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The Clean My Space Nation is always full of great cleaning tips, cleaning hacks and time-saving ideas, so to wrap up 2018, we decided to do a deep dive of the comments and come up with some great cleaning motivation to share!

In this video, Melissa Maker reads out some genius cleaning tips and decluttering tips to keep you motivated through to 2019!

🎄🕯 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 🕯🎄 to each and every one of you in the Clean My Space Nation - now over 1,000,000 strong - thank you for all of your awesome support!




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🎄Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to each and every one of you in the Clean My Space Nation! 🕯


"Don't put it down..put it away!" The mantra Im always using with my husband and kids. It's an everyday struggle!!


Being disabled due to a back injury, I have learned I can't be the "Super-Mom" that I used to be and deep scrub my house, so I set my timer to 15 minutes and go! I have followed The Fly-Lady for years, ever since my kids were little, and she has helped me to keep on a schedule of weekly zones. While I can't do the deep cleaning tasks like I once used to, I still keep to my zones and do what I can, 15 min at a time! I then rest in between and get back to the daily tasks when I'm able to! This has made such a difference in my life, and even though I can't do it all, I do what I can and delegate the deep cleaning to my two grown kids still living at home! Thank you for sharing all of the tips! I'm definitely going to start cleaning my shower while I'm in there (at least do what I'm able to), as NO ONE in the house loves to clean the shower! Ha! :-D


Hi Melissa, I wanted you to know how you present and the content of your videos are outstanding. I am 69 and have been married to the same guy for 50 years. We both worked over 45 yrs. and now we are retired. I still find your positive and useful fun tricks about how to clean and organize better wonderful. Keep up the great work. ( you can share this if you want))


Melissa, you are the Alton Brown of cleaning! I love that you explain the science behind cleaning!


One year ago we made a major change in our organisation: we took the dresser from every bedroom and put it together in the office. As well as the drying rack (we don't use dryer in Europe). It was a game changer! With no clothes in it, the kids bedroom are not messy anymore and we don't have laundry accumulating since it is so easy to sort of after laundry, with the dresser all in the same room. It's like a family walk in closet.


Melissa I keep my natural cleaning products (made from your recipes) in both bathrooms and the kitchen along with Makers microfiber clothes. If I don’t actually have to go to another room to get the tools, I am more likely to clean more often. Also I use the concept of “see something; clean something”. I will see something smudged, dirty, etc and I try to, if time permits, clean it right then instead of waiting. For instance I have lots of mirrors because I love how they add light to rooms, but they get dusty and dirty so I try to clean them, when I notice and not save it for a big cleaning. It works for me and helps me do a little every day, instead of in one day.


Sometimes you got to play games with yourself. If I clean up the kitchen after dinner (do the dishes, wipe the counter, clean the stovetop, sweep the floor) then and only then I can have my dessert. And I really like dessert :)


When it's really messy I take a "before" picture. Then I tidy the place and take an "after" picture. I send the two pictures to someone who will care and I feel like my work at home is valued.


I really appreciate the tip about writing things down, and being able to skip around the list. It is very difficult for me to stay on task, and I am always overwhelmed.


Hi Melissa, how are you? I’m Varsha, fan of your cleaning videos!
I am a clean person clean home kind of person, but at times feel bored to do cleaning. Then guess what I do?
I watch ur videos randomly and take inspiration to clean my space. It helps a lot. My husband says the only two things I watch seriously on internet is game of thrones and second is cleaning videos 🤣🤣

Finally I want to tell you an old Indian trick of cleaning which I use to clean dirty pots and pressure cookers. That is tamarind paste which is readily available at Asian grocery stores. Just a drop one or two along with dish soap. Works like magic, in also removing food stain from stainless steel pots.
Try it and share if you like the idea.
Stay blessed you dear
Dr. Varsha


Happy New Years or all. Yes watching your videos have helped me to get into the mood to get organized and healthy. I’m on this very long and hard journey of becoming healthier every day and I’ve been on it for 200 days so far. I’ve lost over 70 pounds and I’m happier and I can move easier and I can get up on a chair or ladder to reach high places I haven’t been able to reach on my own for years because of my obesity. I learned that to be healthy you need to not only eat healthy and exercise but you need to make your home a healthy happy place to live . So yes you have helped me get some cleaning done and I thank you.


My favorite tip: Put some get well cards on your mantle. If someone comes over and the house is a mess, they'll figure you've been too sick to clean. 😁


Use a clutter bin when picking up the house instead of walking back and forth room to room to put things away. I just put everything in the clutter bin. Once everything is picked up I take the bin to each room and put things away.


You just saved me from a super boring girl who rambled on and on and never got to her point! I love your videos because you always get to the freaking point!!!


My favorite tip when cleaning the kitchen is to start by clearing off all the counters and putting all dishes in the sink. Then I clean all the counters and stovetop. Now the kitchen is 90% clean and I feel much happier to do the dishes! It's a mental game and works for me. If I need to, I can finish by vacuuming the floor and mopping it.


A tip I learnt last Christmas. If you've got a lot of people coming round, make sure you clean out your cutlery drawer. You wont be embarrassed when your guests open the drawer to look for utensils. Same goes for the refrigerator.


To stay motivated cleaning I tackle the chores I least like first. That way I am proud of myself and can do the tasks I don't mind doing such as folding laundry or doing dishes. Also a great playlist ALWAYS helps


I’m autistic with ADHD and I’ve been using your channel for tips like crazy. I also use an app called Habitica to do something similar to what the person in your video does—instead of using a notebook, I use Habitica and when I check my tasks off, it gives me rewards to use in the game. It’s helped me make a TON more progress at work and at home.


I am cleaning my kitchen and watching youtube videos of Clean My Space :D. What a good motivator!
