How hard would it be to live in a bunker when S.H.T.F. happens?

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Anyone who has spent time in a holding cell will tell you, if you aren't exceptionally mentally tough, and don't have a way to occupy your mind.... you're going to be a bit looney after even a day or two.


I read about a man who built a brick building in his mind brick by brick. He was a prisoner of war. I am my mother's caregiver & she is slowly losing her mind. She has always been a little off my whole life. So l learned tobuild my dream homestead in my head. Farmhouse, & all the outbuildings piece by piece. I build up my fenced in garden & tend my plants. I take care of my animals. All this in my mind. That way when my mom talks crazy crap, I do not pull my hair out. I can listen to her, but keep my sanity. I just keep adding & repairing my self sufficient mind life style. So not going crazy in a bunker by keeping my mind active would not be a problem. Trying to filter out a bunch of other people going nuts would be.😏


Needing some prayers
Going for a stint


Underground not happening for me. Radiation is game over. Wasting money with bunkers. Just set up your home and do your best.


Unless I had the money to build an underground multi room compound with a room with sunlamps and plants. I’d go out of my mind.


I could never go underground, by Gods grace and mercy I am going up :o)


I'm ground zero for a Yellowstone event....pray for the best...It's not keeping me from putting my homestead together...will put it all on video when I start...God bless all my prepper patriot friends....


I would want at least a 12x30 space for 2 people, or 2 connected 12x15 spaces. The waste, needs to be composted to feed the plants you grow. But I would suggest anyone planning on a bunker should practice living in it starting with weekends, on up to a full summer at least. Mainly to work out the kinks.


The waste issue is really the big question...disease would be out of control


No bunker for me. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. I'll die before it ever gets that bad.


Good luck to anyone who chooses bunker and then re-emerges. The aftermath would be so brutal that most will wish they had died. I’m sure some have an unbelievable will to survive.. not me.. I’d rather go with the bombs. Might even be worth driving directly to the anticipated epicenter. I’ll meet y’all on the streets of Valhalla.


Been thinking about taking some of my accumulated cardboard (thanks Amazon) and cutting it to go on all of my windows, marking each one as to where it goes, and keeping the pieces in the rooms. Then thinking of covering the windows with plastic.
Also thinking about doing the same thing for the basement windows. I don't spend much time down there because of my mobility issues, but it is as large as the house. I could try to get down there more often and see what I can do with it.
Take care everyone.


When superstorm sandy hit, we were without power for 7 days. My mother in law and brother in law stayed with us. We lived in a ranch house with a full basement. I went stir crazy after 48 hours. Oh and that doesn’t even include how much we worked on each other’s nerves. You made some great points in this video. Thanks for sharing


Everything you post has been so legit and helpful. Hopefully i can be prepared when something happens I got my wife 2 kids and my dog to take care of.


So today i asked one of the kids i watch what you learn in school today..( i homeschool but ask what they are and arent learning lol) any way she goes to a private school and is in 4th grade. She said we have been watching films about people living underground bc its cold..i was like what???? She said yeah theres places in the world people live underground and there's schools, stores, parks..i was like your show great info


Looking good my friend! I thought underground would have been the best but I also thought it through like you did and came out with preparation for above ground situation.


here is a thought ed you have gas masks there with that thick beard you have that gas mask would do you no good it wouldn't fit flush to you face you might want to think about trimming that down


Yes. Time length would be crucial. 2 weeks sheltering in a 12x12 underground bunker ( radiation levels decrease exponentially over time.) Consider sleep sedatives, reading, art projects, monitoring radio transmissions and mapping reports, other Low-energy low stress activities. As days tick by it will become somewhat safe to venture out for a brief excursion. BUT radiation levels must be monitored, length of time allowed outside calculated, and de-contamination upon reentry into the shelter be thorough and enforced. The go to / how-to Book is “ Nuclear War Survival Skills” by expert Creeson Kearny. OBTW, my father was a career US Army officer that participated in Atom Tests in Nevada in the ‘50s. Fact: he was closer to an Atom Bomb explosion than any American ever. He sheltered in an open air pit, not far at all from Ground Zero. He suffered no ill effects then, and never contracted any cancer or side-effects in his life. Fact. Nuclear War is survivable. WW3 is inevitable. Prepare accordingly.


you keep me thinking- a lot to think about just will do the best I can and trust God with the rest 0:)


I think people underestimate how hard it would actually be. The air quality would be different vents or not. Also not seeing the sunlight would get to you along with not being able to get away or stretch your legs. By the time you got supplies and yourself in a 12 by 12 it would be more like a 4 by 4. You have to mentaly be in a sound place if you plan on making it.
