So what should we do to retake vasto rage again after removing vvmtours
So what should we do to retake vasto rage again after removing
Oh you did this for horn of salvation? Dev said you can't obtain horn of salvation if you still have Vasto Rage YharimSosuke
Oh you did this for horn of salvation? Dev said you can't obtain horn of salvation if you still have Vasto Rage
When they realize the update came with a slot code lizc
When they realize the update came with a slot code
wait if you reset vastorage can you keep vizard? MaxDeLeon-mexv
wait if you reset vastorage can you keep vizard?
Can you use lock on with controller and pc? teamnf
Can you use lock on with controller and pc?
me with no vasto rage cause im too lazy to get it: trung
me with no vasto rage cause im too lazy to get it:
me too so long this bette be worth it and drippy adamchemba
me too so long this bette be worth it and drippy