain lesion in the base of my brain, so hopefully this makes sense and I explained it correctly. If not just let me know.a.d. I'll try to explain better.👌💜


I have a Samsung s21, no issue with AA on my car screen except it opens automatically to google maps & I prefer waze. I set waze as the default but on AA google maps appears as soon as I plug in the cord. How do I get waze to appear on the car screen with AA? thanks for any help.


Hi, my problem is that the screen of my car has the android icon when I connect the phone, but when I try to access the app on my car screen is unresponsive.


I bought a 2017 Buick Encore 3 days ago and spent hours trying to set up Android Auto. I kept getting an "Error" on my phone. I watched this video and got it working in less than 2 min. Thanks so much for your help!


Hi, the issue I am facing is, that Android auto is showing fine on my phone but it's not coming on my car screen. I have tried multiple phones and USB cords but the issue remains the same. Any other tips to solve this..?


Everybody else's phone connects to the android auto accept mine I have an android note 8 it's updated android 9 software all the other phones we've tried to androids in an iPhone everybody instantly connects except for me thank you and your videos are great


Hint for Android users: Make sure USB debugging is turned on, under developer options. Settings - Developer Options - Debugging.


Omg it drove me nuts not figuring out why my co-workers 2019 Honda Civic EX-L android auto wasn't working, even though I downloaded the app and gave it all permissions allowed. It turns out my coworker was using a really bad quality cheap short cable (12-16 inches long) that she got from a power-bank. Thank you so much for this video!


It pops up on my radio for quick second, then dissappears, or will tell me to check for prompts on my phone when there are none. Works fine on my phone.


Can't say THANK YOU enough. All I had to do was authorize Android Auto and SHEZAM it worked. Great video. No make that AWESOME


I get frequent disconnects from my galaxy s8 and my alpine lxw650 aftermarket radio. tried switching cables, firmware updates, reinstalling android auto ect. Is this head unit just faulty and I should look into a replacement?


Thanks Christopher. This helped fixed my issue. I have a 2020 Jeep Wrangler and a Samsung Note 10. Adroid Auto suddenly stopped working for me. Followed your advice. I went into my infotainment setting > Phone/Bluetooth > Smartphone Projection Manager > Smartphone Device Mirroring. Some how "Smartphone Device Mirroring" was disabled/unchecked. Once i enabled/checked it, it works like normal everytime i hook up the cable to my phone. Thank you!


Thank you for your help, I went to the dealer and we just couldn't get it to work, I took 2 phones, and 3 cables, only 1 cable kind of worked, but then would cut off. ( I bought all my cables from Best Buy) The dealer decided to use her cable from Germany and BAM it worked, on both phones so in the end she gave me an extra cable to use and no issues any more (the cables were more sturdy and thicker) so even if you get your cables from Best Buy they may not be the best, however, it did work on my rented car. Thank you again you are the best ! !


Talks and looks like the son of the guy from Braking Bad.
Good vid. Thanks!


My AA works great other than Pandora. Streaming is glitchy and skips a lot. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the updates since it will not let me uninstall the app entirely, went into the setting on my car and returned everything back to factory even though I just purchased it, went in and took off the media sharing permission in the bluetooth settings on my phone like the AA community website recommended, all of that for nothing. I have a 2020 Versa SV and am using my Samsung S9+, people on the AA website are saying it is something to do with AA itself and its partners? Something to do with the software from the manufacture of the vehicle and AA that are not jiving? anything else I am forgetting that you can think of? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ur awesome christopher... I couldnt connect to android update after the update this summer and tried resetting my car display system, switched USB cords, reinstalled AA. Pretty much gave up hope till I saw on ur video that phones can be enabled/disabled on the cars system. For some reason my phone was disabled and I reenabled it and it works!!👍👍👍
