RAW vs JPEG...Which Image Quality Setting is Best?

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After the wonderful response from last week's video, I thought I would answer another popular question for you guys..."Which image quality setting should I use? RAW or JPG?"

To put it simply, JPG's are processed in-camera so that you can easily share and print the images without doing anything else. Think of it like an OREO cookie that is ready to eat. The camera mixes a certain amount of saturation, contrast, sharpness and color temp, then bakes the image for you.

RAW's on the other hand are unedited originals that need to be processed before they can be shared or printed. Think of it like a bunch of ingredients. You're in charge of mixing the ingredients (saturation, contrast, sharpness, color temp, etc.), which gives you more control over the final output. Additionally, RAW files contain much more image data, which allows you to correct mistakes, like toning down an overexposed (bright) photo and retaining detail in those areas.

Watch the video for a side-by-side comparison between RAW and JPG, along with my thoughts on which one you should use.

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Until next time...Happy Shooting!
Рекомендации по теме

Bro.. Youre the first person ive heard explain the raw and jpeg setting.. Major key!! Thank you!!


Thanks truly appreciate your simple to follow information. It helps the little guy amateur like me understand what can be confusing camera and photography learning process.


This is a great video to explain what RAW images are. It seemed complicated but I feel confident I could shoot in RAW now. Thanks!


holy cow I'm new to dslr cameras and I got a D3200 your channel is opening up a new world for me! thank you!!


Another great video, thank you! Can you give us advice on editing? Like what program you recommend using and some basics on how to edit images? That would be great! Thanks in advance! :)


Thanks, I like your style and just enough information to tempt you for more.


What are your thoughts on RAW + Jpeg, I do not have a good image processing program on my Chromebook 15, #CB5-571, and I have never shot RAW in my Photographic life.


I do shoot in Raw but when I want to upload a Facebook zoo wildlife album, the Raw files cannot be transferred to Facebook since they are too large. I think I'm better off turning the contrast to minus 1 or 2 when it is very sunny out, and plus 1 or 2 when it's cloudy. Sharpness at plus 1 or 2 and saturation at 2.


Can you do a review on the adobe lightroom or maybe some tutorials? That would be so helpful! P.s. i love your videos and blog!


Is it recommended to use the "P" mode with auto ISO when shooting in RAW.
I like your well explained and relaxed video, easy to follow you, even if I personally need to watch more than one time to completely grasp the info you are providing.


Great channel! I'm learning a lot from you since I discovered it a few days ago.

When it comes to RAW vs JPEG it's also worth to mention that many cameras embed JPEG in RAW, so you don't actually have to switch your DSLR to RAW+JPEG mode. You can do only RAWs and then extract JPEGs. When it comes to my Nikon D5300 such a JPEG has about 1-2, 5 MB in size and is good enough for most people to view on a computer screen. This way you can save a lot of space on your SD card and increase the number of photos you can make in a period of time. On Linux you can use exiftool to do that extraction and as far as I know there are tools for Windows too.

By the way - could you comment on other free alternatives for Lightroom?


Thank you so much for explaining this! Honestly I used to always go with JPEG. When I started using Lightroom I was never happy with my photos but now I know why!


Thanks!!! I'm really enjoying your videos. Your son is cute in this one!!! I can't believe he didn't mow down the Oreo cookie while you were talking :-D


Thank you once again for an awesome tutorial.


Love your videos. Please keep them coming :)


Thank you cause I was wondering about this subject myself..


literally You gives a useful information about photography..I really like to watch Your videos and Learn alot of new things..
Recently, i was took some photos and that was in Raw format
.and was getting confused..which was better for me..so after watching this video..
my doubt was all clear..
Thank You..so much..


Hi thank you for your video! I've just switched over to raw myself but once I downloaded my photos onto my laptop I noticed that when I zoomed into my jpeg photos compared with the raw the jpegs were much clearer. Can you explain this to me? because I thought the raw would be clearer when zoomed in??. Thanks ☺


Thanks for explaining the option of raw, I guess I will be using "jpeg+raw" mode from now on for safety reasons. You don't mention it here, but I would assume it takes up allot more space on the memory card saving 2 photo's rather than just 1 for each shot taken.


I am curious what is the difference between taking them in raw or doing the photo in jpeg and in pse opening the files in raw
