Running Linux in Windows: Learn Linux in a Virtual Machine

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Setting up a Linux virtual machine in Windows. Video mainly details how to do this using Oracle’s VirtualBox, but also discusses VMware Workstation Pro, and includes a demo installation of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

If you like this video, you may also find useful these other ExplainingComputers episodes:

Running Windows in Linux: VirtualBox Cofiguration:

Windows & Linux: Dual Drive Dual Boot:

Linux Mint 22 (includes installation):

Ubuntu 24.04 (includes installation):

Zorin OS 17 (includes installation):


Microsoft C++ redistributable package (for if this package is missing):

After installing Python, you also need to open the Windows command prompt and run the command: py -m pip install pywin32


More videos on computing and related topics can be found at:

00:00 Titles & Intro
00:42 Hardware Setup
03:48 VirtualBox
08:24 Creating a Virtual Machine
13:56 Tips & Tricks (for VirtualBox)
17:50 VMware
19:32 WSL
22:14 Wrap

#Linux #Hypervisor #VirtualMachine #VirtualBox #VMware #WSL #ExplainingComputers
Рекомендации по теме

"Wild excitement" The first time I have ever heard a Linux install described that way.


As a Windows user for approximately 20 years and a Linux user for about 10 years, this is the best way to learn how to use Linux.


I started running Linux in a Virtual Box VM. I now run Linux directly and keep a Windows VM for those rare occasions I just need to use Windows. I also wanted to say I appreciate the VMWare segment. Well stated observations without a lot of the negativity some feel towards VMWare. Some of the Windows 11 details that have Win10 user's looking for alternatives are also requirements for VMware so it is valuable for people to understand the requirements.


I remember around 10 years ago I discovered VirtualBox for the first time and I was blown away. I never could have thought you could do something like running another virtual computer inside your computer. I remember I installed Windows XP in a VM and used it for the first time in many years and was super excited. Back then I don't think virtualization technology was that popular on CPUs and I didn't have very good hardware, so the VMs ran super slowly, but it was still a sight to behold for a younger me.


I’ve installed Mint etc many times, I use VirtualBox, VMWare ESX, etc but as usual watching an EC vid still taught me something. I recommend you to everyone where the chance arises. Cheers Chris.


Love the new addition of the sound effects for typing, plugging things in and the little tea break. Little things that really add to the video! Much appreciated, Chris!


As always a wonderful production.. I really liked that you showed the stumbling blocks for initial install of virtual box…. You produce nicely produced videos narrated at a comfortable pace…. Thank you for your great work!


This was my gateway drug into the Linux daily driver!


thank you! I'm pretty experienced Linux user and administrator but I've shared your video between my friends are trying to define the best way to try Linux; it's really useful in all cases for newbies


Exactly how I migrated to Linux through a VM. I loved that I could try many different distros to see which one I liked before making the switch. Once again a no-nonsense demonstration Chris, concise and to the point with 0% fluff.


Hello Chris... Prior to you releasing this video I install VirtualBox and Linux mint last week. You must have been reading my mind, because now I can go back and do it right lol. About the only deviation from my first install last week was I did not install the PHP file but let it run through unattended. I'm having difficulty setting up my Epson printer even though drivers are indicated as installed. And now "that's it" because I will return to this video over and over and over again until I geter done. Thanks again for all you do for us.


Great. What I particularly like about your vids is that they send my head in a whirl exploring the possibilities with my own devices. Thanks.


Thank you, sir! What a film maker! I loved the candy bar shot. But that wasn't my favorite. Long ago, I thought that it was less helpful to see something done perfectly. Rather, I think it is better to show the possible pitfalls of an endeavor! So today, watching your video, I finally captured that thought. 'Let mine be riddled with mistake, so that yours may be perfect.' Thank you, sir. You are a fine teacher.


I love WSL. It's so easy to set up. It's what got me into linux in the first place.


I've taken this to heart and am testing for my eventual switch over to Linux by new year. Thank you, you've made this so much easier than I'd thought.


I have been using Virtualbox for years now and just found out about the ability to transfer files between VM and windows! Thanks for the video!


I know how to do this but still watched the video so YouTube recommend this to more people.


This channel Peter is simply amazing with the educational value. Just learn so much each exciting week from EC. Never a dull moment. Many thanks for all the time you take to make these videos.


One nice thing is being able to set up a single application to run immediately after launching the VM.
I did that with a bit of network monitoring software that was most convenient for me to run in a (Fedora) Linux machine .


Well done Chris, another excellent video 👍. I've used VirtualBox many times on Linux to run other Linux distros and Windows but I'm off now to try out some of the settings you mentioned in the video. Thanks for all your excellent content!
