How Hard Would it be for THEM to Come for YOUR GUNS?

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Following up on a previous video, there is a lot to unpack with this subject...
David from Coffee Talk: PO Box 1692 Lithonia, GA 30058
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Unless you are in a neighborhood group that has early warning, you better just have your stuff hidden.


During the clinton years, rumor was our gooberment would hire the Hong Kong police to take care of confiscation. Back then, I believe there were more loyal individuals. Plus, getting a trusted closed group together was much easier.
You're spot on with the ability of "them" coming for us. Most would cooperate, including myself. I'd have to see the train cars being loaded and the fumes from the incinerator before I'd throw down in a lose/lose situation. They just hired and armed 87, 000, along with many others. As civilians, even our ability to read a road map has deteriorated. I'll admit, I'm as guilty as any about typing in an address on the GPS and going. When I was younger, we relied on maps and every 7/11 sold Mapsco's. I still have a few. lol Big ones, like Dallas/Ft Worth and Atlanta. Those went the way of the 8-track.
So they shut down communications for us. They've already done all the research and know what purchases we've made in the past 25 years. They can take us out, clear our homes of everything, move a Central American family of 12 in. They now have laborers to replace us, much cheaper, who will also do shit we won't do because of safety concerns. And all our financial assets, retirement, social security etc... are free to the victor.
Even our worst schools and most towns are better than the World the illegals have fled. They're just happy to be "American". They won't get too much attentions when the little girls start going missing, because the media is bought. And they are free to re-start a new "epstein island".


The Western governments all seem to be singing from the same sheet. Bizarre that there never seems to be any repercussions for their sneering contempt of the public.


They will just shut your bank account off until you turn them in.


The "over reach" never stops once you let them get their foot in the door. You have to get active now and get as many others active as you can. Of course you aren't going to face down the ATF, that would be stupid but you can look into "other arrangements" now while this is still a comparatively easy option.


It’s always odd to me hearing about guns being taken during Katrina. I was in the 82nd Airborne at the time and we were boots on the ground within 48 hours of touchdown. Anecdotally for me and my unit, we never took anyone’s firearms, nor heard of this happening. I was there for 28 days and all we did was evacuate people, and search for survivors. My knee jerk reaction whenever I hear about it is to call bullshit, but then I remind myself that we weren’t the only ones there. So I guess it’s possible, just not what we did.


Give them the ones that they know about and keep the ones that have no paperwork hidden


I thought this was very perceptive from both of you. Thank you.


Always a good idea to have components handy to build things you may need. I know guys that literally cut out drywall and put a weapon in there and seal it up. I’m not that paranoid yet .


This is the first notification I’ve got in 2 months. I was inscribed from you. Thought you where gone.. and yes your right on the target


Like the British took guns from the Irish during the troubles. We have many more guns than the Irish ever dreamed of. If they ever kick over that rock Federally, it would revolt. The first confiscations would go ok but once word got out, it would be a nightmare for them. There’s also 17 million veterans in the US. Even if only 1 in 100 stood up, that’s 170, 000, which is as much as Active duty Marine Corps.


I’m a former felon who had his rights restored via governors pardon. I see many of the comments on these videos and can EASILY see that these are the same types of people who would QUICKLY give up their weapons once the law is at their door. The only people I’ve seen who are willing to stand against the government have been those who aren’t “law abiding.” The rest will immediately give up their guns and rationalize why it’s noble to do so. The gun community (and even the prepper community) is NOT as tight knit or resistant as they think they are. Too many people have romanticized the resistance.


You have to get organized if you really want to resist


The deterrent is the number bodies that would be stacked. There are a lot of people with nothing to lose once we get to this point. A lot of older veterans where Life In Prison doesn't mean much at their age. The real question is how many officers are they willing to bury before they give up. Coward officers who do this know they will be facing an armed person behind every door they kick down... ~120, 000, 000 gun owners with ~450, 000, 000 guns (this doesnt include 3D, ghost, illegal, etc.). Total police including feds is somewhere in the neighborhood of 600, 000...


If their at your door you have already lost.


This is an interesting video and he makes many interesting points. I am new to this channel and this is one video I will watch several times. I do believe he is right about people snitching on each other when the least amount of pressure is put on them. I've already seen how people in America treat each other in relatively peaceful conditions and many will absolutely shatter when conditions worsen. It will be the most disciplined citizens that might have a chance if they work together.


Swamp Fox episode---brother against brother. It is coming!!!


If you didn’t grow up with them, they Dont need to be in your group! Good point, Negan!


You're exactly right about how people are. If the enemy is at your front door then the fight is over. Once most people get a whiff of tear gas they are going to piss their pants. If they come for your guns it's going to be in the night. They will isolate a neighborhood. Cut the power, soften them up with with warnings and scare tactics before entering an area. No one in your neighborhood has any loyalty to anyone else They have no discipline, no chain of command, or strategy. Expect chaos on the civilian side. Soldiers have training, discipline, a chain of command and unlimited resources. That's not to say there's nothing you can do. I'm just telling you what you're facing. 

Think about this....The Apache had no radios. The us military never won a battle against them without help from other Apaches. Always have a plan or you're going to be part of someone else's plan. Hopefully if anyone comes to your house it will be Chinese dressed in UN uniforms with blue helmets. If rule of law is intact you'll have a different strategy than if there were no law. if you want a simple but effective way to communicate think about a whistle and creating a sequence of long and short blasts that represents some type of action for others to follow. Expect radio and cellular communications to be jammed. 

Prepare to engage the enemy long before they get to your home. If you want to know where you're going to be attacked from. Walk a few hundred yards away from your home and think like a thief or enemy. Where would you aproceh from? Where's the greatest amount of cover? Where are areas of possible concealment? What area offers the lease resistance to attack?

Consider natural alarms if you're in the country. Guinea hens will set off an alarm if there is anything on your property that does not conform to their known environment. 

Sorry to break this news to you. The best you will probably be able to do is take some of the enemy to hell with you. At some point you're going to have to run and you will most likely be captured and killed. Always have a way out. that could be a path, or a tunnel to wait them out until they have moved from the area. If you have time to prepare you can set traps, and or ambush sites.

Hopefully everyone can play nice for the next 50 years and most of us can live and die in peace. The greatest weapon isn't going to be your rifle it's going to be your brain. Know when to fight and know when not to. that's all I have to say.


I wont go easy, and I wont go alone. How far are you willing to go to prove a point? In the beginning some will be martyred before citizens rise. I would hate to be on the enforcers side for sure, life expectancies for that profession will decrease with every knock. Good luck, long live the republic!
