Quantum Physics And The Origin Of The Universe

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Dealing with the subject of quantum vacuum and nothingness.
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Turek is very adept at making things that are obviously challenging sound logical and cohesive ....its a learned talent that very few apologist actually master.


There is a book called "God is not dead" by Amit Goswami, a physicist in the quantum world. He shows downward causation in creation meaning that the universe was brought into being by design and intelligence. He presents a variety of quantum evidence for a created universe as opposed to one that just happened and grew or evolved out of nothing into something.


Person: why sky blue?!


When I found out that subatomic particles behave unpredictability, it blew my mind. It has been said that atoms would be harder to study if they had minds of their own like people do, but quantum physics has shown that at the very lowest of levels, there is a certain unpredictability--almost like a Mind was controlling things down there, and instead of us being in a purely deterministic universe. Since after all, the actions of people are inherently unpredictable


Inspiring Philosophy has great videos on this specific topic in his playlist called "The Quantum God" :-)


Those that ask for proof realise that seeing is not always believing right? Many people have seen different things and still not accept it.


We have numerous Christian Nobel prize winning physicists. Ask them


Huge. Ppl at my job won't stop talking about this. Thank you for answering this


The law of causality in a timeless environment.
A short essay by Dean Heller.

The law of causality requires that the cause must predate the affect. But in an environment in which there is no time. There can be no before or after. Nothing predates anything else. Therefore the law of causality in this environment would no longer apply. And so, what may exist in this environment has no cause. If anything were in this environment where the law of causality does not apply, then even it itself would have no cause. It would be non-caused, continuous. No beginning, no end. This would apply to anything and all things in this environment, including a consciousness.

If the Big Bang cosmology or any cosmology that proposes the universe including time had a beginning. Then an environment (or situation, circumstance) before that time started (if it could be stated that way) would be just as I have described: A domain where the laws of causality would not be present.

So if the Big Bang cosmology is correct then this environment with no time would have existed/exists.

In a timeless realm there could be no unguided mindless cause for the universe. Because nothing mindless ever changes in a realm with no time, the eternal, never changing condition in this realm would either continue to make our universe in an ongoing never ending process or it would never make it at all. Remember the conditions there never changes; it cannot start or stop doing anything. That would include the making of our universe. (AKA The Big Bang).

Matter, even if it were to exist in this timeless realm would never do anything because matter requires time to do everything. The only thing in a timeless realm that can even possibly change would be something not bound by space and time: a conscious mind with a will of its own. Not a brain consisting of matter that would be just as subject to the timelessness as all matter there would be, but just consciousness itself. A conscious mind not bound by the external timeless environment. A non-conscious mindless entity in a realm with no time would have no ability to change anything.

A conscious mind can make its own independent changes independent of the conditions of its environment. It is not reliant upon outside forces for those changes. Just like all minds.

If a conscious mind did indeed exist in this timeless place. It would be timeless and have no beginning or ending. It would be by definition "God", and would need no maker or cause.

The Kalam cosmological argument

Everything that begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore the universe has a cause. Why couldn't natural forces have produced the universe? Because there was no nature and there were no natural forces ontologically prior to the Big Bang—nature itself was created at the Big Bang. That means the cause of the universe must be something beyond nature—something we would call supernatural. It also means that the supernatural cause of the universe must at least be:

• spaceless because it created space
• timeless because it created time
• immaterial because it created matter
• powerful because it created out of nothing
• intelligent because the creation event and the universe was precisely designed
• personal because it made a choice to convert a state of nothing into something (impersonal forces in a timeless realm cannot make choices or make anything happen at all).


It probably is true particles can come into existence within quantum vacuum fluctuations. However, that's all based on the highly engineered orderly design of quantum vaccum itself. Quantum vacuum is essentially the same as a pixel on a screen that's in the off state. A pixel is part of a much more complex and engineered screen taking its input from a complex and engineered computer programmed with some purpose behind it. You could make a program that turns pixels on and off under certain conditions but that doesn't even begin to suggest the whole computer, the program and the screen could ever come from nothing. It's a complete non sequitur argument Krauss is making. Krauss is also a repeat sexual harasser and friend of recently murdered pedophile merchant: Jeff Epstein.
Niel Tyson is also an adulterous sexual harasser.


I think it's awesome at how many athiests troll Frank's site because whether they know it or not God can use their hatred or anger at him, disguised in unbelief to open up their eyes to him.


she is a PhD candidate, good question


Thank you so much for this explanation!!! I've been trying to understand the basics of quantum mechanics to respond to an atheist relative of mine. This video was much needed.


By faith we understand that the world has been created by the word of
God so that what is seen has not been made out of things that are
visible. Hebrews 11:3.
I think that scripture had an understanding of quantum mechanics before we did.
That's all.


Humans are made of matter. God wanted concious matter. So he had to prepare the universe for conciousness in matter to survive. It's easy to understand once you submit to the will of Jesus Christ. Once your heart matches with your words about seeking Jesus, he will appear. God bless.


hi all - I'm a Christian and a quantum physicist. I have a slight disagreement with Frank's explanation of Heisenberg uncertainty in the sense that quantum physics has somewhat moved on. It's not just that when you measure something you disturb it. That's how we used to think. It's more that the uncertainty is baked right into the objects themselves - in other words not only can you not simultaneously measure position and velocity but that the velocity doesn't even exist (if the position does). This has been shown to be true experimentally which shows that at best the universe operates non-locally and at worse, we have to abandon the whole notion that the universe is "locally real". My personal take on physics is actually God deliberately baked in some wiggle room into physics (similar to Feynman's path integrals) in order that the whole universe wouldn't be so deterministic (at least to us humans!). So whilst God is omniscient, physics isn't - i.e. there is no grand theory of everything that means that us humans end up by default being omniscient. If physics is able to predict everything then it becomes our god and as such God deliberately baked uncertainty into physics. I'd love to discuss with Frank how quantum entanglement, quantum complexity and quantum error correction doesn't imply that we're in a simulation - which is the latest theory that many physicists give to avoid dealing with an ultimate omnipotent creator! (BTW youtube keeps calling me by my wife's name - my name is matt not rachel!).


I've read so many books on quantum physics but this dude explained it even better


Sometimes it could be the most difficult to do: turn from what you were taught growing up.


When you observe (measure) something at a quantum level, the act of measurement itself could affect the results. Is it the correct understanding?


Quantum mechanics is actually kinda referenced in the Bible.
Jesus said that if you have faith, you can tell the mountain to jump into the see and it will do it.
That sounds a lot like superposition and observation.
Basically with faith we just observe the outcome we want. And the superposition collapses to that.
